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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78: He Could Be Dead

Pardon?I asked, my hand reaching up to my neck, running over the cold chill that was chasing down my spine

I don’t think you want beyond Alpha to the countless other bodies that loitered the halls, left behind by the turmoil and destruction that was Havoc

to know.Sage added, and my eyes closed as I looked 


I watched my mates walk the direction my Alpha lay, lifeless and alone and had to agree with Sage; I didn’t want to know. But I had to

Are you coming?Kane asked over his shoulder, his eyes boring into mine. needily

No, love. Your brother needs you!I nodded with a small smile

But I need YOU!He whined, a smile slipping across my lips at the tenderness in his tone, something he rarely shared with me, although I knew it was there


16 Mar 01 

Chapter 78: He Could Be Dead


I am not going anywhere, Ace!I offered. Truthfully, I wanted to follow them. and be at their side, but I didn’t trust myself to hide whatever Sage was about to tell me from my face. They would have enough suffering to wade through when the reality of everything hit them; if I could give them some answers, did I not owe it to them? To those who I loved

Sucking down a sob, I watched Knox’s legs buckle from under him as he saw the body of his father. The howl that left their lips shattered what strength I had left, sending me to my ass as I crouched and buried my face in my hands, unable to bear the despair I felt my mate’s feeling, the guilt and utter ruin drowning them both

Tell me.I moaned to Sage, who, like me, was suffering from the overwhelming emotions sliding through the bond. We both wanted to do 

more, but we knew they had to face this together, for them, but also to show the pack that their brotherly bond was intact! And if Kane trusted Knox, they had to as well! Sage and I were here, right behind them and at the slightest sight they needed me, I would be there. Always

What happened?I heard Knox say, and I compelled my legs to work as I switched on autopilot and lifted to my feet. Needing to give them some space, but ! also had a feeling I would need it so I could think and process whatever bomb Sage was about to drop in my lap

Sebastian was who the hit was for!” 

Pardon?I gibed, Sebastian is an Alpha with royal blood and ancient Lycan ties; a hit on him would be suicide!I gasped; his power and reach were beyond 


Chapter 76 He Could Be Dead

anything anyone here had. It made no sense


Char, Mike told Knox everything; apparently, the debt he had agreed to was to kill Sebastian. Once Mike did it, he would get his payment..” 

So when Havoc saw SebastianSage said with a heavy sigh that had my heart sinking. He acted.” 

But Kane, Knox and I were trying to find a way around the debt; none of us wanted anyone to die. We wanted to find out the facts and bring them to justice.I expressed my heart in my throat

I know, and so does Havoc; he just felt compelled tokill him.Sage defended, and I hated that we were even having this conversation, that she was so calm over discussing the death of our Alpha at the hands of our mate

When Mike told Knox earlier..Sage started to say, and suddenly, the penny dropped. My jaw falling open in shock

Earlier?I questioned, pausing in my pacing to look over at Knox, secondguessing him for a minute. Had he known about who the hit was for the whole time sinc 

leaving Mike’s room

Yes.Sage whimpered, picking up on my darkening mood


Chapter 75 He Could Be Dead 

If people know about that, if they find out that Knox knew about the hit on Sebastian and that he was who Havoc intended to killeven if he failedI processed quickly, my head feeling like a conveyor belt going a million miles an hour

Shit!I roared in my head to myself

They won’t!Sage maintained, but how could she know? How could any of us 


You don’t know that, Sage, neither of us do; we didn’t see him with Sebestain, we didn’t see Alpha fall, we have no idea what happened, but what if people saw Havoc making a beeline for Sebestain.. if they did..we are fucked! We will have WAR, Sage!I snapped, running my hand down my face, surprised to feel the tears. coating my palm

Charlotte?Kane asked, his tone filled with concern. Nodding to him without answering, I kept replaying the night in my mind, trying desperately to find an image, a memory of Alpha

Are you ok?I heard Knox ask through the link, and I smiled, hating how much they comforted me. Turning to look at them, I nodded again, this time with more determination than I felt

I am just processing.I admitted, and it was true. I was! Just not what they 



Chapter 76 He Could Be Dead

thought I was


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