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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 367

Chapter 367 

William and Grace Roberts had been on a business trip for several days and did not inform Rose of their return date. Therefore, she had no choice but to look for her brother at the pier after work. 

Rose felt bored at Frank’s office playing video games every day. On the other hand, she had no intention of running a sideline business either. Therefore, she had a lot of time on her hands. 

Rose had chosen pediatrics by chance, mainly because she liked children. 

Rose curled 

up on 

the sofa and shook her legs while racking her brain about what to do next. 

Her brother’s office at the pier had no atmosphere whatsoever. Everyone there was serious and cold. 

Other than the occasional imposing manner Frank Roberts called out to his subordinates, the office was quiet and severe most of the time; Rose felt oppressive, 

Suddenly, she heard a disgusted voice coming from a nearby desk. “You’re going to get Parkinson’s, for crying out loud!” 

Frank stared at Rose shaking her legs, and scolded her; it made him go crazy. 

Rose lay on her side and sounded her brother out. “Don’t you ever feel bored, Frank? Do you want me to help you improve the atmosphere here? I won’t charge you a cent.” 

Frank stared at his sister suspiciously for a while. “What are you going to do, huh? 1 don’t have time to clean up the mess after you.” 

He was swamped lately, preparing to take over the Roberts family’s business. Therefore, he was involved in all the ongoing projects to familiarize himself with the company’s operations. 

In addition, he had to keep an eye on his sister. 

Rose thought of an idea. She thought it was such a good idea she had to share with Frank. “Can I have some fun here, Frank? I’ll create a unique atmosphere at the pier for your sake.” 

Frank did not bother to chat with her. He did not expect Rose to cause too much trouble when he was around. “Up to you,” he said casually. 

Rose was ecstatic by his permission. She immediately jumped up from the sofa and walked outside. Frank did not ask Rose what she wanted to do. If she left him alone, she could roam around the pier as she pleased. 

Frank would keep an eye on her anyway. 

Not long after, Frank heard a voice mumbling outside. “Oh, please don’t!” He frowned and had a bad feeling but did not go out to check. 

Rose stood in an empty lot in front of the office, directing with her cell phone in hand. 

A dozen or so good-looking lackeys stood before her. Rose nodded satisfactorily and asked. “Does anyone else want to 


Those standing afar who managed to dodge the selection immediately shook their heads, indicating they did not want to be a part of it 

It was a blessing Rose did not choose them; none wanted to be made monkeys. 

Rose looked disappointed. “Hey, guys. Aren’t you afraid your legs will stiffen if you stand there all day? Ignore them, the rest of you. I promise they won’t be as agile as you guys in the future.” 

“Come on. Cheer up! Don’t look so lifeless. From today onward, we will organize a fitness team at the pier. As a doctor. I’ve decided to lead you out of your sub-health zone for your sake. You don’t have to thank me. I’m a kind person by nature,” Rose said confidently. 

Tom, who was in the lineup, looked like he had nothing to live for; he had problems coordinating his limbs and hated group exercises. He wanted to say, “Miss, you’re a pediatrician, not an internal medicine doctor. But he held his tongue. 

Rose could change her occupation at will just because she was their boss’s sister. 

Just then, a lively song for dance exercise filled the empty lot as a bodyguard held up a cell phone. 

Rose led the group in front, followed by the lackeys’ lackluster moves. 

After one round, Rose turned around and looked at the crowd. She was dissatisfied with their performance. Only a few made the cut; the rest looked like they stepped on collon. 

They were helpless weaklings, in Rose’s opinion. 

The music continued to play but did not affect those unloading the goods. Everyone felt the pier had become much livelier 

since Rose’s arrival. 

The energetic music excited the workers, who even hummed along. “Miss Roberts is quite cute.” 


An older worker complimented Rose. 

“Isn’t it? The atmosphere at the pier has become much livelier recently. It’s quite an improvement from the lifeless state before.” 

Frank was drawn to the commotion at long last. He opened the door with coffee in hand. He was shocked by what he saw and choked on his drink. “Cough, cough, cough, cough!” 

A lackey quickly ran into the office to get a tissue and handed it to him. “For you, Frank.” 

Frank took the tissue and wiped his mouth. He then narrowed his eyes and looked at his sister, who commanded the bodyguards with all seriousness in exercising. Confused. He asked his lackey. “What is she planning to do?” 

The young man replied truthfully, reciting Rose’s words verbatim. “Miss Roberts said chatting and standing idle all day were bad for our health. Therefore, she wanted to lift us out of our subhealth zone free of charge. We don’t have to thank her for being a kind-hearted doctor.” 

Frank’s head throbbed after he heard that. He handed the coffee to the lackey and pinched between his eyebrows. His sister would think of the weirdest ideas to make his life difficult. 

Frank did not think it was about his bodyguards’ subhealth issue. Instead, he was sure his sister’s brain was fried and could not think straight anymore. 

However, Frank did not intend to stop Rose. He did not want to be bothered by her and would rather it be the bodyguards who suffered than him. 

Frank took a video of Rose while leaning against the office door. Then he sent it to Grace Roberts and thought, “Thank goodness she will be back in a few days” 

Otherwise, the pier would become a stage if Grace was not back anytime soon. 

Moments later, Grace sent a message. [What does Rose want to do?] 

Frank replied. She’s gone crazy.-] 

[I’ll be back when she’s back to normal.] Grace texted. 

Frank was speechless. 

Grace sounded like she did not intend to interfere and let Rose do whatever she wanted. Frank put away his cell phone and. walked into the office. He thought for a while and sent the video to Ava. 

However, there was no response for a long time. Frank assumed Ava was in class, so he placed his phone at the corner of the table and ignored it. 

He went back to work after that. Focusing on building his career was Frank’s priority. 

Just then, a white Mercedes-Benz slowly drove toward the pier. The tinted windows were closed, so people from the outside could not look in. However, those inside the car could look out clearly. 

They could, in fact, see everything around them. 

Kyle Jenkins was in the driver’s seat, wearing a white shirt. He turned to look at Edward Landor in the front passenger seat beside him suspiciously. The latter narrowed his eyes as if he did not believe what he saw 

Kyle was equally bewildered by the scene before him and could not believe his eyes. 

Apparently, Rose Roberts used the pier as an open stage to train the bodyguards in dance exercises. Both men were dumbfounded. 

Kyle was in a daze. He firmly believed Rose had somehow conquered Edward’s heart because she was unique and special. 

Therefore, he was curious about how Edward felt when he saw the unusual situation. “Do you have anything to say, Boss? Miss Roberts seems a little odd.” Kyle said. 

Edward looked away after a while and replied calmly, “Everyone has their own way of expressing their passion for life. Each individual is different, that’s all. What you do may seem odd to others too.” 

Kyle smiled and said without hesitation, “I understand what you mean. You don’t think she’s strange at all. Instead, you admire her initiative.” 

“Can you stop overthinking everything I say? I meant everyone lives differently. Don’t misconstrue me,” Edward protested. 

“I think you can live in another way, too, like the bodyguards before you. Hoping and jumping-” 

Kyle suggested with a half-smile. 

Edward ignored him as the car drove to the side of the road. He chuckled for no reason when he saw Rose trying to teach the bodyguards to dance. She chose to live freely by turning the pier into a stage and did not care what others thought. 

Rose Roberts was the one and only woman who dares doing such a thing 

Kyle glanced at Edward and smiled. He said nothing, believing his intuition was spot on as usual. 

Meanwhile. Rose cheered enthusiastically. “One, two, three, four. Two, two, three, four. Three, two, three, four. Let’s do it all over again!” 

Rose cried with zest like a professional dance instructor. In fact, she had learned dancing for quite some time in Sapphire City to overcome depression. She would dance until she was drenched in sweat to vent her frustration. 

The upbeat energy seemed to have a rippling effect after a while as the workers at the pier began to move to Rose’s rhythmn. 

Someone shouted. “One, two, up!” 


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