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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Our Mate


Kane POV 

As my father said, Knox and I have been away travelling the world for training and all that boring crap no one truly cares to hear about. We came home to celebrate Lilly’s union, only to find there was more here for us than just obligation and familyI announced, ignoring Mike and his childish behaviour to look at the doors that hid my mate; with a nod, they opened

I smiled, seeing everyone turn to look at the tall figure stepping through; in his suit, the exact shade of midnight, with those purple accents I knew he had picked to match our girl! He looked every bit the handsome fucker I knew women thought my brother was, his tattooed hand outstretched and waiting for someone to join him. I could feel the excitement buzzing in the room

We have found our mate!I beamed, my voice crackling as the beautiful vision of Charlotte emerged from the blackness behind Knox

The gasps coming from everyone had my stoney heart melting for my girl; I just hoped she could finally see herself as we did! Like everyone here did! The Alphas sons finding their mates was a big deal. She would be the one to stand beside us, the pack’s next Luna and their queen, as well as ours! It was important they loved her as much as I did! It would be her they fought to protect one day

Ain’t she something!I heard Knox boom, his eyes landing on her flushed cheeks, the mask hiding her face from all those who were not familiar with her. And 

she is all OURS!” 

Mother’s dress accentuated her beautiful curves, showing off how utterly captivating she was. The thin straps travelled across her shoulders, her hair pulled off her neck, showing her slender neck, that I wanted to kiss forever but, most notably, the two marks that sat on each side proudly

Oh wow! Who is she?” 


16 Mar 

Chapter 68. Our Mate

Do we know her?” 

Are they sharing her?” 

Are the three of them together?” 

Who is it?” 

Hushed whispers I heard filter through the room


You look incredible, Charlotte! I can’t wait to get you in my arms!I declared truthfully through our bond, feeling like my chest might burst with the pride I felt seeing her standing up there, holding her own as everyone eyed her, making their assumptions about her ANd our love

Back at ya, Ace!Hearing her soft words sift through my head, a smile slipped across my lips. You owe me a kiss!She added, and even through that lavender mask, I could see the need in her eyes to get to me

Oi fuckers, I am right here, ya know!Knox growled possessively, lifting her hand to his lips to kiss her adoringly, her cheeks blushing lightly. I knew Charlotte was a shy person, an introvert who preferred books and hoodies to ballgowns and makeup. So all this attention would make her nervous, something I didn’t need to feel through the bond to know

We always were good at sharing!I laughed, nodding for my brother to descend the stairs with our girl. Lifting her dress, she smiled at me through her mask and made her way down the stairs, her hand tightly held in Knox’s

She is still wearing the dress I cum on! Classy!Mike growled into my ear, not longer bothering with the mindlink. Turning to meet his gaze, vengence swimming in my eyes. I paused, feeling a hand press to my shoulder, sparks flying through me, alerting me to the one person I wanted more than any other

Ace!Turning at the sweetest sound of my girl’s voice, I breathed finally, my arms snaking around her waist and yanking her against my chest, the snarl I had been wearing quickly vanishing to be replaced by a smile that hurt my cheeks



Chapter 68. Our Matel 

Ace?I asked, arching a brow and seeing her smirk

Yep!She nodded, with a wink, looking from her to Knox, who stood behind. her, proudly watching her, I suddenly felt.. fulfilled. This was the moment I had been. waiting for days to present her as my mate

May I present to you all, My..I started to say, only for Knox to cut me off before I even really began

And mine..HE barked, his hand sliding to the nape of her back. Laughter erupted from the hall at my brother’s playful banter, but the truth was he wanted no doubt that she was not just my mate.. she was his too! And as such, he would love and protect herkill for her if needed

Our.. mate.” I grinned, lifting my hands to remove the silken ties to her mask. I. could feel her body trembling beside me, but those eyes that had my heart. pounding remained on mine, steady and willing despite her father’s bullshit! Taking the mask from her, I spun her round to face everyone, mother’s beautiful lavender dress spinning around her feet like something out of a fairytale as she spun into Knox’s open arms

Charlotte Jane Attwood.” 

The hall erupted into cheers that had my chest swelling and my ears ringing. Standing beside my brother and my mate, I held my hand out to her, her delicate fingers finding it with a loving squeeze

Crimson moon pack, I trust you approve of your future Luna and our mate?I asked, as is tradition

Queen, she is not just a mateshe isOur queen!” 


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