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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 303

Chapter 303 

The vast dance studio was filled with colorful lights, captivating music, and people with a variety of masks and matching 


A young boy stood in the center, holding a microphone and explaining the rules. He pointed toward the display screen on the wall. 

Initially, this screen played dance videos, but now it was being repurposed for a different use, making the most of its 


The boy said, “Today is our annual mask party. I’m thrilled that we can get together again. Let’s cut to the chase. I’ll explain the rules. The students who participated in the past years know the rules, but our new juniors don’t. For those participating for the first time, we welcome you to join our faculty’s big family! 

He continued, “Currently, the lights are on The entire dance studio is very bright. Our principal has spared no expense. He bought the best lights for this studio. First of all, thanks to the principal’s generosity. Okay, I stop the flattery now. Let’s continue with the main topic. You all have to wear the mask you like now, and you can’t see each other’s faces. Then, there’s a blank name tag on your chests. Before the game starts, pick a name from the screen you think you’ll meet when the lights are off. After the lights come on, we’ll reveal the answers. Check if the person you’re holding hands with matches the name on your tag. When the time as up, take down masks and let everyone witness.” 

He added, “Rules are laid out. Let’s talk about some key points. No cheating is allowed. You can’t secretly remove your mask and no sneaky actions. 

“Now, onto the prizes. The first prize is a Tesla Model 3 You can choose the color you like. Of course, this game doesn’t have second or third prizes, nor participation prizes. So don’t hold onto any hopes for those. I’ve covered the rules, the prizes, and the key points. Any questions? I suppose not. Then, let’s start writing down the names.” 

His voice was loud, filling the dance studio. As his words faded, they carried a lingering echo. “Are you all done writing? Then, I declare the mask party begins.” 

With a resounding announcement, everyone in the room became excited, enthusiastic, curious, and hopeful about winning prizes. They were also curious about who they would see when the lights came on later. This kind of game was full of unknowns. It ignited a strong sense of curiosity and exploration in people. 

Ava, Rose, and Sherri stood together. They even added Alex Natalie and Trevon did not take off their name tags or write down names because their names were not on the screen. They were here to experience the atmosphere of Ava’s school. 

Sherri pursued a sense of ceremony and wrote “Hackett’ on her name tag, while Hackett wrote “Sherri” on his 

Rose randomly picked a name from the screen. It was Alex. 

Ava neatly wrote “Alex” on the blank name tag, and Alex also wrote “Ava” on the name tag. 

After five minutes, the bright lights dimmed, casting a dim atmosphere in the dance hall. In the darkness, one could not see other people clearly. They were all in the same school uniforms but with different masks, making it impossible to distinguish one person from another. 

Trevon felt uncomfortable in his school uniform. Everything felt strange to him. However, Natalie was quite happy as she held his waist and hugged him tightly. He asked, “Honey, are you having fun?” 

Natalie smiled in the darkness and replied, “Yes, does this count as a campus romance?” 

Trevon chuckled and mischievously pecked her ear. “Maybe.” 

The damp sensation on her ear made her body tingle, and her ear turned slightly red. Fortunately, the lights were off. She warned, “Behave yourself. We are in a school” 

Trevon replied, “Alright, I’ll behave now, but I won’t let you off when we are home.” 

Natalie went speechless. 

Suddenly, a group of burly people disrupted the atmosphere and scattered the clustered crowd. Only then did the dance begin. Ava and Alex were naturally separated by the crowd. 

Amid the confusion, a pair of large hands firmly encircled Ava’s waist. Their warmth transmitted through her school uniform to her body. One hand rested on Ava’s shoulder, providing a protective touch. She knew this person was not Alex, but she had no choice. After all, this was the game’s rule. 

In the subdued light, Ava lifted her gaze. Her hands dangled loosely on the man’s arms, giving off an air of detachment. Behind the mask, the man’s eyes were as deep and bottomless as the sea. They were pitch-black and profound, yet there was a hint of restrained tenderness, His gaze looked very familiar. 

Ava’s immediate thought was of Frank’s eyes. They were very similar. Lately, due to the arrival of Rose’s group, she found herself constantly reminded of Frank. 

As time passed, these thoughts grew more frequent, almost overwhelming her. 


She looked up for quite a while, her neck getting sore. Her steps followed the rhythm, and the man’s steps coordinated with hers. Their dance was precise, without any foot-stepping mishaps. 

Sherri’s voice came from nearby, scolding Hackett, “You stepped on me. Hackell, can’t you be more careful?” 

Hacken quickly apologized, “Sweetheart, Im sorry, it’s too dark. I can’t see. I’ll be more careful” 

Ava’s eyes were transparent and clear as crystal. Her voice was soft and sweet as she said, “Mister, have we met somewhere before? Your eyes feel very familiar to me” 

The man remained silent and just danced quietly. Ava asked again, but since he didn’t respond, she assumed he wasn’t interested and stopped asking. She loosened her grip on his arm, but has hand on her waist tightened even more. 

This feeling puzzled her. She reminded him, saying, “Excuse me, can you loosen your grip a bit? We’re dancing, not hugging” 

After a pause, the man’s hand indeed loosened a bit. Ava didn’t say anything more and continued dancing. She had to endure it until the end of the dance. After all, she wasn’t going to be the first-place winner. Today was just about bringing her friends along to join the party. 

Half an hour later, the lights came on. Ava voluntarily pulled away from the man’s chest, creating a bit more distance between them. The sudden brightness caused everyone present to shield their eyes from the light. 

When one got used to darkness for a long time, they would become less adapted to brightness. It took time for them to adjust 

The man wasn’t wearing a school uniform. He wore a jet-black suit with matching trousers. A pure black custom-made belt was fastened around his waist. He wore a white cotton and linen shirt with the top button undone, and his sexy Adam’s apple stood out. 

His black fox mask added a touch of wildness and rebellion, as well as a hint of innocence and allure. As Ava looked at the man in front of her, her heartbeat skipped a beat. An incredible thought popped into her mind. 

Her heart raced faster, almost to the point of suffocation. 

Even the lace mask she wore couldn’t hide the surprise, panic, and astonishment in her eyes. She tightly clenched her school uniform, almost forgetting to breathe. 

Just as she was in a daze, a commanding voice rang out, “Now, let’s remove our masks and see who’s beside us. But don’t be surprised. The matches might not be opposite genders. It could be male-male or female-female pairings. It’s normal to pick someone of the same gender accidentally in the dark.” 

Laughter filled the room, but at didn’t affect Ava in the slightest. She continued to stare at the person before her. She really wanted to see the hidden face behind the mask, but she was also afraid at the same time. 

Her emotions were in turmoil. 

The lights were on, and everyone started removing their masks. Natalie and her friends had also taken off their masks, finding themselves surrounded by familiar faces. Rose had managed to catch Alex, but she did not know about it yet. 

They gathered around Ava, who still had her mask on. In a silent exchange, the scene became quite strange. From the stage. someone announced, “There are two people who haven’t removed their masks yet. Let’s see if they match the names on each other’s name tags, shall we?” 

Upon hearing this, Ava’s clenched fist relaxed. She had mentally prepared herself. Then, she reached out to take off her mask slowly. She held her breath as she waited for the man to reveal his face. 

Her feelings were conflicted. She hoped it was Frank, yet she didn’t want it to be. She hoped because she missed him. However, she also hesitated because she wasn’t ready for a reunion. 

She didn’t even know how to face him. 

In his school uniform. Trevon pulled Natalie and urged the man with the mask. “Take it off now. The sooner, the better.” 

As Trevon finished speaking, the man lifted his well-defined fingers and slowly removed his mask. For a brief moment, the air grew silent. Everyone was astonished, except for Rose, who had the biggest reaction. ‘Shit, Frank. You’re such a show-all. 

“When did you arrive here? Why didn’t you say anything?” 

Frank was indeed something else. He had this idea from the start, and Rose had been encouraging him all along, getting worried for him. It turned out she was worrying for nothing. 

Damn, he had planned it all along. No wonder he went missing. He was waiting here. What a cunning guy. 

As Rose analyzed all the details, everything connected. Frank’s annoying smile on the plane must be because of Ava 

She cursed Frank many times in her heart, and the words she used were quite explicit. 


Meanwhile, Ava’s expression showed that she probably didn’t know Frank would show up at the mask party. 

What was Frank up to? Surprise or shock? Pursuing someone wasn’t supposed to be this complicated. 

Judging by Trevon’s tone, he clearly knew Frank would be here, but he hadn’t expected Frank planned to reveal himself in such an unexpected way. 

No one was prepared. Perhaps Ava was not mentally prepared too. It was all so sudden. 

Well, it was still a little bit romantic. 

Natalie gave Trevon a light pat and shot him a stern look. He responded to her warning gaze with a pleading look, saying, “Honey, I’ll explain everything tonight when we go home. I was also forced to cooperate with him.” 

Natalie said. “You can’t come up with better lies? You two are really scheming together.” 

As outsiders, both Natalic and Trevon refrained from intervening in Ava’s decisions. This was something she had to handle on her own. Besides, it was also a crucial step in Ava’s growth. 

The only thing they could do was to be there for her when she was sad and provide guidance when she was lost. Nothing 


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