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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83: The Alphas


Lottie POV 

Turning to glare at my father and Mike, I pursed my lips, wondering how on earth everything had managed to go so wrong. Their eyes met mine, and I could see more than anger dancing in their eyes because of how I spoke to them; there was something I couldn’t place, and it had me more than a little suspicious

You two better be able to fix this cluster fuck you have caused because I have had enough of everyone’s bullshit!I growled, looking at them with just as much bitterness as they clearly bore me

I don’t have to explain anything to you!My father hissed, the contempt in his tone not lost on me. Have you forgotten who you are talking to.. girl!the last word spat out with such disrespect I felt my back stiffen

How could I forget!I mocked

I am your beta; you will show me respect..” 

Respect is fucking earned, Father!I laughed, cutting him off brutally. And 

have you heardYou are no longer Beta becauseSwallowing the lump in 

throat, I closed my eyes and willed myself not to lower myself to his level and confirm the rumours; it wasn’t my place to

Knox will need me as Beta still; he has been away for too long, and no one knows the pack as I do. With his brother and father” 

Don’t you say it!I snapped, realising with startling clarity that he thought Kane was dead too; closing the gap between us, I levelled my eyes on him

They will need me; you will need me!He snorted arrogantly


I have needed you my whole damn life, and where have you been, the bottom of a bottle or anywhere I wasn’t,” I replied coldly with a dismissive wave of my hand



18 Mar 

Chapter 83: The Alphas


I coped then. I will cope now!Approaching the Alphas, I lowered my head respectfully, they might be on our turf, but they were still Alphas, men worthy of respect, and I would be damned if they weren’t shown it. I had enough to contend with without pissing anyone else off

Thank you, gentlemah. I need to speak to my father and Mr Green; it’s rather timesensitive, but I wanted to check that you and those you brought here are all ok?I asked, my eyes scanning the Alphas, in their suits and masks, looking every inch the beasts I knew them to be, three of them in total, all as tall as Knox and Kane. Maybe they were not as well built as Knox, but they were still undoubtedly more than anyone in this hallway could contend with. The first male, who I knew to be Alpha Adam from the blue horn pack, tilted his head respectfully but said nothing. I had spent a summer with his daughter at a camp and knew he was a man of a few words

The male in the middle, a blonde with tanned skin from spending too much time outdoors, smiled warmly, a smile I had no doubt caused a lot of ladiespanties to drop! Like his companion, he said nothing; his eyes, even through his mask, shined with an interest that made me more than a little uncomfortable. There was nothing sexual in the gaze, but I was aware of the way he was assessing me, and if everyone in this damn hallway wasn’t doing the same thing, I might be intimidated by it

It was the third who approached me, offering me his hand and shaking it carefully; I smiled up at him through his silver mask that made his dark eyes pop, something I knew he was aware of. He was the largest of the group, covered in tattoos similar to Knox’s, but his features were not as fair or as kind; his dark eyes and dark hair made him seem somewhat feral, dangerous and in many circles, I am sure incredibly desirable.. but none held a flame to my boys

No one is seriously hurt, Luna.Dark and dangerous offered, his tone softer than his eyes. Rolling my lip through my teeth to stop the tears I felt pooling in my eyes from falling, determined to hold my own. I wasn’t the Luna- Laura was! I hated that they were calling me it; it felt wrong and disrespectful to the woman who had raised me

Charlotte or Lottie is fine.I nodded unpretentiously. Please have your injured sent to the infirmary; let our doctors look them over. It’s the least we can do for the.. 


13:09 Mon, 18 Mar G GO 

Chapter 83 The Alphas


inconvenience you have all suffered.” He nodded in reply, his eyes scanning me closely; swallowing the lump forming in my throat, I sighed and decided they already knew I needed their help; not asking would give them the upper hand if they offered

I hate to ask more of you, gentlemen, but..” 

But..You are going to.D&D smiled with a nod of understanding

I am.I chuckled. I need..” 

YOU have no right to ask anything of them. You stupid girl!My father growled, approaching from behind me.. 

Before I even had a chance to consider a response, I watched the blonde Alpha step forward, his body shielding mine, as the sound of a skin slamming into skin echoed around the hall. I knew, without looking, that he had taken a blow seemingly meant for me

Turning, wanting to face my father, knowing he was the one to blame for the attack, I hesitated, feeling a hand wrap around my stomach and pull me from what one might call the splash zone as the male I had been talking to wasted no time in dealing out his own particular brand of punishment for my father’s apparent insult

I watched in slow motion, wideeyed and openmouthed, as a blow landed on my father’s jaw, so fierce it knocked my father to the floor. Blood flew from my father’s mouth along with a tooth; mesmerised by the brutality, I watched as it rattled across the marbled floor and rolled to a stop at the foot of the stairs

Sorry,The blonde offered, releasing me from his grasp with raised hands in 



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