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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 79

hapter 79: Holy Hell 

Lottie POV 

Shit!I hissed, remembering that no one but Knox, Kane and I had their wolves. I had heard Kane say it earlier, but in the madness, I had forgotten! So, how did he kill Alpha Leigh instead?I asked, needing more than this before

approached the boys

He doesn’t know. Havoc doesn’t remember killing his father.. he knows he must have, but he was so angry at times he said he was just seeing red mist.” 

The red eyes!I nodded to Sage, who grunted in agreement

Does Knox know?I asked, but I already knew the answer because there was no way Knox could fake the heartbreak I saw engraved into his face as he and Kane mourned their father

No.. Havoc just wanted to take on the debt so that Mike didn’t get the payment and get..” 


Yeah, I get it!I snapped, hating that a life had been snuffed out because of me. My mate’s father and my Alpha’s life! The man who raised me, who taught me about shifting, and how to ride a damn bike, was dead because I was some damned prize to be haggled off

No, this is because of our father!Sage grunted

I get that, Sagebut he wouldn’t have been able to make such a ridiculous deal if..” 

What..She growled, her patience with me running thin. Pacing back and forth as I eyed my mates kneeling behind their father, I shook my head free of the selfpity I felt eating at me. Now wasn’t the time to make this about me


Chapter 79: Holy Hell 

Nothing!I steeled myself and answered

Are you seriously suggesting that because you are alive, this is somehow your fault? Get a grip!Sage barked, and I sighed, realising how stupid that sounded, but I felt responsible; I couldn’t explain why. I just did

Crossing my arms around me as the last few stragglers left the room and the double doors shut, I paced back and forth, wanting to give the boys a minute before I approached; I could see countless bodies and had a feeling I knew who one of them was. I couldn’t make heads or tails of things from where I stood, but I needed to get a closer look without alerting either of the males to my suspicions

The last thing they needed to worry about was retaliation for the murders of those around the hall, but if one of those bodies was Sebestians, I had a feeling life was about to get a hell of a lot worse than a little pack revenge, we would be at war with the Lycans


Something I knew my mates, in their grief, would not be capable of coping 

You ok?Kane cut through my mind again, this time his voice rough than a little concern

with more 

Lie to me, princess, I dare you!He warned, and even in his grief, I could hear that possessive Alpha male I had fallen for. I looked up to see two sets of blue eyes. cautiously watching me

They can sense you and everything you are feeling.. remember!Sage snorted, knowing those purple eyes would be rolling into the back of 

my skull

This fucking mate bond is going to be the death of me!I snarled back at her while I nodded to Kane, about to answer when the doors flung open, and an incoherent scream bounced around the walls. Despite the earsplitting sound, I was thankful for the distraction as it cut off my lie to Kane

Bash! NO!Lilly screamed as she ran into the room, her eyes searching the males on the floor as I stepped closer to them, cursing myself for not looking 




Chapter 79: Holy Hell 

But Lilly made straight towards one male who I could barely see. And I knew that, too, was the bond, closing my eyes as the hope I had been holding onto evaporated like a puff of air. Kane tried to move, but I held my hand up to him

Stay with Knox, I have Lilly,I demanded. You are still healing. I needed you to move slowly, not be rushing about. When we leave this hall, people are going to look to you, Kane! I need you strong!I tried to explain, but it was only semitrue; I wanted to get over to Sebestrain before Knox did in case it jogged any memories, and he said something he could not take back in front of Lilly

Rushing to Lilly’s side, I fell beside her as she threw herself down and over her mate; gasping, I sucked down a breath seeing the unmistakable face of Sebastian. Another life that had been lost because of a stupid fucking debt

A death that was going to cause holy hell

Lilly!I breathed, seizing her into my arms; those delicate fingers I had always envied gripped my shoulders and pulled me against her, pain coursing through my body from my injury, but it was nothing in comparison to Lilly’s suffering; I knew that as her tiny frame trembled against me

I can’t lose him, char!She cried, pulling back to look at him. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I pulled her against me, not wanting her last memory of her mater to be whatever lay at our feet; I had seen the damage Havoc could do firsthand and didn’t want that for Lilly. I have only just found him!She cried. Holding her against me, I looked over my shoulder at Sebastian and paused, seeing his chest rise and fall slightly

Lilly, go get help. He is alive!I snapped, pushing her to her feet, my hands. going to the wound on his stomach, his suit coated in his rich life force


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