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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 359

Chapter 359 

After sending of Ava, Frank prepared to return to Deepwater Bay to wash Ava’s clothes. 

He realized a problem with Ava after getting along with her. She never seemed to remember her clothes after taking a shower. It was the same last time and this time. When Ava left his house, Frank did not notice that she was holding a bag. 

Therefore, she must have forgotten about her clothes again. 

Frank drove back to Deepwater Bay When he arrived at the villa, he got out and walked straight to the master bedroom. 

After entering the master bedroom, the scene was not as he had expected. There weren’t any clothes in the bathroom. 

Frank looked around the bathroom but didn’t find anything. He thought that Ava must’ve thrown it away. So he looked in the trash can and did not find her clothes on the bed. 

Instead, the blanket was folded, and the pillow was placed properly. But where were Ava’s clothes! 

Then, he opened the door to the balcony and found her clothes there. 

“When was it washed” Frank thought to himself. 

He did not hear the sound of the washing machine last night. Even if the washing machine at home didn’t make much noise, he should have heard it. 

What Frank was clueless about was that after Ava took a shower last night, she saw clothes in the laundry basket and instantly thought of Frank helping her wash her clothes. Therefore, she hid in the bathroom and washed all the clothes she had changed. Her outerwear was put under the sun while her underwear was dried and placed in Frank’s wardrobe. 

Only Ava knew why her clothes weren’t dried. 

When Rose went to the master bedroom last night. Ava had already washed her clothes and sat on the bed. 

After finding the clothes, Frank did not leave the master bedroom immediately. Instead, he stood by the door with one hand in his pocket. He leaned against the door and searched his pocket and realized that he did not bring his cigarette. When Ava came yesterday, he put away all the cigarettes in his room. He sighed while looking at Ava’s clothes which fluttered in the breeze, falling into deep thought. 

Then, he took out his phone and sent a message to Ava, who was at the top of his contact list. “Tll help you hide your clothes until you visit next time.” 

There was no reply from Ava, and Frank was not in a hurry either. Then, he sent a message to Rose. “Go back to the Roberts villa tonight” 

Rose replied very quickly. It was obvious that she was slacking off at work. Am I a puppy that has to follow all your orders?” When he needed her at Deepwater Bay, he called her over immediately. Now that he didn’t need her, he told her to return to their parent’s house. Did she owe him a debt in the past life? 

Frank wrote. “Il give you one more chance to change your words,” 

Rose replied obsequiously. Tm joking. I’m joking. Enough. I won’t talk to you anymore. I have to work.” 

Frank was speechless. 

It was a waste of talent not to send her to the acting academy back then. Now the Roberts family was short of an oscar winning actress. 

Just as Frank was thinking, the phone rang. It was from his father, William. He answered the call thinking there was something “What can I do for you?” 

This morning. William went to Roberts Group to have a meeting with Grace. Only now did he remember to call his son. There is something I need to tell you. This morning, I discussed with Grace and felt that it was time for you to take over our job. Besides, you’ve already taken Ava to Deepwater Bay, so you have to be responsible for her. Rose said that their family is the richest family in the country. In that case, you need to be more outstanding. Your identity can’t just be Lithern Club’s boss” 

William was afraid that Frank would reject him because Frank never liked going to work. Instead, he liked to be unrestrained. In addition, William and his wife were young, so Frank naturally did not think of inheriting the family business so early. 

Plus, no lady caught Frank’s attention in the past so he was even more casual and never woke up early in the morning. Just when William thought that Frank was going to refuse again, Frank unexpectedly replied, “I’ll take care of everything a the pier first” 

These words surprised and delighted William. “Grace, my son said that he wants to take over the dock’s business.” 

After that, Frank did not continue listening to William’s emotional speech and hung up. 


Early the next morning. Frank reported for duty at the dorks. 

In order to make Frank like this lifestyle. William got someone to build a comfortable oflice overnight with everything one could need inside. It was enough to show William’s sincerity. 

Frank drove his off-the-road car to the dock. As soon as he got out, all his lackeys shouted in unison, “Good morning. 


There was no doubt that William taught them to greet him this way. It seemed he could not change the way they greeted him 

Then, he strode towards the office and pushed open the door. He looked around and smiled. It was well-prepared as if he was here to be the a crown prince and not here for work. 

On this day, Frank did not sleep with lus legs crossed. Instead, he really read through all the projects at the docks in recent years. He even looked at the financial statement and talked to the finance director for several hours. 

When it was almost time to get off work. Ava sent a message. Frank raised his hand to interrupt the finance director, indicating for him to wait. 

Ava texted, [Frank What are you doing?1 

Frank replied, [Charging 1 

Ava sent a question mark. 

Frank smiled, shocking the finance director. All afternoon, he only showed the finance director an indifferent expression. It turned out he could smile. The finance director had been tease all afternoon, afraid that he would be scolded if he said anything wrong 

Frank answered. I’m at work. Are you home?] 

As soon as Ava saw that Frank was at work, she wanted to stop chatting. Otherwise, it would make her seem unsensible. Also, she had never seen her mother disturb her father when he was working. 

So Ava replied. I’m home. I’ll chat with Mom first. Text the when you get off work.] 

Frank gave a short reply. [Okay.] 

Then, he put away his phone and said to the finance director, Just do what I said just now.” 

“Alright, Frank. I’ll go out first. Call me if you need anything” 

There was a factory at the dock with offices inside. The office staff were arranged there, and Frank’s office was a little distance away from them. 

When it was almost time to get off work, a Porsche parked in front of the factory. 

Tom got out of the car and opened the passenger door. “Miss Roberts, Frank should be inside” 

The guard had never seen Rose before, and Rose had never been to the dock before, so it was normal that no one knew her. 

Then, Tom introduced her to everyone. “This is the lady of the Roberts family, Frank’s biological sister.” 

Everyone was sensible and shouted in unison, “Hello, Miss Roberts.” 

Their voices were loud and clear. 

Rose felt that William and Grace were good at training their subordinates to be respectful. It was full of momentum and deafening. Even those with hearing impairments could hear them, which was good. 

“Where’s my brother? Is he inside?” Rose looked inside the factory before asking. 

One of them spoke out “Miss Roberts, Frank is not here. He’s over there in his own office, which is about 500 yards away.” 

Tom didn’t know that Frank’s office would not be at the factory. Since it was his negligence, he quickly apologized. Tm sorry that I didn’t ask in advance.” 

Rose waved her hand, saying, “It’s not a big deal. I guess William organized a special office for my brother overnight. It’s fine. Don’t worry I’ll take a walk. You don’t have to send me there.” 

A lackey suggested, “Miss Roberts if you don’t mind, you can ride my electric motorcycle over. Don’t worry, I just bought it and I haven’t ridden it for a few days.” 

Rose was not that obsessed with cleanliness. “Can you lend me for a ride?” 

The lackey was willing and quickly took out the key from his pocket. He handed it to Rose with both hands as if he was presenting a treasure ‘Miss Roberts, please take a ride. It’s the pink one.” 

Rose looked at the third bright pink motorcycle in the electric motorcycle area and was shocked to find that it belonged to a 


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