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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Would, Not Will

Chapter 41: Would, Not Will


Knox POV 

How did Mike take the news?My father asked Kane and I. We had been roped into helping them check the security details for tonight; given that this ball wast being thrown for Lilly and Sebastian, we had many visiting Alphas who wanted to pay their respects to the future of the last remaining Lycan line

I haven’t told him.My brother replied as he moved one of the CCTV cameras slightly while I checked its angle on the laptop

What?My father snapped furiously. I lifted my eyes from the screen to watch. my father approach Kane. I hadn’t been present when Kane had told our father we had taken Lottie as a mate, but I knew he was angry with us. Especially after he had already refused to end Lottie’s betrothal to Mike, her father had terms that he would be discussing with us later tonight, but my father had stressed that we were to tell 


You told me I had to tell him; you didn’t say how or when!Kane snorted as he eyed me over my father’s shoulder; checking the screen once more, I nodded that all was good on my end. My brother clicked the camera in place before focusing on my father entirely

So I will tell him tonight when I tell everyone else.My stubborn brother announced. I narrowed my eyes on the pair of them, hoping things wouldn’t explode because I loved my father. Not just because he was my Alpha but because he had always been a good father! Not just to us but to Lilly. He hadn’t seen her as a weaker pack member like most fathers did their daughters. He adored every one of his children, including our mate

Father!I warned him from my seat. However, if push came to shove when it came to my family or Lottie and Kane, I would pick my mates! Some may think it was a foolish move: that with Kane gone, I would have Lottie all to myself, but the truth was she loved him, and I wanted her to be happy. Plus, I was cool with the whole. threeway shit



Chapter 41: Would, Not Will

hand through his hair in frustration

Why does he?I asked, sitting back in the chair to eye my father curiously

I questioned angrily

Because he was so good to Lotties 

Because he loves her too!He barked. His words pulled a snort from my lips. and a deadly growl from Kane that had even my father tensing nervously

He loves the power she would have given him! That is all!” 

What power does she bring? She is Antony’s daughter; Mike will have no additional standing in the pack.My father yelled. I watched Kane tense and frown, knowing if my father didn’t mind his words, my brother would end up saying something he may regret

Would.. he WOULD have had no additional power.. Not will! Because Charlotte… 

is MINE!” 

Ours!I pouted, trying to defuse the pure, unchecked rage that was bouncing around the room, seeing the glare I got from Kane, I had failed in that attempt

I just meant, could you be wrong in your assumptions.” 

No!I shrugged before Kane could answer, Tell me, father..I started to say, forcing my father to focus on me so Kane could calm himself

If Mike HAD mated Lottie, despite the fact she was not his fated or his second chance mate.. and got her pregnant.. would their theoretical child have Beta blood. running through their veins..” 

Well, yes, of course.He sighed, not following

And tell me, what ranking in our pack does Mike and his family have?” 

BEFORE you promoted him to official ass licker?Kane added, crossing his 

arms over his enormous chest




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Chapter 41 Would Not Wi 

Well, they were omegasHe was always a decent warrior, but yes, the family were born as omegas..” 

Sohe had something to gain from Lottie..Kane declared triumphantly

I don’t think he would have been that cunning; he is a nice guy.. he is good at..” 

Ass licking, yeah, we know!I snorted, dismissing my father and his sentence. I think the doorway could be, so with another camera pointing towards where the staff will enter to serve drinks and food from.I announced, nodding to Kane, who was already grabbing a camera and walking to the doorway

This conversation isn’t over.My father grumbled after Kane. Who shrugged 

and started to install the camera

By all means, continue it, Father, but I am done discussing that prick! He will find out tonight, with everyone else, for no other reason than I want to see the look. on his face when I present Charlotte to the pack as their future Luna. I want him to know she is untouchable.. that he will never again get his hands on what is mine

and if he triesI will kill him!” 

I might kill him anyway.I snorted while checking the camera’s angle. A little to the left, Kane.I added cheerfully, like that I hadn’t just threatened murder

Were awvILL MY 

What happened to you both while you father muttered, observing us. “That talking about slaughtering one of your own became so easy and everyday conversation!My father sighed, sitting in the chair, his b*dy evidently exhausted already

We grew up, and saw the world for what it was..I grinned. A vipers den, and if you want to make it out alive, you best be prepared to do what is needed for those you love.. and that now includes Lottie!I beamed at my father with a wink

And you and Ma.. unless you give us reason to doubt your loyalty to this familyKane declared, his tone cold and uncaring. A gasp sounded out in the room 


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