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To Live an Eternal Life novel Chapter 19

The next day, early morning.

Katherine was wearing short-sleeved shorts and a ponytail, dripping with sweat. She was full of youthful vitality.

Every day, she would come to Mingyue Lake for a morning run.


Katherine stopped and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Next to her, Charlie handed her mineral water and asked with a smile, "Every day you will stop and look at that place. Are you looking at Zique Mountain?"

"Yeah, what else can I see except for Zique Mountain?"

Katherine rolled her eyes at him and frowned, "Since a year ago, you followed me every morning. Don't you think I don't know? You’re so stubborn that you always didn’t show up."

Charlie touched his nose awkwardly.

Before, he felt that Katherine was disgusted with him, so he could only silently follow behind to protect her. This morning, Katherine asked him to go for a morning jog with her for the first time, which made Charlie feel very happy.

"Speaking of which, after running for so long, why are you not short of breath? You are not bad!"

"Actually, if you try it, you will know if I am strong."

Katherine looked confused, and then understood the meaning of the words. Her face became terrible.

Charlie quickly changed the topic. He looked at Zique Mountain opposite Mingyue Lake, and asked, "Do you want to live in a villa on the mountain?"

"In J City, which one don't want to live in Zique Mountain? Living there is a manifestation and symbol of status. Grandma's wish is to buy a villa in Zique Mountain. Even if it is at the foot of the mountain, it’s okay."

Katherine looked forward to living there, but then she sighed, "But the villa at the foot of the mountain costs 20 million to 30 million. Even if we sell all of the Hunt Family's property, we can't afford it. It is said that Zhizun Villa on the top of the mountain is worth more than one billion. The one who bought Zhizun Villa must be the super rich!"

"Super rich?"

Charlie muttered to himself. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "I have the key to that villa. If you’re interested in it, I can take you to visit it now."

"Charlie, I haven't scolded you for a few days. You are getting more and more naughty. You even dare to make jokes with me!"

Katherine kept rolling her eyes.

Just then, her phone rang. It was Spencer's call.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

"Katherine, something serious happened. Your Grandma is coming to our house. Didn't you read message in WeChat Group? Everyone is talking about it!"


Spencer's tone was mixed with anxiety and tension. She urged, "Come back quickly. I feel flustered."

"Okay, I'll go back right away."

Hanging up the phone, Katherine quickly checked WeChat Group.

Sure enough, there was countless messages.

"Katherine, what qualification does she have to let Grandma invite her back to the company in person? So impolite. She is not worthy to be the offspring of the Hunt Family!"

"She’s so cocky now. Manager Watson doesn't cooperate with anyone except her. Tsk-tsk. She's really awesome, making Manager Watson only listen to her alone!"

"Yeah, I don't know what method she used. Let Katherine teach us. I want to learn!"

"Latest news, latest news. Grandma is leaving!"


Seeing Katherine looking nervous, Charlie soothed, "Don't be afraid. I’m here with you."

"Is it really okay? If Grandma gets angry..."

"Trust me. But you don't have to go home. You get in the car to change clothes. Just go directly to Chengyu Group to find Manager Watson. I will go home and wait for Grandma to come over."

Seeing Charlie's confident look, Katherine's nervousness and panic gradually went away. She did not ask anymore.

When Charlie got home, Spencer, Axel and Isabella were all uneasy.

"Charlie, you come back alone? Where is Katherine?"

"I have my own arrangements."

Spencer shouted angrily, "Mom is coming. You are still making arrangements. Do you know what you are doing? If you make Mom angry, Charlie, I'll not let you go!"

"Mom, don’t scolded him! Grandma has already arrived in the community." Isabella stared at the phone and said.

In WeChat Group of the Hunt Family, it was broadcasting lively.

"There is no one to pick up Grandma at the gate of the community. How dare they!"

"They’re totally screwed up!"

"Wait to see. Grandma will definitely be furious. Katherine is asking for it. She can't wait to get out of the Hunt Family!"

At the gate of the community.

With a cold expression on her face, Old Lady Hunt climbed up to the sixth floor with the help of her servant. Finally, she came to the door of Katherine's house out of breath.

"Mom, you are here!"

Axel and Spencer received Old Lady Hunt with smiles.

Spencer, who was like a tiger at home, looked like a mouse in front of Old Lady Hunt.



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