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To Live an Eternal Life novel Chapter 34

Nude, nude photos? !

Charlie's eyes widened. Then he felt a fiery breath hitting to his face.

In the room, the atmosphere seemed to have risen a bit.

"You asshole!" Spencer scolded.

Axel was also in rage. He grabbed the broom and hit Charlie's face with his all strength.

Charlie couldn't fight back. After all, it was his father-in-law.

"Isabella has only been back for a few days, but you have already had her nude photos. Or you had already had it, and have been threatening Isabella. Asshole, how dare you!"

Spencer also rushed up to Charlie. The couple beat Charlie up.

"You’re such a jerk. We have raised you for three years. You have already had Katherine, but you still dare to take advantage of Isabella."

In the room, Charlie hugged his head and squatted in the corner of the wall.

Axel was panting, "Charlie, I warn you, immediately hand over those photos, and obediently follow me to the police station."

"Dad, Mom, no."

Isabella pulled the two away and said in a panic, "Dad, Mom, don't hit him. What if he uploads my nude photos to the Internet? At that time, I will be screwed up."

"Dare he!"

As the saying goes, “Daughters are the apples of parents’ eyes.”

Although Axel was scared of his wife, he was like a mighty lion at this moment.

He pointed to Charlie and yelled, "If you dare to spread out those photos, I will kill you even if I have to go to jail!"

"Dad, I really don't have those photos."

"You still dare to argue. Isabella won't lie. You are so mean! I thought you were just useless, but I didn't expect you to be a shameless villain."

The more Spencer said, the angrier she felt. What she said next shocked Charlie.

"Now you have Isabella's nude photos. Maybe you dare to take my nude photos someday?"

Isabella almost laughed out loud.

She hurriedly pushed Axel and Spencer out, and said seriously, "Dad, Mom, you can't solve this matter. I'll talk to Charlie."

"Baby, no. This asshole..."

"Don't worry. He doesn’t dare do anything to me. Listen to me, don't call the police. I will take care of everything. You’re going to cook. I am hungry."

Pushing the two out and closing the door, Isabella leaned on the door and let out a sigh of relief.

Charlie's face looked terrible. He said in a deep voice, "Look at what you did!"


Isabella stuck her tongue out naughtily, "How did I know it would turn to be like this? Don't worry. I won’t let you go to jail."

"Get out of the way. I have to go out."

"Where are you going? Go to see my sister?" Isabella said with a guarded look, "Don't tell my sister about this, or she will beat me up."

Charlie really felt very speechless.

Facing Isabella, Charlie couldn't neither scold nor beat. But if he didn’t teach her a lesson, she would be so naughty. What could he do?

"Okay, okay, I won't tell your sister. I'll go out for a morning jog..."

As soon as he finished speaking, his phone rang.

It was Katherine's call. As soon as he answered the phone, he heard Katherine saying anxiously, "Charlie, something happened. What should I do?

"What's the matter? Take it easy."

"Last night, the workers' dormitory on the construction site was smashed, and several workers were injured. It is said that they are from the underworld in Binhu District to make trouble for the Hunt Group.”

Charlie's face sank. Then he said, "Is there anything wrong with the workers?"

"They just got small injuries, but no life-threatening."

"Are you sure they come from the underworld in Binhu District?"

Katherine was not sure, "I'm not sure. At the meeting just now, everyone guessed that was the case."

"I understand."

At this time, Maggie's voice came out on the phone, "Katherine, there is the latest development. Ewan has gotten some clues. Grandma summoned everyone to the meeting room."


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