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Too Much to Bear, My Love novel Chapter 31

“Do you think you can escape Oscar’s clutches?”

Amelia was bereft of speech.

“Even you don’t think you can escape his clutches. What makes you think he will let you leave?”

Closing her eyes, Amelia said, “Tiff, I’ve found a job.”

Tiffany was flustered. “Amelia, are you kidding me? We’re talking about the baby. Why are you talking to me about work? Don’t you have enough money to spend? I can give you if you don’t. Why must you look for a job when you’re pregnant? You’re driving me crazy!”

Amelia patted her on the back of her hand and reassured her, “Tiff, don’t worry. When I signed the agreement with Oscar, he agreed not to interfere when I wanna work. In other words, if the company I work for sends me to another province or abroad for a few months, he can’t say no.”

Tiffany looked at her in surprise and asked, “Really?” But after giving it some thought, she still felt apprehensive. “Amelia, what if Oscar wants to see you on a whim and goes to visit you? It’ll blow your cover, won’t it?”

Apparently, Amelia had not thought about that.

Tiffany got even more frustrated. “Argh, Amelia, I thought you were a smart girl! How can you be so foolish and let Oscar call the shots in your marriage? What are you thinking?!”

Amelia remained silent.

Gritting her teeth, Tiffany took a few deep breaths before inferring, “Babe, you were born to tick me off.”

However, Amelia patted the bed calmly as she finally said, “Don’t be mad. I heard that Cassie is coming back, so I think Oscar won’t have time to visit me. In fact, I think we’re gonna divorce soon.”

Tiffany simply listened to her in silence initially, but something popped into her mind and she abruptly sat up. “Amelia, I don’t think you should divorce. You’re the legit Mrs. Clinton, so you don’t have to make room for a vixen just because she comes back.”

“Tiff, what’s wrong with you? You’ve only just recovered. Don’t get so jumpy,” said Amelia while tugging at her pajamas.

Tiffany lay back down and turned to look at Amelia.

“Babe, tell me honestly, are you really willing to give up the fruits of your labor?”

“What? As I said, I don’t have the right to decide anything in my marriage with Oscar. Anyway, it’s getting late. It’s my first day at work tomorrow.”

“Babe, you’re kidding, aren’t you? You’re gonna work tomorrow? Also, when did you find the job? Why didn’t I know at all?”

“The CEO of the company and I went to university together. I said I needed a job, so he gave me an untaxing job.”

“Who’s it?” In the next second, Tiffany widened her eyes and said anxiously, “Amelia, don’t tell me it’s Carter Scott. If it’s that b******, I’m gonna strangle you.”

“It’s been so many years, and yet you still remember him?” Amelia asked, amused.

“Let me tell you something—I’ll never forget him until the day I die. If it hadn’t been for him, you wouldn’t have chosen to go into a contract marriage with Oscar. I wouldn’t have become a freelance writer because of my fear of interpersonal relationships in the workplace. I wish I could chop him up into pieces now.”

Amelia found her response amusing.

“Tiff, you’re being unreasonable. Carter didn’t do anything wrong back then. He just didn’t help us when we were wrongfully accused, which is justifiable. We can’t vent our anger on him.”

Tiffany clenched her teeth. “It seems that you’ve really gone to that jerk for help.”

Shrugging, Amelia replied with a smile, “It’s all water under the bridge now, Tiff. Besides, it was our fault at the time, so we can’t blame others. Carter got caught up in his family affairs that day. You can’t expect him to come and save us. Come on, don’t sulk.”

Tiffany heaved a sigh and explained in a softer tone, “I do know that he’s not to blame, but at that time we were desperate and had several millions worth of debt around our necks. If it weren’t for that, you wouldn’t have gone to Oscar and been labeled a gold digger, while I wouldn’t have developed a fear of interpersonal communication in the workplace. Thinking about it now, I’m so angry and frustrated.”

“Tiff, I’ve long since moved on. I didn’t think that you would still be so mad. Carter’s really not to blame for that incident back then, so you should stop blaming him.”

Tiffany’s anger was deflated as she replied, “How can I still blame him when you, the biggest victim, don’t even blame him? But I’m curious. You and that jerk haven’t been in contact for many years; why did you get in touch with him now?”

“Well, he WhatsApped me a few days ago to ask me how I’ve been all these years, and I told him about looking for a job.”

“So you sold yourself out so easily?”

“I asked him for a job as compensation for what happened back then.”

“How can you be so barefaced and ask him for a job, Amelia? Are you trying to piss me off?”

Amelia said softly, “Tiff, have you forgotten? When we were in debt, we swore to God that as long as we could be rich and no longer be looked down upon by anyone, we would stop at nothing as dignity was not worth a penny in the face of reality.”

Tiffany did not refute her.

“You can do that to Carter, but why can’t you do the same to Oscar? You’re just sugarcoating it when in fact, you’re tender-hearted. Anyway, I should stop here. I’ll go to the company with you tomorrow so that I can teach that b****** a lesson if he takes the opportunity to bully you.”

“He’s not a scourge.”

“That b******’s more terrifying than a scourge.”

Amelia was at a loss for words.


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