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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Stay Hidden 

Lottie POV 

You are exhausted; your body is flagging Char!Sage moaned at me, and I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes; I was exhausted! Goddess knows I could fall asleep standing up

I know, but Kane and Knox need me to get these answers! Lilly needs me to help Bash!And like fuck was I going to let them down, they had lost their father and needed justice and solutions

No, Char, they need you to support them, to hold their hands and tell them it’s all going to be okay,Sage whispered, clearly nervous about my response to all 


But it’s not going to be okay.I sighed, Not unless we can fix it.” 

Char, you can’t fix everything.Sage sighed, and I knew she was right, but I could at least try! Go be with the twins!” 

I can’t!I breathed. This is all my fault; how am I meant to go in there and face them when thisis all on me! If I had just rejected them like my father had said, maybe none of this would have happened!” 

Maybebut they would still be in pain, Char.. Do you truly think they would just accept your rejection? Do you think they would just let you walk away? Because I don’t!Sighing, I didn’t answer because I honestly didn’t know what to say

But..Was all I could muster

Char, Havoc tore that room apart tonight because Mike baited him; you were at his sideliterally declaring yourself their mate.. a bond set in bloodAnd still, he tore the place apart. What do you think he would do if you left them? Because let me tell youhe would pull the world apart to find you. They both would.. and how many lives would be lost then?” 


13:10 Mon, 18 Mar G B

Chapter 84 Stay Hidden 

I don’t know.I groaned, needing her just to be quiet

More than we lost tonight..she continued, trying to get through to me

But NOT their father, Sage! Not Leigh..” 

Luna.Liam prodded, trying to bring me back to reality. How can we help?” 

I was going to.. ask..I stammered, my tone laced with heartbreak, my eyes still on my father’s tooth; following its blood trail, I met my father’s furious face as he pulled himself to his knees but remained on the floor. Mike was behind him, looking

paler than I had ever seen him but silent, probably trying to plan his next move

Charlotte?Kane’s voice cut through my head, and I sighed, closing my eyes; I had blocked them out, unable to cope with the overwhelming emotions ripping them apart

I am here, Ace.I smiled; despite the pain in his voice, I felt my body relax at the familiar presence of him inside my head

Where are you?He asked, but I knew he already knew

Getting answers. Is Knox okay?I asked, biting my lip as I waited with bated. breath for him to speak

NoHe needs..” 

There was a male here, Kane, who said he saw what happened to your father. He could clear Havoc’s name.” 

He could also be lying,Kane warned me, but I could hear the hope in his voice, and I closed my eyes, needing him to have the same faith in Havoc that I did

Kane.. he didn’t do it! I know it! I will be there soonI pleaded gently

Okay, but I am coming to you.He sighed deeply, making me tense quickly

No!I snapped, panic whirling through my body at the idea of Knox being.left 




Chapter 84 Stay Hidden 

alone, but also.. Mike and my father’s earlier words played through my mind

Mike thinks you are dead, and so does my father.” 

What, Why?He yapped, but the anger that flared in his throat was apparent

I don’t know why, Kane, but I need you to stay hiddenPlease. Trust me.I begged my mate through our bond

I doBut CharlotteYou are going to have to start accepting help. You can’t fight every battle on your own.” 

I am not on my own!I smiled, lifting my eyes to meet three sets of cautious eyes. I have help.. and trust me. I am safe! I promise!I grinned slowly

I need more than that..” 

Kane.. I love youI do, and I know it is killing you, but I need you to watch and protect Knox.. and LillyAnd let me protect you! Just this onceyou can punish me later for not listening.. okay!” 

I will hold you to that, Charlotte!He laughed lightly, but I could hear the pain in his voice

I should bloody hope so!I laughed about to cut the link off but paused to ask one final question.. 

KaneHow is Sebestain?I asked, bracing myself for the worst

Holding on for his wolf.. but..” 

Make sure he holds on! I will be there soon!I ordered cutting the link off and focusing back on the Alpha’s in front of me

Back with us?Liam, asked, a brow arched as he watched me

Yes, sorry.I apologised nervously, stammering over my words. I was.. em.. going to say?” 


Chapter 84 Stay Hidden 

You would like us to secure everything while you chat with these two.He nodded, checking over his shoulder to the large Alphas behind him, who simply nodded in agreement. Done!” 

BUT..Chase interjected softly. I am not sure how I feel about leaving you alone with this one..The blonde motioned with his boot to my father, who was still struggling to find his feet, no doubt from the ringing in his ears

Don’t touch me!My father hissed, and I scoffed, wondering if he had forgotten that he already had

He will remember when he looks in the mirror and sees his tooth missing.Sage giggled



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