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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 89

Chapter 89: What Drink

Lottle POV 

I never claimed to be a great interrogator, but I would be damned if these two got the better of me. Every ounce of suffering I felt through my mate bond was because of one of these two, and they would be paying for that

In blood?!Sage cackled, hopping from foot to foot inside my head, excited at the prospect of being allowed to play

If you like!I replied calmly before turning my attention back to Mike, who was groaning like the coward he was

I won’t ask again!I warned him. Slowly, his head lifted from his bloodied hands to my face; something had settled behind those eyes I once loved and felt safe with that made me feel good: Doubt! For the first time, he was apparently doubting the he had on me

I don’t..He started to say, but I cut him off by pressing my finger into his shoulder wound caused by Knox

Charlotte!My father screamed, and I shook my head, resolving myself to do what needed to be done

Help me out, Sage!I expressed aloud, and to Mike’s utter surprise, my nail elongated into a claw. Can’t say I didn’t warn you, Mike!I laughed as I slid the nail into his injury, wiggling it around mercilessly; his screams filling the room were like fingernails on a chalkboard to my father. I could hear him scuffling behind me and knew in my gut that it wasn’t to help Mike.. but rather to make sure I didn’t push him too far and force him to cave, giving me the info I needed


father roared from where he had gotten 

himself to his feet with the support of the desk. Turning my head to glare at him as I pushed my finger further into Mike, his cries booming around the hallway like a ballad of pain that was music to my bloody ears



  1. 12 Mon, 18 Mar

Chapter 89 What Dunk


Ok.. ok!My father surrendered, backing off; as I turned back to look at Mike, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror on the opposite wall and saw the beauty that was Sage’s violet eyes

I got ya back!She smiled at me. Nodding, I flicked my second finger, allowing that nail to grow, and with no warning whatsoever, I shoved that against Mike’s now cozing wound. The feeling of his flesh tearing under my touch did not bother me; what bothered me was not getting the information I needed

STOP!Mike screamed just as the door flew open; the Alphas I had allowed. into the fold stood in the doorway, assessing the scene before us before they stepped into the room and closed the door behind them. Kindly offering me SOME privacy to conduct my business

And you thought she couldn’t handle herself!” Liam chuckled over his shoulder at Adam and Chase, who watched me cautiously, their lips pulled into a tight line- clearly disapproving of me getting my hands dirty

You know I would have done that for you!Chase asked, stepping into the room. Mike’s eyes met mine, and I swallowed the lump in my throat

Final chance, Mike.I asked through mindlink; unsurprisingly, I watched his eyes flick to my father behind me, waiting for a sign of some sort from him

Do you think he will save you?I asked, shaking my head; my father’s growled, erupting into the room. HE has no standing in this pack anymore.. he is a noone now! The only person who can save youis me! And I willif you tell me what I want to know.” 

Don’t listen to her! Without her precious twins, she is nothing but a usedup whore that singlehandedly destroyed this pack and got the Alpha killed.My father spat out

Pardon?I snorted, so angry I felt another nail poke into Mike, flashing him an apologetic look before I realised that the fucker deserved it and pushed it harder into him

Nothing wrong with whores!Adam announced, into the sound of Mike


13.12 Mon, 18 Mar GBG 

Chapter 89 What Drink

screaming like a child. Some of the most honest people I have ever met have been whores!” 


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