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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 58

(Katerina's POV)

While I was enjoying the stunning view outside our window, I felt Kol move behind me.

I turned to face him and his lips instantly fused with mine. We kissed passionately as we stumbled further into the room, not breaking apart till we were beside the enormous king-size bed in our matrimonial bedroom. While we continued to kiss, I felt his fingers move down my stomach while his other hand unzipped my dress.

I felt flushed, a combination of his hands exploring my body and the alcohol that I had consumed earlier. My dress was incredibly tight, and even after he had it unzipped, it still clung to my body. He continued to kiss my neck roughly as he slid the dress down and off of me. Shivers went through my body as he kissed my shoulders while simultaneously unclasping and removing my bra, exposing my breasts.

He immediately attached his mouth to one of my hard pink nipples and started gently biting and sucking before licking around that breast and moving to the other one. I threw my head back and moaned and gasped as he worked my nipples, massaging one while busily lapping at the other.

While he continued to play with my breasts, I began to unbutton his shirt. He stopped his ministrations to my nipples so I could get rid of his unwanted article of clothing. Once I had his shirt on the floor, I moved to his pants, tugging at his belt buckle and zipper. Before I knew it, I added his pants and boxers to the growing pile of clothes on the floor between us.

He broke our passionate kiss, and we paused for a moment to look into each other's eyes. Then, caught up in the hedonistic moment, I got down on my knees in front of him.

I paused for a few seconds to marvel at his cock, which I had to admit was a magnificent specimen. It was long and fat, and I scooted just a bit closer so I could take it in my mouth. I gently gripped the shaft and ran my tongue over the large purple head, tasting the pre-cum that had formed on the slit. I licked up and down his shaft several times, coating his cock with my saliva.

I looked up; his eyes were closed and low groans were escaping his mouth. Smiling, I took the head into my mouth and started sucking on it, moving it slowly in and out, teasing him. He continued to groan and writhe as I took more of him into my mouth until I had most of him in my throat. I looked up again and his eyes rolled back as I started to move my head faster. I was able to relax my throat, which allowed me to take him all the way down to the root.

After several minutes, he was grunting loudly and began to thrust himself in and out of my mouth. At that point, I remained motionless, which allowed him to control the pace. I kept my lips sealed tight around his cock while his hips continued to thrust back and forth rapidly. I could taste his pre-cum in my mouth, which got me even more aroused.


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