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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 36

My breasts were hovering above his face in this position and he took the opportunity to take a nipple in his mouth.

He started gently sucking it and upped the intensity bit by bit. He knew just what to do to me. My body started to get more and more sensitive, because I became more aware of him. I shivered. The sensation I was feeling from his attention on my nipple was just bliss.

He shifted his attention to the other one to do the same thing on the other side. One of his hands was moving again and pinched the nipple he had already sensitized. The combination of the two feelings was amazing, I couldn't help but let a moan escape.

I was suddenly on my back and he was on top of me. I moved a bit upwards, so my head was laying on top of the pillows.

"Change of plans?" I smirked at him.

He nodded.

"Mhm, I changed my mind. I want to lay between your beautiful thighs too now," he growled.

He settled between my thighs. He started teasing me by giving me small kisses, trailing from my knee to my inner thigh. He was building the anticipation and it was working. I was really worked up and just wanted him to lick me already. I started to let out some impatient noises and I could feel him huff.

Finally, he licked between the full length of my pussy lips with his tongue. I shivered when he hit my clit, it just felt so good. He let out an appreciative moan.

"You taste amazing like always, Love," he praised me.

"Don't stop, please," I whimpered.

Encouraged by my words, he continued with enthusiasm. He kept on licking long strokes along the length of my pussy lips, imitating a cat himself.

It didn't take long for me to reach my first peak. I groaned out his name, while also squeezing his head between my thighs.

"I love making you lose control," he said, while catching his breath. "I'm not done here, though, you came so fast and I don't have my fill of your taste yet."

Without giving me chance to recuperate, he started using his tongue on me again. But instead of long strokes, he focused his attention on my sensitized clit and inserted a finger in my pussy.

His finger made the plug move inside of me and I let out a surprised yelp.

He glanced at my face and after seeing my expression, he just continued without missing a beat. The surprised yelp of the plug moving quickly turned into more moaning. This extra fullness really did add an extra layer of sensation.

As he was twirling his tongue around my clit and sucking it gently from time to time, while moving his fingers inside me and hitting all the right places, I started to feel my orgasm build again.


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