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Too Much to Bear, My Love novel Chapter 344

Chapter 344 The Fight

“And whose fault is it that I’ve changed?” shouted Cassie, as she started hitting Oscar with all her might. “You are the most despicable and heartless man I’ve ever met, Oscar! It’s your fault that I’ve become infertile and my career ruined! You’re the reason my hands can never play the piano again. How dare you just leave me when you’ve caused me so much pain!”

“That was all your doing, and you know it. Don’t blame it on somebody else,” responded Oscar in an indifferent tone.

Chuckling wryly, Cassie wondered why she fell for someone as cold as Oscar. However, no matter what the man did to her, she simply could not get herself to forget him.

After wiping away the tears that had ruined her makeup, Cassie took a deep breath to recompose herself. “Fine. I won’t blame you for what happened because that’s in the past now. Now that you’re single again, let’s start over, okay?”

“That’s not going to happen,” replied Oscar without a second thought before continuing to walk away from Cassie.


Even though he initially went to the nightclub to get a drink, he knew that was no longer an option after bumping into the woman.

Upset with Oscar’s response, Cassie clenched her fists so tightly that her knuckles cracked. However, after regaining her senses, she ran over to Oscar’s car and got in.


“Get out,” commanded Oscar impatiently.

Still, Cassie remained unmoved as she sat in the back seat. “I’m not going anywhere, Oz. I’ve sacrificed far too much for you to let you leave me again. If you don’t like my heavy makeup, I can put on a lighter one. If you don’t like my attitude, I can change that too. I’ll be whatever you want me to be. Just let me stay by your side. June’s nobody to me. That man’s just a pest I couldn’t get rid of.”

“Get out,” repeated Oscar, rubbing his forehead.

Since Cassie still refused to leave, Oscar decided to be the one to get out of the vehicle. He already had a headache in the office that morning, so he would rather not deal with another.

Seeing that, Cassie exited the car as well and continued to tail the man. “I’ve missed you, Oz. Weren’t you going to get a drink? Let me go with you.”

Suddenly, Oscar stopped walking and turned around to face Cassie. “If you keep following me like this, I can’t promise I’ll go as easy on you as I did just now.”

However, Cassie was not intimidated by Oscar’s threat at all, so he rolled his eyes at the woman before taking his phone out.

“Hugo, get two men over here to keep Ms. Yard away from me,” ordered Oscar.

Upon hearing that, Cassie immediately wrapped her arms around Oscar like an octopus once again and pleaded, “Please don’t do this to me, Oscar. I love you! I promise I won’t disturb you in any way.”

Oscar remained silent as he emotionlessly let the woman hang on to him.

When Hugo and several men arrived at the scene, they were amused to see their boss’ predicament since they had never met anybody more persistent than Cassie.

Seeing the way the woman acted, Hugo could not help but wonder why his boss would ever fall for somebody like her in the first place. I guess love really is blind.

“It’s getting late, Ms. Yard, so let my men send you home. After all, it’s not safe for you to be at this kind of place,” advised Hugo.

“Don’t you dare touch me! Or I’ll cry for help!” warned Cassie fiercely, sending daggers at Hugo and the men with him.

Amused yet again by the woman’s persistency, Hugo released a chuckle.

“What are you waiting for? Get her out of my sight now,” ordered Oscar irritably, so Hugo instructed two bodyguards to pull Cassie off of his boss by force.

Unexpectedly, Cassie then started struggling and yelling like a madwoman. “Help! Somebody is robbing me! He’s going to kill me! Please help me call the police!”

As soon as Cassie was removed, Oscar instantly made himself scarce. Following closely behind him was Hugo, who had issued further instructions to the bodyguards before leaving.

“Send Ms. Yard back home. When you get there, remind her parents to keep an eye on their misbehaving daughter lest she returns to bother Mr. Clinton again.”

“Yes, sir,” responded the bodyguards.

Even when they were already a distance away, Oscar and Hugo could still hear Cassie’s frenzied screaming. Compared to how she was five years ago, Cassie was a completely different person then.

“Should I go get the car now, Boss?” inquired Hugo.

After his boss nodded, Hugo turned back to get the vehicle. Cassie and the bodyguards were already gone when he went back there.

Getting into the back of the car, Oscar immediately leaned against the seat and shut his eyes.


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