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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77: WHO

You don’t remember?Luna asked, her voice cracking from the weight of her heartbreak. I couldn’t imagine what she was going through right now! The fear I had felt at the idea of losing Kane would forever be imprinted on my soul! Swallowing the lump in my throat, I looked at her and shook my head in warning

We need to be careful how we tell him!I warned her through the link I had 

I created for Kane, his mother and I. I watched her eyes dart past Knox to me before she pulled her hands out of Knox’s hold. Clearly, it wasn’t just looking at him that she found challenging; his touch seemed to cause her discomfort physically. She blamed her son for her mate’s death; that much was clear to Kane and me

Ma.Kane called from the floor, but she shook her head and stepped away, turning her back on Knox, his eyes luckily still locked on his mother; I could sense his heart breaking in his chest and knew Kane would be feeling that too. I felt Kane tense beside me, pain washing through our bond and not just the physical kind

I need to tell him.” Kane shot through the link, his voice ragged from his lungs healing

No!Luna gasped through the bond, her shoulders stiff. Havoc will finish what he started with you!she added, and I could hear the fear in Luna’s voice; she had lost her mate and almost a son tonight; she couldn’t bear the idea of losing anyone 



Chapter 77 WHO



No, he won’t,Kane argued, but I had to admit, I agreed with his mother. Looking down at him with sorrow etched in my eyes, I nodded to him. He needed to be told, and now, because if he turned and looked over to the side, he was going to see his father’s dead body in a pool of blood. Leaning over, I quickly pecked Kane’s lips and pushed him back to the ground as I stood

I need to do it! Havoc won’t hurt me; we have all seen that.I announced through the link, and despite the way Luna spun and glared at me, I knew she understood. But I need you to get everyone out, Luna.. 

I am not the Luna any more; my mate is dead!She shot through the link, and my eyes filled with the tears I was desperately fighting. I wanted to tell her that she would always be my Luna, the most important woman in my life, but I knew that was not what she wanted nor needed to hear right now. Instead, I nodded to her, unable to bring myself to say any words

Can you get everyone out?” 

I am not leaving,Kane growled, interrupting me; I turned to smirk at him, knowing he would be healed soon anyway

No offence, big guy, but no one is strong enough to haul your ass up! So I expected as much!Winking, I blew him a kiss while we both watched Luna walk away from Knox without a word or backwards glance


13-12 Sat, 16 Mar

Chapter 77: WHO


Will someone tell me what is going on!Knox roared, hurt dashed through the bond, and I sighed just as Knox turned to meet my eyes

Hey, baby!I cooed, coming to stand beside him, wrapping my arms around his waist and turning him to face me to ensure his eyes remained on mine and not Luna’s as she passed by her mate’s body

Who was it, Lottie? Tell me, please! Tell me it wasn’t Lilly?He whispered, shaking his head free of the tears I watched pool on his beautiful dark lashes that seemed neverending in length and thickness. Lashes most women would die for

No, not Lilly.I answered, my eyes scanning his face for any trace of a memory hiding under the surface, but I could sense through the bond that he was sincere. He had no recollection. Swallowing my nerves, I slid my hand up his back and pressed myself to him, wanting him to feel me and know I wasn’t going anywhere

No one blames you!I lied. His eyes shot to mine, clearly sensing my fib

WHO?!He demanded, his arms sliding over mine to try to disconnect us, but I locked my hands around his back. Seeing the gold swim in his eyes, I paused till the golden fire settled

Havoc already knows; he won’t be a problem,” Sage announced, and I felt my whole body relax, knowing the biggest hurdle was gone



Chapter 77 WHO

Your father!I nodded, watching as his lips repeated my words, his eyes wide in shock

No! AngelI am serious.” 

Knox, so am II need you to listen to meYour father has been hurt; it was fatal. I am sorry!” 


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