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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90: Who Are You


Kane POV 

I told you I was more stocked than you, Pops!I uttered as I walked out of the bathroom after slipping on a pair of my father’s sweatpants and a Tshirt 

He knew; he just liked to tease!Rolo replied when my father did not. I sighed, feeling wrong for wearing a dead man’s clothes, and not just because they were too tight. I simply couldn’t bear to leave him alone and go to get my ownAnd I wasn’t exactly going to sit here in my birthday suit and wait for my Mother

My eyes caught my parent’s large oakcarved bed that Father lay on peacefully. He had had it designed for my Mother on one of their anniversaries. If you looked at the beautiful carvings, you would see that the bed told the story of their union. Pulling my eyes from the craftsmanship to my father with a whimper at how peaceful he looked, it would have almost been like he was sleeping if he didn’t smell like rot already, and his body wasn’t rigid and stiff

Pops.. If you can hear me wherever you are, know how lucky I was to have you as my father!I whispered pointlessly as I sat on the edge of the bed, my eyes filled 

with tears

Do you remember that time you thought you had caught Knox stealing your fancy wine and tanned his ass for not owning up to it? You were so cross as your were saving it for your anniversaryPoor Knox couldn’t sit for a week!I went on with a smile as I recalled the memory like it was yesterday

It was never Knox; I want you to know thatIt was Lilly and CharlotteHe took the blame to save the girls getting the spanking.I grinned to myself as the tears began to rain from my eyes. I asked him after why he didn’t tell you it was Lilly, and he said he refused to see the little princess you had turned Lilly into, tainted in your eyes. He knew how much she meant to you!the lump in my throat swelled uncomfortably, forcing a sob from my lips

He loved you, Pa! I need you to know that!I sighed, patting his cold hand


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Chapter 90 Who Are You


turning to look at him, I eyed his clothing and shook my head in anger; they were saturated in blood, something I knew would break Ma if she saw it

I am sorry, Pa, but I have to change you. Ma.. I can’t let her see you like this!I whispered as I crossed the room and grabbed him a pair of sweats and a shirt. Undressing him was more complicated than I expected because his body was so stiff and uncooperative. But I managed; some of me wanted to burn the clothes, but the rational part knew better. Sealing them in one of his gym bags, I dropped it in the bottom drawer of his chest and looked back down at my father’s bloodied body

Shit, you suffered!I gasped, hating what I was seeing on my father’s body, potentially at the hands of someone we knew! Blood covered most of him. Disappearing into the bathroom again, I came out with a washcloth and began to clean off the blood that had soaked into my father’s skin. I expected to find deep. cuts or lacerations, given the amount of blood, but I couldn’t find a single wound on him; rocking back on my feet, I held my breath and wondered if my father’s wolf had 

started to heal him

Could you sense his wolf, Rolo? At any point tonight?” I asked, wearing at confused expression

No!Rolo admitted sadly

Then why does he have no fatal injuries? Sebastian was badly torn apartIt makes no sense.I whispered as I got him dressed as smoothly as possible and sat back down on the bed, my hands brushing through my father’s wiry hair, the same 

shade as mine

What happened to you, Pops!I asked as if he was going to answer me

You will need to ask your brother that!My Mother hissed from the doorway, making me jump. Closing my eyes, I let out a breath, not liking the anger I felt 

tucked into her tone, not so discreetly. Turning, I met her stare with a sigh

Ma, Knox didn’t..” 

Mean to kill your father?-HIS father?She asked, arching a brow as she approached, waving me off the bed. Her eyes were redrimmed from crying; I hated 


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Chapter 900 Who Are You

seeing her like this. It was like she had aged in the last hour

Do this.I corrected her with a truthfulness I hoped she believed


Are you sure?A voice asked from the doorway. A voice I hadn’t heard before, raising my eyes to meet the dark face of a stranger. Unbothered by my gaze, he stayed where he was, leaning up against the door frame in a hoodie and dark bottoms, not exactly fitting in with the night’s black tie theme

Who are you?I asked, fighting to keep the anger from my voice and him intruding on such a private moment. And if Charlotte was right, people thought

was working to do for us


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