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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 57

(Annabel POV)

"Do you know what safewords are?" Kaden asked.

"No, I ... ummm ... I don't."

"If at any time what we're doing is too intense, you'll say the word 'red' and I'll immediately stop what I'm doing, do you understand?"

"Yes, I do."

"Okay, I'm going to start with a spanking. Stand here, in front of me." I took a couple of steps forward until we were face-to-face. His next command was exactly what I expected.

"Remove your skirt." Again, his tone was firm, but it still had a light, airy quality about it.

I put my thumbs into the waistband and slid it down my legs, then stepped out of it and tossed them aside. I was wearing a little silk thong, and the cheeks of my ass were now completely exposed.

"Now bend over, and put your face into the cushions of the couch."

I obeyed and got into position. My long brown hair was falling around my face and my pubic mound was on his right thigh, so I assumed he was going to use his left hand to spank me.

What he did next surprised me. He started patting me, very lightly, on my ass, and then he added slow, gentle caresses between the very soft movements of his hand. What he was doing was very sensual, and I actually felt myself relaxing as some of the nervous tension left my body. After a couple of minutes of that treatment, he spoke to me in a quiet voice.

"How was your relationship with your father when you were growing up?"

What kind of a question is that? I wondered. "It was good," I answered in a similarly subdued tone.

He continued the light patting and caressing. "When you were a child, did he spank you when you misbehaved?"

Why is he asking me this? Where are these questions coming from? I thought. Why isn't he just doing what he's going to do? This was something I definitely hadn't expected. "Yes, he did."

"Did he spank you through your clothing?"

"No, it was always on my bare bottom."

"Did it hurt?"

"Not always. When I misbehaved and did something really bad, his spankings were more intense and yes, at those times, it was more painful."

"Did you enjoy the spankings?"

Where the hell is he going with this? I didn't want to admit my next statement, but I was already so into everything he was doing I decided to be honest. "At times they hurt, they really hurt, but ... I ... ummm ... I liked the attention and somehow it made me feel closer to him."

"Did he enjoy them?"

That was a tough one and I really had to think before I answered him. "I'm ... ummm ... I'm not sure. I didn't think so at the time, but I remember feeling his erection against my stomach sometimes when I was over his knee."

Finally he stopped asking questions and the intensity of the swats began to increase. The strikes were still light at first, but they became harder and I felt my ass begin to heat up. He kept gradually increasing the intensity, and I started to feel a low, burning ache. I was unconsciously wiggling my bottom in an attempt to escape the pain. He must have seen what I was doing because he put his free hand on my back and closed his leg against the backs of my thighs, effectively immobilizing me so there was no escape as the intensity increased. I was quickly reaching the point where I was ready to 'tap out' and use my safeword when a sudden warmth suffused my whole body; my face got hot and the pain receded into the background.

What the fuck was that? "What just happened to me?"

"When pain reaches a certain level, the body releases hormones called endorphins," he told me. "They are the human body's natural pain-killers, and they can produce a pleasurable high that's similar to the effect of opiate medications like oxycodone." The spanking had momentarily stopped and he reached down between my legs and the tips of his fingers gently rubbed against my pussy. For the first time that evening, I realized I was wet, really wet.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed. "How did that happen?"

"I suspect it was the result of a combination of two things," he said dryly. "You enjoy this type of play, and when I increased the intensity, your endorphins kicked in and magnified the pleasure response."

God, I enjoyed this? I enjoyed being spanked that hard? That thought was scary, and it was something that was difficult to admit to myself, and I knew it would take a while for me to wrap my mind around this very new discovery. Nonetheless, my thong was completely soaked through and my secretions were running down the inside of my thighs. Regardless of whether I could accept this new and very shocking side to my sexuality, what he'd just done to me was incredibly arousing.

"I liked it," I said in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Would you like to continue?"

"Yes, I want more," I shyly admitted.

He resumed the spanking, using his right hand this time because his left was gently grazing the lips of my vagina. Again, he started with slow, easy pats on my ass and he gradually increased the intensity. Like before, the pain reached a crescendo. Involuntarily, I was moaning and panting and actually raising my ass into the air to meet his sharp, intense swats. He seemed to know just how far to take me before the spanking was too much for me to handle. Just as I was reaching the precipice, he moved his hand and began to rub my clit through my thong. Instantly, my body began to shake and convulse as an intense orgasm rocked my body.

Just as I was beginning to come down, he slid my thong to the side and pushed two fingers inside me while his thumb rubbed my clit. He gave me several more hard swats, and when the endorphin rush hit me a second time, my body quaked as an even more powerful orgasm overwhelmed me. I was crying out, my hips were wildly bucking, and I was pushing my hips back onto his fingers, driving them deeper inside me over and over. As I started to come back around, I felt as if I couldn't catch my breath. My hair was a matted, tangled mess and sweat was dripping off my body.

When our eyes met, he gave me a little smile. "I think it's safe to assume you enjoyed that."

"Jesus Christ," I said between little sips of breath. "Yes, I did."

* * * * *

Kaden was very patient with me while I regained my equilibrium and gave me plenty of time to fully recover. He gently ran his fingers over my back and bottom. He spoke softly, saying sweet words that were both calming and flattering. When my breathing had returned to normal, I sat on the couch.

"Would you like a bottle of water?" he gently asked.

"I would, thank you."

He left for a couple of minutes and returned with two bottles of water. After removing the cap, he handed one to me and took the other.

After we finished drinking, I noticed he was staring lustfully at my thighs. "Will you take me further down this road?" I asked seductively.

He broke into a little smile. "Yes, I will." His eyes slowly moved up and down my body. "Keep your heels on, and stand underneath that bar."

I stood, removed my blouse and my thong, and placed them on top of my discarded skirt. I wasn't wearing a bra, so I was completely naked except for my heels. Obeying his command, I walked to the middle of the room and stood under the bar. In front of me was a full-length mirror so I could see myself and see behind me.

I watched as he went to the wall that had all the different implements hanging on it. He removed a couple of things from the wall and then walked over and stood in front of me. One of the devices in his hand truly looked menacing.

"What's that?" I asked softly.

What he was holding looked like something I'd read about in historical fiction except it had a lot more than nine tails, and also a pair of strange-looking leather straps with short chains attached to them.

He held up the device. "This is a flogger," he said conversationally. "Open your mouth." When I did as he'd ordered, he placed the handle of the flogger between my teeth. "Hold it," he commanded, and I closed my teeth on it. I breathed in through my nose and the scent of the leather was intoxicating, and when the tip of my tongue touched the handle of the flogger the taste was carnal and seemed to add to the nervous tension I was feeling.

"Hold up your hand," he directed next, and when I did he buckled the straps of one of the strange things around my wrist. There was a chain attached to each side of it, and before the chains joined there was a padded bar between them. "These are suspension cuffs," he told me, "and you can hold onto the handles, but even if you let go the cuffs will keep you from falling. Now give me your other hand."

He cuffed my other wrist and then attached the joined chains from each cuff to the ends of the bar. I grasped the cuff handles and he took hold of the flogger, so I opened my mouth and released it. Then he moved to stand beside me, used his right hand to glide my long hair off my shoulders, and then moved that hand to rest lightly on the back of my neck.

I was close to hyperventilating and my body was shivering in anticipation of what was going to happen next.

His hand was still covering my neck when he touched the tails of the flogger between my shoulder blades, then down to the small of my back, and then slid it further south until it rested on the upper crack of my bottom. He then moved it back up at a slow, languished pace. He repeated the movements several times, building my anticipation, excitement, and fear of what would come next. My breathing was heavy and shallow as I attempted to get myself somewhat under control. My pussy felt like it was on fire, which amazed me because he wasn't anywhere close to it.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" he said in a low, throaty tone.

Again, I attempted to control my breathing so I could respond to his sensual words. "Yes, daddy, I am."

"Your pussy is wet, isn't it?"

Because my hands were restrained, I had no way to touch myself. However, I could feel my secretions oozing out and running between my inner thighs. "Yes, daddy," I timidly admitted.

I had no idea what to expect next, which created a lot of tension inside me, but his soft, gentle words seemed to somehow relax me and put me at ease. He continued to run the tails of the flogger up and down my back, building the anticipation, the need, inside me. "Please, daddy" I whimpered, "please ..." I had no idea what he planned to do next, I just knew that whatever it was, I wanted him to do it.


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