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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Wallflower

I had watched Lilly crave everyone’s attention throughout the years, seeing her thrive in the limelight, wanting all eyes to be on her. Determined in her quest to be the most soughtafter female in the pack, she did everything she could to ensure those admiring eyes never drifted elsewhere

Because she is a spoilt brat!Sage laughed. She was right, but she was still my best friend. As much as I hated to admit it, I wish Lilly was standing beside me now! From the dresses Lilly wore at events like this- to the shortest of shorts and revealing tops, combined with how she wore her makeup, she oozed sex appeal 

and never failed to be the name on everyone’s lips

Something I could do with right now as I tried to charm everyone into believing I was good enough for the Alpha twins of this pack! I had always envied her confidence, but never more than now as I felt all those eyes fall upon me; I am confident if I turned now, I would see Lilly’s face glaring at me, hating having the spotlight drift even for a moment from her to me

But honestly, she could have it! If it weren’t for the men who stood at my side, feeding me their confidence and support, I would not be here; I would be at the back of the hall, happy to be the wallflower I always had been

We have you! Whatever happens. We have you!Knox whispered, his hand


Chapter 69 Wallflower

finding the base of my back as Kane’s grip on my hand tightened reassuringly. Stiffening in reply, hating that they could feel my nerves. I waited for someone, anyone, to speak and voice their concerns on this bond. A bond I didn’t realise how much I wanted till right now when I faced the possibility of losing it

There weren’t just the obstacles we knew of that could threaten our union; the boys were well known within our world; their travels and studies abroad had not helped to silence those rumours that were circulating when they left of how ruthless they could be, how impulsive and challenging they were to reign in. I had heard whispers for years that it would take someone special to reign them in! And that was not me! I was a wallflower whose greatest strength was that she was… 


I was no great warrior or remarkable beauty. Despite the rosetinted glasses the boys wore, I knew who I was, and I had thought I was ok with ituntil now when I saw so many eyes peeking at me, scrutinising me and trying to work out if I was fit to stand by the boys as a mate, to them both! And Luna to them

If you don’t believe in yourself, how is anyone else meant to!Sage grumbled. We are fiercely loyal to those we love! You only have to look at how far you are willing to go for our mates and your family to see that!Sage added, and my lips twitched into a small smile; she was right! But, like fuck was I admitting that and giving her the satisfaction of hearing me say it

Charlotte..I heard my father say as he emerged from beside Alpha Leigh, hist eyes soft, almost compassionate. Something I had never seen from him, at least 

never aimed at me


Chapter 69 Wallflower

Father!I nodded, stepping towards him, but the grip Kane had on my hand, held me back. Chewing my lip discreetly, I nodded to my mate and pulled my hand from his, stepping towards the man who may have had a part to play in my existence but had none in my upbringing

Is this really what you want to do? Is this YOUR decision?He asked, his finger trailing over my arm lightly. His words may have been carefully chosen for those. around him, but his meaning was crystal clear to Kane, Knox and I. 

And our mates!Sage hissed, picking up on the anger emitting from the males behind me

He wants to know if you are choosing to disobey him and carry on the union!Kane informed me that I hadn’t already worked it out. Lifting my eyes to meet my father’s, I smiled, not wanting to show any signs of weakness

Do you not approve, father?I asked, putting him on the spot because I knew everyone was listening, and so did he! Did he genuinely want to come across as a father and Beta who did not approve of the Alpha’s son’s mating his only daughter and securing the pack’s future

It’s not about whether I approve; I just want to make sure you are happy and certain in your choice here today; once you agree to this, there is no going back, Charlotte. You will be setting wheels in motion that can not be undone.” 



Chapter 69 Wallflower

Is he saying what I think he is?Knox asked angrily through my mind, Kane’s anger rippling through the bond, tearing apart my emotions and making me feel sick

Like?Alpha asked, cutting whatever angry rant was about to explode from Kane off. Confusion swam in Alpha’s voice. He was clearly starting to get the impression, I am sure all the others were too, that my father felt the twins and

were not well suited

Now is not the time to discuss this!My father barked just as I felt a hand slide up my back to the nape of my neck, turning my face to meet a set of piercing blue eyes through a mask of gold and ebony; instant calm washed through me, feeling Kane’s touch on my skin and piercing blue hues demand I relax


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