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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Red Mist

Knox POV 

The red mist finally began to disperse, allowing me to see more than the irrational fear and anger that was, for some reason, eating Havoc up

Not irrational.Havoc snapped at me, making me frown, suddenly feeling uneasy, leaving him in control

I was angry, yes! I wanted to kill Mike, sure, and I have no doubt that one day I will, Havoc! But today was never meant to be that day!” 

Maybe today is the day!Havoc grumbled unbothered; he was a wolf of few words, I knew that, but I had hoped he understood the situation enough to know we had to do this properly, or we just looked like jealous mates with a vendetta

I wanted to show Mike that he meant nothing, that despite how he had tried to sully Lottie in our eyes, he hadn’t! That we adored her just as much now, knowing what she had done with him as we ever did!I tried to reason with my feral beast

He knows we love her; I showed him!Havoc growled

You showed everyone!I sighed, knowing I was getting nowhere. He didn’t see that what he did to Mike was not helpful; as far as he was concerned, Mike was an obstacle, and he had removed him for me. Sweet, I guess, but not fucking helpful

You’re welcome!He snorted, sensing my disapproval

No, Havoc, this wasn’t a good thing. Instead of following the plan” 

Your plan.. NOT my plan!He snapped cutting me off, with a sigh I continued ignoring his stupidity 

and hurting him.. and stubbornness. You allowed him to lure us into reacting 

and hurting him.. and others! Our brother included.I tried to explain, it was like Mike was a damn siren calling me into the rocks, and like the helpless sap I was, I followed, but luckily not to my death


16 MAT 

Chapter 76: Red Mist

I knew my reasoning with Havoc was falling on deaf ears; he had suddenly shut. me out, pulling on the bond we shared with our family like a scared child lost in


Not your death, but..Havoc moaned painfully back at me

Kane is going to be okay!I assured my wolf as he nuzzled beside my brother, Kane’s hands ruffling through our fur as he took a few deep breaths

It’s time!I sighed to my wolf. I have to face the music. I can’t hide in here forever.” 

Not yet!He panted, his nose nuzzling into Lottie’s palm, desperately wanting her attention but, most importantly, her forgiveness. Mindlessly, her fingers twirled our fur around as she motioned for someone to bring her a jacket or something to cover Kane with. His body was humming with adrenaline, but he was shivering from the shock, and I could feel the panic washing over my little mate and knew Havoc would be picking up on it, too

Put your head on his junk, cover him up and keep him warm!I told Havoc, knowing it wasn’t just concern washing through Lottie but jealousy she wasn’t proud of; she didn’t want the women in the room looking at what was hers. I got that! Leaning up onto him, Havoc did as I asked without question

I swear to the goddess Havoc, if you bite his cock off, I am gonna be pissed!Lottie moaned, her tone laced with a playfulness that I knew my girl was only using to try to defuse the tension

You ain’t the only one, Princess.Kane complained gruffly. Havoc whined despite the lightheartedness between us, the pain tearing through him almost unbearable

The guilt, I understood/but the heartbreak and loss I couldn’t place. Was Kane okay, or did he know something I didn’t

Havoc, buddy, you weigh a tone; it’s hard enough to breathe as it is.Kane grumbled through short breaths. Give Knox control, come on,” Kane commanded, his bloodied hand tugging on my wolf’s ear for his attention



Chapter 76. Red Mist

It’s okay, Havoc.I coaxed my wolf. I needed to find out the extent of your damage because after stabbing Mike, everything is a little blurry!I admitted, and with a heavy sigh that had me more than a little nervous, he relented, giving me back full control as he shut himself away somewhere so deep inside me I felt like I had lost him all over again

My body slowly shifted back to my unscathed human form, feeling the heat of flesh under my chin. The familiar scent of Kane invaded my senses and I smirked, pleased to be back; I just hoped I was welcome. Deciding to stay true to myself, I wiggled my brows up at my brother


you wanted me to lick your balls, you only had to say brother!I grinned, realising my head was still positioned across his crown jewels

Way to lower the tone, Knox!Lottie scoffed; I didn’t need to turn to know she was rolling her eyes

Your, my brother, dickhead!Kane coughed weakly. And I winced at the sound; I had never seen my brother weak before, let alone truly hurt

Hey, it worked for the Targaryens.I countered, deflecting the feelings washing through me

Pretty sure they were mostly mad psychopaths,I muttered, tilting my head as my mother approached with a jacket, her eyes unable to meet mine, but the tears that sat there unmissable, even to me

So, you’d fit right in!Kane teased, shoving me off him so our mother could cover him up

NOW is not the time for jokes.She snapped, lifting my eyes from Kane’s bruised and battered face, happy to see that Rolo was now healing him. I scanned them over my mother, spying the beautiful gown of emerald she wore splattered in the unmistakable crimson of blood

Haven’t you ever heard that red and green should never be seen, Mother?I asked, trying to snuff out the anger I saw settling behind her eyes, but I was already on my feet, lifting her chin in my hands to check her over for signs the blood was 


Chapter 76 Red Mist 


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