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Too Much to Bear, My Love novel Chapter 354

Chapter 354 See You As A Sister

The two of them ran into Amelia Hutton and her friend who happened to step out of the elevator.

“Hello, we meet again! I’ve been wanting to invite you two over for a meal since you two moved in. Now that we’re all here, how about we have that meal at my place?” Amelia Hutton seemed like a gentle and soft-spoken woman.

Amelia Winters didn’t recognize who it was that spoke to her until Tiffany reminded her from the side, “Amelia, this is the girl that looks kind of like you. We met her when we first moved in, remember? Her name is Amelia Hutton.”

Due to their striking resemblance, Amelia Winters felt an inexplicable sense of closeness toward Amelia Hutton. “Hi! We should’ve invited you over for a meal when we first moved in, but I wasn’t feeling too well at the time. I was so happy to be discharged from the hospital that I totally forgot about it. I think we should be the ones to cook for you instead.”

“You were sick? How are you feeling now? Any better?” Amelia Hutton asked with a worried expression.


Amelia Winters replied with a chuckle, “I’m feeling much better, thanks for asking.”

“Let’s head upstairs, ladies. We have someone waiting for us,” Tiffany interrupted them before they could continue the conversation.


The four of them then entered the elevator together.

“Oh, you live on the tenth floor? What a coincidence! My friend and I live on the same floor too!” Amelia Hutton commented when she saw Tiffany press the button.

“Really? Wow, we get to be neighbors from now on! How long have you two been living here?” Tiffany asked with a chuckle.

“We only moved in a few months ago. We were both working in Saspiuburg back then. One day, we got tired of the place and decided to move to Beshya instead. That’s how we ended up selling our house in Saspiuburg and buying this unit here,” Amelia Hutton replied.

“Do you come from a wealthy family or have a really high-paying job? It’s rare for girls in their twenties like you to be able to afford such a nice unit in Beshya,” Tiffany probed curiously.

“My parents have a business of their own, and the only sibling I have is an older brother. That’s probably why they tend to spoil me a little.” There wasn’t a hint of arrogance in Amelia Hutton’s tone despite her family being well off.

Hmm… She seems kind of nice and would probably make a decent friend, but you can never tell if someone is truly good in such a short period of time. I’d better not jump to conclusions and make any assumptions just yet.

Tiffany thought to herself as they stepped out of the elevator.

She then carefully led Amelia Winters to the door of her apartment, prompting Amelia Hutton to exclaim in surprise, “This is your unit? We’re living in the one next door!”

Not only are we living on the same floor, but also next to each other? Dang, just how small can this world get?

With that in mind, Tiffany said, “What a coincidence, eh? It’s almost as if fate wants us to get acquainted or something!”

Kurt walked up to them with Tony in his arms the moment they stepped through the door. He flashed Amelia Hutton an indifferent look as she came in before calling out to Amelia Winters, “Amelia, Tony is here.”

“Mommy!” Tony mumbled as he reached out to hug his mommy that he hadn’t seen in almost a month.

Amelia Winters froze when she heard that. Her eyes teared up instantly, and her lips were trembling as well.

She grabbed Tiffany by the hand and shouted excitedly while crying tears of joy, “Did you hear that, Tiff? He called me ‘Mommy!’ Tony called me ‘Mommy!’“

Tiffany was equally shocked that Tony, who had just turned one, was able to call her “Mommy.” I’ve heard that baby boys develop a little slower than baby girls. Some can barely even walk at the age of two, but Tony here is already capable of calling her “Mommy!” On top of that, he’s taller than most other children and has more delicate facial features! It’s almost as if he got all the good genes from Amelia and Oscar!

“You should carry Tony for a bit, Amelia. It looks like he has been missing you dearly!” Tiffany said.

Having been snapped out of her state of shock, Amelia held her arms out so that Kurt could hand Tony over to her.

Her heart melted the moment she held his soft body in her embrace, and a genuine smile filled her face.

“You’ve gotten chubby, Anthony! Did you put on weight?” Amelia asked affectionately while giving his body a light squeeze.

Tony wrapped his arms around her neck and nuzzled against her cheek as he repeated, “Mommy… Mommy…”

Amelia’s heart had melted into a complete mush at that point.

“Oh, Tony… My precious baby boy…” she whispered while hugging him tightly.

Tiffany found herself tearing up as well. “Tony sure loves you a lot!”

Amelia Hutton broke into a huge smile as she watched from the side. “They have such a strong bond between them!”

Tiffany turned around to look at Amelia Hutton as she said, “She nearly died giving birth to him, so it’s only natural that they share a very strong connection with each other.”

Upon that, Amelia Hutton frowned and asked in confusion, “Nearly died? What happened?”

Tiffany then explained everything that happened, and Amelia Hutton found herself sympathizing with Amelia Winters.


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