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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 226

Chapter 226 

A few numites later. Trevon walked out of the bathroom with a white towel wrapped around his torso. His body was not completely dry Water droplets cascadest from his chest, trickling along the well-defined contours of has abdomen and finally landing on the towel 

Natalie was waiting by the bed with a first-and kit. Her gaze fell upon his sturdy ches and perfectly sculpted eight-pack abs, emitting an enticing aura of hormones from his entire body. 

She closed her eyes. Wipe your selt dry “ 

Trevon curled his lips into a wicked smile. “I can’t reach some parts of my body. You have to help me.” 

Natalie walked over, suppressing the flutters in her heart. She went to the bathroom to get a clean towel and brusquely wiped his back dry. She then threw the towel to him, “Wipe off the water on the front yourself.” 

Trevon let out a laugh. “Are you painting a piece of wood? It’s so · haphazard” 

Natalie ignored his protests “You’re not going to parade your body in public. Why does it have to be so clean and precise?” 

Trevon did not argue further. He chuckled and looked at her, amused Tossing the towel to one side, he sat down by the bed. 

Natalie carefully changed the dressing on his right hand and his palm. By the time she finished changing the wound, the blush on her face had already dissipated 

She was so focused on dressing the wound that she entertained no other thoughts. 

Soon, she started to pack the first aid kit. Trevon caught her hand and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her down to sit on his lap 

Their eyes met. She knew what he wanted. She also understood the longing in his eyes. However, she pushed his chest away. “Stop it You’re injured.” 

Pleased that he had hit the nail on the head, he said, “So it’s okay if I’m not hurt?” 

His voice carried a hint of temptation and seduction. 

She sat on his lap, and their heads were almost the same height. Before she knew it, his lips touched hers, and they indulged in a passionate kiss. It started gently, gradually deepening until they reached the most intimate connection. 

Their breathing became heavier. His hand rubbed against her waist, stroking it gently. It sent shivers through her body, causing her toes to curl in delight. 

His eyes were bloodshot as he said in a low voice. “Darling, do you want to inspect my body? I’m still a pure man. I was so foolish in the past. You can check my body if you don’t believe me.” 

This was the first time he had called her Darling Her heart was already in turmoil. Now she felt her emotions surge further. 

However, she did not show her true feelings. Natalie rested her head below his chin as his breathing grew louder. She said softly. Im a surgeon, not a urologist.” 

Besides, it sounded so crude to inspect his body is such an ambiguous manner. 

Natalie was rendered speechless by Trevon’s next remark. He leaned closer to her ear, causing the atmosphere in the room to intensify. Both professions extract parts of a body. Isn’t it the same?” 

Her highly charged emotions calmed down at that very instant. She felt annoyed yet amused. How could it be possible to have such contrasting feelings at the same time! 

Natalie did not know how to respond. Trevon was too shameless. 

He leaned close to her ear again and whispered something. After saying that, he smiled with a look of anticipation. Seeing his pitiful and longing expression, Natalie nodded without thinking 

About an hour later. Natalie left the room angrily. She bumped into Hackett, who happened to open the door of his room. He was shocked to see her “Natalie?” 

Natalie nodded and quickly hid her hand behind her back. She then hurried out of the room. 

Although Hackett had only one intimate encounter, he was still perceptive about such matters. One look at Natalie’s expression, and he could guess what Trevon had done. His sleepiness that was lingering vanished in an instant, awakened by his curiosity. 

He strode into Trevon’s room, where Natalie had left the door open. Trevon was standing in front of the wardrobe, trying to put on a white shirt, siniling. The towel was still wrapped around his waist. 

Hackett leaned lazily against the door frame and teased, “You’re already so energetic in the morning Aren’t you afraid of injuring your waist?” 

As Trevon was in high spirits, he ignored Hackett. He was still satisfied, although he did not have his way with Natalie. 


Hackett continued, “Tell me about it. You used such a short time this morning. Has it been so long that you rushed into things” 

Immediately. Trevon pulled off the towel around his waist and threw it at Hackett’s face 

Hackett started cursing loudly, but Trevon ignored him. “Are you sick in your mind? The towel is so dirty. This is disgusting” 

Trevon smirked. “It has my smell too. Breathe in deeply. Doesn’t it smell good?” 

From Trevon’s comment, Hackett finally understood what happened. “You’re sick. So what if you got your satisfaction this morning? There are so many disgusting people in the world, but you are the worst.” 

Hackett was indignant. He, too, had a girlfriend who could satisfy him. 

When Natalie got back to her room, the living room was bustling with activity. Sherri and Ava were chatting merrily Ruby and Jasper were playing with Lego blocks. The atmosphere was harmonious and joyful. 

Sherri turned to look at Natalie, whose face was a little red. “What’s wrong with you? Did you go for a walk with Mr. Wilson 

Natalie felt a little guilty. Tm fine. Im just a little hot Maybe the air conditioning is too strong. I’m going to take a shower.” 

Her hand was still in her pocket, still shaking. If Sherri saw her hand, she would be able to guess what had happened. 

Sherri shouted after her as she entered the bathroom. “Hurry up and wash up. Rose is bringing us out to have some fun tonight. We should settle the kids before that” 

Distracted, Natalie replied offhandedly. “Okay” 

She quickly locked the bathroom door and removed her hand from her pocket. Staring at the skin between her thumb and index finger, which had turned red, she trembled slightly. The unsettling scene flashed across her mind again. Even his breathing seemed to echo in her ears. 

The emotions that were initially fading away surged back in an instant. 

Natalie undressed and stood under the showerhead. She then turned on the warm water and rinsed herself. 

Meanwhile, in the living room. Ava was thinking of how to settle the kids. She asked Sherri cautiously, “Sherri, do you think we should let Trevon and Hackett take care of Jasper and Ruby?” 

Sherri slapped her thigh, thinking that it was a brilliant idea. “Your brain is working well. It’s not a bad idea at all. I’ll get Hackett to come over.” 

Hackett’s phone rang while he was desperately washing his face. He wiped his face furiously and cursed. “Pervert, do you think everyone likes to smell your body scent?” 

Fishing his phone from his pocket. Hackett saw the message from Sherri. She wanted him to go to her room. It was already half past ten in the morning. 

Tossing the towel into the trash can, he made his way to Sherri’s room. 

The doorbell rang, and Sherri opened the door. Hackett was standing outside the door, beaming. “Do you miss me?” 

I do miss you. I want you to be a nanny today’ 

She continued, “Come in. I have something to tell you. I’m going to meet a friend with Natalie and Ava tonight. You’ll have to take care of Ruby 

Hackett did not expect Sherri to say that. “Aren’t you going to bring me along?” 

Sherri said, “It’s only for girls. How can we bring you men along? Just stay here and take good care of Ruby. Im going out to have some fun.” 

Hackett was reluctant, but on second thought, he wondered if Trevon also had to stay behind. “What about that rascal, Trevon Does he take care of his son too?” 


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