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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 360

Chapter 360 

When Edward helped Rose stand up, one of Rose’s feet was pressed under the electric motorcycle, and her ankle was knocked against the ground. 

The ground of the pier was made of cement, which was rough, so it hurt Rose badly. There was also burning pain in her elbow Rose guessed that she had scraped her skin. 

However, she endured the pain and apologized. She cursed inwardly when she saw the car door that flew away, thinking she should not have gone out on such a bad day. 

She went out and broke her savior’s car door. It was more like revenge than to repay his kindness. 

Those who did not know might think she had a massive grudge against Edward. 

Im sorry, Mr. Landor How much is it I will reimburse you.” 

Rose said apologetically. She was both polite and awkward. 

Now that Sherri and Natalie were pregnant, Hackett’s family and Natalie’s Natalie were extremely nervous. Rose could not bring herself to ask them to hang out with her. If anything wrong happened to Sherri and Natalie, Rose would probably be munced by the two families. 

Besides, Grace and William were on a business trip this afternoon. It was boring for Rose to be home alone, and she had nothing else to do, so she went to the pier to see her brother. 

Edward looked at her slightly raised feet and guessed that she was injured. Just as he was about to say something. wearing a casual shirt, came out with a pair of black sunglasses on his chest. 

Frank strode towards them. 

As soon as Frank left the office, he saw Edward holding his sister’s arm and saying something. 


Frank walked to them and saw the electric motorcycle that had fallen to the ground and the car door not far away. He seemed to have understood what was going on. He glared at his sister and walked closer to check. His eyes were filled with worry. “Where did you hurt yourself 

He frowned slightly and checked Rose’s hands and legs. Then, he squatted down to look at Rose’s feet. When he saw the blood streak, his brows furrowed more tightly. He stood up and asked in an unkind tone, “Where’s Tom?” 

Frank’s voice was cold, which frightened Rose, and she shuddered. 

Aggrieved, Rose pouted. “I didn’t ask him to stay with me. It’s not his fault.” 

Frank closed his eyes for a few seconds before he carried his sister into his mobile office. Edward could tell that Frank cared a lot about his younger sister 

Edward couldn’t help but ilunk of his own, Sherri 

Frank carried Rose to the sofa and sat down. He had just arrived today and did not know where the first aid kit was. When he was about to call and ask, Edward, holding some documents, said gently, “Mr. Roberts, if you don’t mind. I have a first aid kit in my car.” 

Frank turned hus head to look at his sister, who was covered in dust. In the end, he did not refuse. ‘Well, thank you. Sorry to cause you trouble. I’ll compensate you with a car. I’m afraid you won’t be able to drive that of yours anymore.” 

Edward’s forehead throbbed. Indeed, he could not drive it anymore. If the part he lost was the sunroof, he could still drive the car like a sports car. But without a car door? He would probably be seen as a lunatic and even be arrested. 

He had no intention of asking for compensation. He was there to discuss the issue of dividends with Frank Edward smiled faintly and said, “Never mind. Miss Roberts is injured. The effect of force is mutual. Besides, if I didn’t open the door, perhaps Miss Roberts wouldn’t have been injured” 

Frank did not want to force him and said, “Up to you.” 

Edward placed the documents on Frank’s desk and left the office to get the first aid kit. When he came out and saw his car door, he still frowned and shook his head before going to the trunk to get the first aid kit. 

Frank took the first aid kit from Edward and thanked him. Edward wisely went out of the room and closed the door behind hier. 

His actions were filled with natural care, gentlemanliness, and politeness. 

Even when Rose broke his car door, he did not shout abuse at her. He was very tolerant and calm 

Frank rolled up Rose’s trouser legs and patiently treated the wounds in the office. He painted the iodine on the injuries and then on her ankle. His tone was indistinguishable when he said, “Is there anywhere else!” 

Rose shook his head. “I didn’t do it on purpose. I just looked at the time.” 


In fact, she was texting when the accident happened, but she was afraid of being scolded by her brother. 

Frank did not criticize her for once. He tulied up the first aid kit and said. “Why are you here instead of being home? It’s a pier, not an amusement park 

“Grace eloped with William. I was bored at home alone, so I came to look for you. Sherri and Natalie are grounded now, which makes you my only playmate.” 

Frank was speechless 

After tidying up the first aid kit, Frank glanced at his injured sister again and instructed her with a grim look, “From today onwards, don’t touch any vehicle.” 

Rose thought her brother was making an issue of the accident. 

It was a careless lapse, and that was it. 

However, Rose did not dare to refute Frank’s instruction as she was guilty of making a mustake. She decided to ask Ava for help a few days later. 

After dealing with Rose’s wounds, Frank did not clase her away. Instead, he went to open the door and let Edward in. When the door opened, Frank asked with one hand in his pocket, “Mr. Landor, do you mind having one more person with 

Edward glanced at Rose. She was looking at lum apologetically with her phone in her hand. He smiled, “I don’t mind,” Edward walked before Frank’s desk and sat down. He had already placed the documents on the desk, so he put his hands on the desk and sat upright on the chair, looking like he was about to have a negotiation. “Mr. Roberts, you may read the documents first. We’ll discuss it later if there’s anything you need” 

Frank reached out to flip through the documents and replied casually, “Sure.” 

When men talked about things, Rose did not interrupt. She set her phone to silent mode and tried to make herself invisible. Yet, she still made the fidgets. 

First, she turned on the camera on her phone and snapped a photo of her fert. Then she quickly apologized, Tm sorry, 1 forgot to turn off the camera sound. Go on. Ignore me.” 

Edward did not jerk his head around. Frank gave his restless sister a displeased glare, warning her to behave herself. 

Rose fiddled with her phone and turned off all the sounds she could before she took another photo of her arm. She posted it and wrote, “An electric motorcycle accident. What a jackpot!” 

She even added an emoji of a sad face. 

Her post sprung up an animated discussion in Fairy Fortress. While Frank and Edward were negotiating the conditions and dividends of the project, Rose was chatting with her friends. None of the people in the oflice were idle. 

Sherri asked worriedly, (What happened to you? Why did you get yourself into the accident? I thought you knew how to ride a motorcycle | 

Rose finished reading the message and replied. I was too good at riding it and was too confident. I was browsing the news and saw an interesting comment. Couldn’t help myself to reply it.] 

Most importantly, she hut Edward’s car before she could get the typing done. She even broke Edward’s car door. That was the most frustrating part for Rose. 

She never thought that an electric motorcycle could deal such terrible damage. 

Natalie sent her a thumb-up meme and typed, [Well, now it makes sense that you had the accident.] 

Ava asked, [Rose, are you alright? Is it serious? Did you go to the hospital?] 

Rose replied, I’m fine. My brother has already applied medicine to me. Ava, do you want to see Frank? He’s working hard on his career.] 

Natalie said. [Looks like you’re not severely injured] 

Sherri echoed, (Agreed.] 

But Ava was thrilled and asked, [Cool. Where does Frank work?1 

Rose turned her body slightly to take a photo of Frank. However, before she could aim her phone at Frank, Frank caught her and glared at her again. Rose glanced at Edward, who was reading the documents seriously, and mouthed, “Ava” 

Frank did not speak. Rose thought, ‘Good for you, Ava. My brother will allow anything if it’s related to you.” 

Rose snapped photos of Frank and sent them all to the group chat. She sent. [See? Isn’t a hardworking man handsome?] 

Ava really missed Frank. She texted, [Frank is always handsome. He’s perfect.] 

She added a shy emoj 

Sherr looked at the photos and noticed something. She asked. [Wait Who is the other person in your photos? Why does he look so 

my brother?] 

Rose replied Correct It’s your brother. I hit your brother’s car.] 

Natale followed 

And so did Ava 

the end. Rose told the 

long story and would explam everythin 

at work 

The girls 

stopped Everyone was curious and looking forward to tomorrow to negotiation on Franks side had also ended. 

w the exa 

situation. Meanwhile, the 

Frank surrendered part of the profits. “I hope we can work well together. My sisters made a mistake, and we will give you another ve percent of the profits as compensation for you” 

Edward rejected like 

ntleman Forget ab 

compensation. I’ll accept it if you sincerely want to give me another five 

percent of the profits. If it’s the compensation, then no, thanks. Im not a calculative person 





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