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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 304

Chapter 304 

With Alex holding Ava’s shoulder, they left the dance studio under the gaze of countless eyes. They did not participate in the following activities of the mask party. 

An unspoken confession came to an end. 

After being best friends for so many years, Alex understood Ava well Every time Ava cried, it was when her emotions were most complex, making her prone to making wrong decisions. But after a few minutes of calming down, leading her away from the scene, and clearing her mind, she would quickly recharge and become clear-headed again. 

She would come up with plans and thoughts one after another. 

She was quirky and clever. 

After Ava left, the dance studio was filled with discussions. Meanwhile, Natalie and her group left the studio and headed toward the field. 

The sides of the field were shaded by green trees, with thin moonlight draping over the treetops. The moonlight filtered through the branches, kissing the ground and leaving a thin layer of moonlit glow. 

Some people said that the shade on both sides of the field was to help the students block the sun, while others said it was for aesthetics and greenery. 

Several people strolled along the track slowly, their thoughts complex. Natalie really wanted to go after Alex and Ava, but she was held back by Trevon 

Hackett had witnessed an incredible scene this evening. He followed behind Frank, who had a cold expression. He couldn’t hold it in any longer and grabbed Sherri’s shoulder, asking Frank beside him. “Are you just going to let a guy take Ava away like that? Are you spineless or what? 

“That guy is going to win Ava’s heart. You better watch out and do something.” 

Hackett continued to speak his mind. 

Wasn’t that right? How could Frank not see the threat? 

Hackett felt a mixture of smugness and sympathy in his heart. The man with a sharp tongue and arrogant demeanor watched her woman taken away by another man, Halia, it was so amusing. 

He chuckled to himself countless times inwardly. 

Sherri also found it strange. 1low could Frank let another guy take Ava away right before him? Didn’t that make him seem too weak? But she couldn’t voice her thoughts, so she signaled Rose to ask. 

Before Rose could ask. Frank unexpectedly retorted, “Go see an eye doctor. You should get your eyes check.” 

After that, he kindly handed Hackett 20 dollars, saying. “No need to thank me, it’s for the registration fee for the eye examination Consider it a gift 

Hackett held the 20 dollars in a state of confusion, unsure whether to accept or return it, 

Hackett said, “What the hell are you thinking? I can’t believe you’re still so calm after your woman left with another mar. Are you an idiot?” 

Receiving Sherri’s encouraging gaze, Rose bravely stepped forward as the scapegoat. It was partly because she was curious herself. “Frank, you’ve planned all this out. But how did you manage to let Ava be taken away by another guy? I’m telling you, that guy just now has abs. He was the one who danced with me in the dance studio.” 

She accidentally touched Alex’s abs. They were quite impressive and very manly. 

Frank stopped in his tracks and pinched his brow. He couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong with everyone’s eyes. He said, “Let Hackett share 10 dollars with you for an eye examination.” 

Rose was left dumbfounded and could not say a word. 

She wanted to give Frank 20 dollars for a neurology examination. Natalie could give him a brain test, which was reliable and 


As Sherri, the embodiment of the gossip queen, how could she let such juicy information slip away? She signaled Natalie to 


Naturally, Trevon noticed their exchange of glances as if they were passing the chance to ask more. 

Trevon had his arm around Natalie’s waist, almost pressing her against his chest. He looked at the group with a headache and kindly said, “Ladies, you’re all doctors. Can’t you tell that that person doesn’t have an Adam’s apple?” 

If that person was a man, how could Frank be so composed? What were they thinking? 

Their collecuve intelligence genuinely worried him. 


Natalie suddenly looked up, meeting Trevon’s half-smiling eyes. He smirked, reaching out to lightly flick her delicate, small nose. “You didn’t notice either, did you?” 

Natalie shook her head truthfully Indeed, she hadn’t noticed. The person who took Ava away seemed to be dressed like a boy, with a buzz cut, wearing men’s clothes, and seemingly not even wearing a bra. Something was off. Their chest appeared to be flat. Could it be that they were binding their chest? 

Usually, even a slight prominence would have been noticeable. 

The expression on her face had moved beyond surprise. She was shocked now. How could a girl like to dress like that? Natalie could understand Rose’s ripped jeans. Sherri’s bold clothes, and Hackett’s pink shirt. But a girl with a buzz cut, black suit, black T-shirt… She needed a moment to digest the information. 

Considering everyone on the scene was shocked back then. Who would pay attention to whether the person had Adam’s apple or not? 

They were too careless. 

Natalie remained relatively composed, and her ability to accept things was quite strong. 

In the next second, Sherri, Rose, and Hackett simultaneously turned to Trevon and exclaimed in unison, their voices almost deafening “That’s a girl 

Following thus, the three of them gaped, their mouths wide enough to fit a tomato. They stared at Trevon dumbfoundedly, seeking an explanation. 

Trevon glanced sympathetically at the three. He nodded slightly to indicate that they were indeed “blind.” 

Frank already knew it. It was why he jokingly gave them 20 dollars to see an eye doctor. 

Frank had his hands in his pockets, his gaze as deep as the sea. It was impossible to tell what he was thinking. He could have just confessed to Ava right then and there, so why did he let such a great opportunity slip away? 

Natalie wanted to ask, but she remembered what Trevon had said. Frank had his own set of rules and plans. She now fully believed it. 

The swing swayed in the air, rising and falling, much like Ava’s current mood. She suddenly lifted her toes off the ground and pushed against the surface, causing the swing to soar 

Amidst the blooming spring and gentle moonlight, this land exuded a sense of tranquility, with gauzy veils partially covering its face, creating a poetic and beautiful atmosphere. 

Alex stood quietly to the side, hands in her pockets, like a guardian watching over a lonely princess. 

Ava gradually stopped swinging and looked up at the sky. The deep blue sky held a bright moon surrounded by twinkling stars as if they were chasing after it. 

Blinking as if winking, it was as though the stars were telling her the answer, mischievous yet adorable. 

After a few minutes of silence, Ava thought it through. She grabbed both sides of the swing with her hands and lifted her feet off the ground. Then, she turned to Alex and smiled gently. “Alex. Ive figured it out. I still like him* 

She had a firm gaze and a hint of newfound confidence in her eyes, 

Alex, standing on the side, wasn’t surprised. She sighed quietly, walked over to an empty swing beside Ava, and looked at her face. “I guessed it as soon as you saw him. Your eyes were filled with affection for him” 

After a moment of silence, Alex continued, “So, what’s your plan? You’re just going to forgive him like that, even after your confession was rejected?” 

Although Alex had never been in a romantic relationship, she had heard plenty of talk about it from her classmates. Things that were too easily obtained were often not cherished. 

She was a girl, but she dressed like a boy. In fact, many people in the class would talk behind her back, questioning her gender. Some would hang out with her. But she could still see the peculiar look in their eyes. 

Only Ava treated her sincerely, with eyes as clear as water, without a trace of ulterior motives. 

Alex’s family situation wasn’t pleasant. With an older brother and a younger sister, the traditional mindset of valuing males over females was deeply rooted in her family. She had been trying to prove that girls were no less than boys and that girls could be just like boys. 

Alex transformed herself into a boy’s appearance. At first, Alex tried hard, and she worked hard to get into Sapphire City University. But after entering university, she gradually realized that it wasn’t easy to change the deep-seated mindset of her family, no matter how hard she tried. 

Once she understood and was disappointed, she began to slack off, lay low, sleep in class, wear men’s clothes, and even shave 

her head. 

Ava understood the reason behind Alex’s actions, Alex wanted her parents to pay attention to her at home. Even if it meant being scolded, at least they would notice her. Since becoming better every day didn’t catch her parents’ eyes, Alex chose to 


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