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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 34

(Katerina's POV)

Kol and I decided to visit the beach while the kids were at a fun fare center for the children's day celebration. Our oldest daughter, who was now 21 years old was with the younger kids, keeping them company.

I looked to the side at him and then to the ocean behind him. I love the ocean. I love the soft waves that can turn dangerous at any time, the soft grumble of the waves crashing on the beach and staring at the sunset when the sun sets under the ocean.

It was that time of day now, the sun was setting and the light was turning soft.

"Come a bit closer," he whispered to me.

He put a hand on my waist and gently pulled me closer to him. I came to stand in front of him and put my hands on him. My left hand on his chest and my right on his muscled shoulder. My mind started wandering to the last time those wide shoulders were keeping my legs spread for him. I gazed up at his face and our eyes locked.

He smirked at me, he had probably guessed where my mind had gone. He had this sixth sense to know when I was having erotic thoughts. He put his hands on my butt and pulled me closer again, so my groin was resting against his. I could feel him getting excited against me.


I nodded. He moved his head closer and nuzzled my neck. He started giving me soft kisses there, driving me crazy. He knew my neck was a sensitive spot and kissing me there turned me on instantly. He moved my head to the side, giving him better access. His mouth travelled to my ear. He started whispering.

"Well, I suppose it's private enough here. We didn't come across a single soul the whole evening. But you'll still have to be silent, understand? Otherwise, next time, I'm going to drive you insane before I finally allow you to come."

"Aren't you going to drive me insane now? It's what you're good at, after all." I replied back to him.

He started laughing softly against my neck and pulled back a bit, so he could look at me again. I moved my hands to the back of his head, so I could grab his hair. This time, I pulled him closer and pressed my lips against his. He responded instantly.

He started kissing me for real, he moulded my lips to fit his. He sucked on my bottom lip and bit it, making me open my mouth. He took the opportunity and slid his tongue against mine. Slowly he glided his hands from my butt to my shoulders, taking my shirt with it. He paused the kissing just for a second, to pull off my shirt completely, and returned to kissing me with an indescribable passion. It was like my mouth was the most tasty thing he's ever tried and he just couldn't get enough.

But I felt the same way. His kisses set me on fire. I wanted more, much more. I started moaning against his lips. It made me feel a twitch against my crotch, which was still resting against his.

"What did I say about making any noise?"

"But there's nobody around for miles," I pouted.

"It's the principle, baby. You know I can make you feel good, but I'll only do that when you listen. Do I have to make that magnificent butt red as well, on top of driving you extra insane the next session?"

"Noooo! No," I laughed. "You don't have to go that far."

"Then keep your voice down, sweetheart," he growled.

He lowered his head again and I thought he was going to kiss me again, but he put his mouth on my shoulder and bit me, leaving a light imprint of his teeth. At the same time he unclasped my bra and I felt my breasts getting freed. He started sucking and licking at my shoulder and moved up my neck again, the pain making me experience every sensation even more. When he moved higher, it also gave him the freedom to slide my bra straps off my shoulders.

He put his warm hands on the underside of my breasts and started massaging there. My nipples got stiff because of the cold combined with the massaging of his warm hands. Before he went any further, I got uncomfortable and went to lie down on the sand.

"Getting ready, are you? Take off your skirt and panties while you're at it," he demanded of me.

Being the good little girl I am, I listened to him. But I smiled up at him like a little devil and asked: "Aren't you going to undress?"


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