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To Live an Eternal Life novel Chapter 21

"Sir, please forgive me. I’m such an asshole. Don’t kill me."

"martial master cannot be insulted!"

Master Graham shrank on the ground. Marco was also shocked, standing on the side. He did not dare to breathe.

Charlie walked slowly to Master Graham. Staring at Master Graham, he said lightly, "Since you don't know who I am, I can forgive you this time. But I have to give you a little punishment. I’ll destroy your martial arts!"

"No, sir, it’s not easy for me to have today’s achievement. Please don’t!"

"Give me a reason."

Master Graham thought it as soon as possible. He tremblingly took out a simple jade pendant from his arms, and handed it to Charlie, saying in a trembling voice, "Sir, I found this jade pendant in historical site. Although I don't know its magical effect, I know it must be extraordinary."


Charlie grabbed the simple jade pendant. A glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes. He nodded and said, "For the sake of the jade pendant, I let you go. Get out of here!"

"Thank you for your forgiveness!"

Master Graham ran faster than Matthew and disappeared into the back garden in the blink of an eye.

Marco finally felt relieved and came forward, folding his hands, "Mr. Charlie, thank you... Wait, please stay. I have prepared a luncheon. How about having lunch before you leave?"

Charlie ignored him at all, and left Qingfeng Mountain Villa directly.

At the entrance of the villa, Marco smiled bitterly, knowing that what he did in the back garden just now made Charlie unhappy.

He didn't know how much it would cost to make up for the little grudge.

"Oh, I’m wrong."

Marco sighed and made a call, "Hey, father, Matthew has been resolved. But Mr. Charlie..."

Charlie left Qingfeng Mountain Villa and rushed to the urban area. Finally, he arrived to Linghu Park.

He sat down with crossing his legs in the secluded jungle.

"That brat gave me a surprise. This jade pendant contains rich and pure Reiki. If I absorb it, it will be great for me!"

Immediately, Charlie practiced immortal code and took a breath.

An almost transparent smoke rushed out of the jade pendant and went into Charlie's mouth. This scene lasted for a full quarter of an hour.


When the last ray of Reiki was absorbed, Charlie opened his eyes and exhaled a breath.

The white practice shot out and went to eight meters away.


In Charlie's hands, the jade pendant lost its Reikiand turned into ash.

"But it is too little. It’s not enough for me to recover. I don't know what happened in D City. My good apprentice, we will meet again soon."

Suddenly, a murderous aura appeared around Charlie.

Ten years ago, Charlie ushered in immortals catastrophe. He thought that he had made the arrangements and would be able to spend the ten years safely. Unexpectedly, his favorite apprentice actually rebelled.

On that day, his apprentice united with Three ancient martial families in D City to besieged him at Yanling Mountain.

Forty-nine martial master, hundreds of warrior who had reached genuine qi state, and innumerable warrior. Such a group of forces was enough to destroy any forces, even government forces.

Fortunately, Charlie had his way out. He had traveled for five thousand years, knowing that people were the most unpredictable, so he had established his Dark Group long time ago.

That night, his Dark Group and Three ancient martial families fought desperately, just to create a chance for him to survive.

That night, everywhere was blood in Yanling Mountain. Bodies were everywhere.

After that night, Three ancient martial families were greatly injured. The strength of the entire martial circle in H Country retrogressed for more than ten years.

The instigator of this battle was Charlie's apprentice, just for Charlie's immortal code.

Everyone wanted to get the secrets to live long life!


Charlie's emotions fluctuated violently. Every time he recalled the members of Dark Group dedicated their lives in order to save him, he burst into tears.

Suddenly, the ringing of the phone interrupted Charlie's thoughts.

"Hello, Jaiden."

"Master, Ewan has clarified it openly. Old Lady Hunt has also removed him from his post. Katherine has returned to her post. Everything is normal."

Charlie responded, "Very good."

Jaiden said anxiously, "Master, the rumors have not been completely eliminated. Some big families are still ironically talking about Katherine."

"I will take care of this. Now there is an important thing for you to do."

"Master, what can I do for you?"

Charlie was silent for a few seconds. The light in his eyes became more brilliant. He smiled, "Spread out a message. It’s..."

At noon on August 15th.

A piece of news quickly spread throughout J City, which made the celebrity circle in J Cityso shocked. To be precise, it caused a sensation throughout the city.

On August 20th, a wedding would be held at Zhizun Villa on the top of Zique Mountain.

This news was too shocking.

Everyone knew what Zhizun Villa represented for. The one who could buy it must have a very high social status. No family in J City had this qualification.

The wedding ceremony at the top of Zique Mountain was too romantic and too high-profile. The background and identity of the protagonist must be so strong.

In J City, young ladies from all major families were talking about the news, dreaming of being the bride.


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