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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 Leaving?

Andrew POV

Logan calmed down a bit, but he was still upset.

“Let him hold you until he calms down.” I told my sister.

I could see how hurt and angry she was, and it was breaking my heart. She had every right to be, I knew that, but I wished that she wasn’t. I wished that she would let me explain.

Judging from the way she was looking at me, I wasn’t sure she would let me explain anytime soon.

It was killing me.

I wanted to claw my heart out. I wanted to punish myself for being stupid. I wanted to go back and fix every mistake I’ve ever made.

‘You should have listened to me.’ Asher growled. ‘We wouldn’t be losing our sister right now.’

My heartbeat quickened. Losing her? What the hell was he talking about?

She was mad, yes, but she would let me explain. She would forgive me.

‘What the fuck are you talking about, Asher?’ I growled back at him.

‘Eliza told me that Emma was talking about leaving the pack to get some space from Logan.’ Asher whined. ‘That was before you told her the truth. Who knows what will she do now.’

My body froze. She wanted to leave the pack? She wanted to leave me?


No fucking way I was letting that happen!

My hands went to grab her without thinking. I grabbed her arm, holding on to her, but not pulling her away from Logan. He would rip my head off right now. I was already risking a lot of shit just by touching her.

‘She will never leave me.’ I told Asher. 7

won’t allow it.’

‘Eliza will do what she can to keep her in the pack.’ Asher sighed sadly.

‘Does Leon know?’ I asked, even though I already knew the answer to that question.

If Leon knew, my house would already be destroyed and maybe even burned to the ground.

‘Of course not.’ Asher said. ‘He would go insane. Eliza only told me because she is afraid. She doesn’t want to leave us or

Logan and Leon. You know we don’t communicate much.’

Asher was right. Our wolves didn’t talk to each other much. Mates

communicated more often, but it was mostly lovey-dovey stuff. They shared our private conversations and thoughts only when they were afraid their human would do something dangerous, and they only shared it with mates and family.

Just as Eliza was doing now.

‘Don’t worry, Asher.’ I said, tightening my grip on Emma’s arm. ‘She won’t leave. I won’t let her.’

‘You better not.’ Asher growled. ‘I will beat your ass myself if you do

something stupid this time.’

I growled back at him before cutting our communication off and focusing back on Logan and Emma.

Logan seemed better. His canines retracted, and his eyes were back to their normal color. His nose was buried in Emma’s hair, and he was taking deep breaths.

“Logan?” I called him carefully.

He lifted his head and looked at me.

“Are you okay?” I asked him quietly.

He looked down at Emma and shook his


I felt sorry for him, but I understood Emma as well.

“Can you let me go now?” Emma asked him.

He took a deep breath and loosened his grip on her. She sat up and looked at him. He placed his hands on her hips, keeping her seated on his lap.


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