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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 225

Chapter 225 

Halfway through breakfast, Sherri’s room door opened. 

Everyone seated at the dining table turned to look in that direction. 

Ruby ran out of the room, wearing a pretty pink dress. She went straight to Jasper, calling out in a soft voice, “Jasper” 

Jasper was eating the cereal that Trevon had taken for him. He did not like cereal at all. He preferred food that tasted sweet. Unfortunately, he had to force himself to eat them since his father had brought them for him. 

He ate his breakfast glumly “In” 

Seeing this, Natalie stroked Ruby’s braid gently “Ruby, what would you like to eat? Do you want some cereal?” 

Ruby nodded Natalie then carried her onto a chair. She served her a bowl of cereal and fed her a spoonful 

Leaning on his chair. Trevon looked at Ruby. He was rather fond of the adorable girl. “She’s a good girl. The only problem is she looks like Hackett 

Natalie kicked him under the table and shot him an angry look. “Eat your breakfast. Ruby is such a beautiful girl. If you’re jealous of Hackett, just say so.” 

Instead of getting angry. Trevon quipped, “Why don’t you bear me a daughter?” 

Natalie vat a loss for words 

Ava grinned as she watched both of them bicker. She, too, longed to be in love. “Natalie, I hope you and Trevon can always be so happy together” 

The corners of Trevon’s lips curled into a smile. He was pleased to hear what Ava just said. “Of course, we’ll always be happy. Where do you want to go this afternoon? I’ll make the necessary arrangements.” 

His tone was lighthearted and happy. 

Just then, Sherri had already changed into her clothes and strolled out of her room. She looked like she had not fully woken up. “I heard you bickering from inside the room. You’ve been flirting so much that I already feel full * 

Natalie retorted. “Well then you can go hungry. Otherwise, you may be too stuffed after that” 

Sherri started to panic “How can you do this to me? Aren’t we the best of friends? How can you be so blinded by love that you forget about your friends” 

Trevon continued to feed Jasper. When he saw that Jasper had almost finished eating, he said to the boy. “Get down and go play Take care of Ruby” 

Jasper replied offhandedly, “Sure 

Sherri looked at Jasper’s reaction and sighed. “Mr. Wilson, I can tell right away that Jasper is your son without performing at 

DNA test” 

Jasper was already a cold and distant boy at such a young age. He might grow up to be more unapproachable and aloof than 


If that happened, no girl would be able to get close to him. 

Trevon was silent for a while before he asked, “Am I that cold” 

Thinking that Trevon was not that difficult to get along with, Sherri decided to be a little bolder “You’re a very cold person. Don’t you know that when you don’t speak, there seems to be an almost impermeable barrier surrounding you?” 

Trevon’s expression remained unchanged, treating Sherri’s remarks as compliments. Tm a very disciplined person. I won’t attract unwanted attention.” 

Sherri wondered if Trevon was trying to insinuate something. 

Instantly, the atmosphere became clully. Natalie tried to change the subject. She turned to Ava, “Ava, did you pick Rose up this morning? Why didn’t she come back with you?” 

Ava took a tissue to wipe her lips and began to tell them the shocking news. “Natalie, do you know who I met when I went to pick Rose up this morning?” 

Sherri and Natalie asked in unison, “Who is it?” 

Trevon had already finished hus breakfast. He sat calmly by the side and scrolled through the news on his phone. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly No one could make out what he was thinking 

Ava’s expression was complex. “My buddy, Frank.* 

Sherri’s eyes widened. 


Natalie did not know what to say. 

Trevon merely smiled. Sherri and Natalie were too distracted by the news of Frank’s appearance at the airport to notice Tirus sur 

Natalie regained her senses first. “Why did Frank pick Rose up? Did she leave with him?” 

Before Ava could say anything. Sherri asked, “Are they a couple?” 

Ava shook her head. She asked Rose the same question. “Rose said that Buddy is her brother. He is her blood brother.” She nodded to reiterate her point, thinking both of them would doubt her words. 

Sherri thought of Rose’s last name and asked, “Isn’t her last name Wild?” 

Ava replied, “Yes. Rose said she gave herself that last name. Her real last name is Roberts.” 

Natalie was speechless. 

She suddenly realized that Trevon would know something about it. She quickly turned to him. “Are the siblings not on good 


There must be a reason for Rose to use Wild as her last name. 

Trevon touched his tongue to his lips and stifled a laugh. “They’re bitter enemies.” 

Ava became anxious. “Does that mean Rose is in danger? Will they fight 

Trevon looked from Ava’s innocent yet nervous expression to Natalie’s warning look. He knew she was telling him not to keep them in suspense any longer. He stopped teasing them and said. “They only bicker with each other. They do not fight. one another physically” 

Ave heaved a sigh of relief. However, she still had not fully digested the news 

Not only Ava but both Sherri and Natalie were also still in shock. It was such a small world. The real name of Jasper and Ruby’s pediatrician in Sapphire City was actually Rose Roberts. 

It was such a coincidence that she was also Frank’s biological sister. 

Moreover, Frank was a close friend of Hackett and Trevon. It seemed that fare had intertwined their paths in a remarkable coincidence. It was indeed an unexpected turn of events. 

After breakfast, Trevon tricked Natalie into going into his room. He gave the excuse that she did not help him to shower the night before 

When they entered, Trevon told Natalie to wait in his room first. He then went into Hackett’s room and pulled him out of bed. Your girlfriend is looking for you. Get up quickly. Go and go parify her.” 

Hackett lay motionless on the bed. If not for the fact that he was still breathing. Trevon would have thought that he was dead. After a while, he muttered. “Don’t disturb me. I want to sleep. I’m so tired.” 

Trevon had the urge to throw Hackett out of the room. However, he restrained himself since the latter had a hold on him. 

Natalie waited for a long time, but Trevon did not go into the room. She decided to go out to take a look. Just then, she saw Trevon about to splash a glass of water onto the bed. 

Seeing this, she quickly stopped him. When she saw Hackett sleeping like a log, she took the glass of water from Trevon’s left hand. “What are you doing?” 

Trevon said indifferently, “I want to wake him up 

“Who wakes people up this way? He can continue sleeping while you take your shower. He won’t bother you at all.” 

Trevon suddenly leaned close to her car. I’m afraid you will be held back by his presence.” 

Natalie’s heart skipped a beat, and her face flushed red. Bracing herself, she grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room. She then closed the door so Hackett could continue sleeping. 

Both of them went into Trevon’s room, and Trevon used his foot to close the door. He then locked the door and smiled. “How are you going to help me shower?” 

Natalie lowered her head, staring blankly at the shiny tiles on the floor. “Why don’t I help you wipe your body?” 

His height towered over her by more than a whole head, and now, with her head lowered, he appeared even more superior, looking down at her with a smirk on his lips. He lied, “I haven’t showered for several days. The doctor said I can’t get wet” 

If Jim were presem, he would have blurted out that Trevon’s sleeves were specially customized. They were waterproof 

Natalie knew that things would not be so simple after she came into the room. She was already prepared for Trevon’s tricks. She clenched her hands into fists and released them. She raised her head, looking like she was facing a death sentence She urged, Hurry up.” 

She then strode into the bathroom. Traveon was amused to see how Natalie was pretending to be calm. He followed after 

her into the bathroom, locking the door. 

Natalie was walking in front when she heard the sound of the door being locked. It made her heart race even faster. The blush on her cheeks, which had not yet faded, deepened. With her back turned to him, she asked, “Why did you lock the door” 

Trevon’s gaze was fixed on her waist, and has eyes were filled with complex emotions. Tm afraid Hackett will peek at us.” 

Natalie was at a loss for words. 

He had made his intentions clear. Yet he was scheming enough to push the blame to Hackett 


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