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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 368

Chapter 368 

Kyle Jenkins entered Edward Landor’s office and placed the documents on has boss’s desk before starting on his daily report. “The response to the goods that arrived yesterday was good. Many customers signed long-term partnerships with our company after that Most of them are renovation companies, there are also construction companies.” 

Edward’s furniture store spanned tens of thousands of square feet with just one brand and carried mid to high-end items. He wanted to conquer the Athana market by offering products for all price ranges to satisfy customer requirements at all levels. 

The Wilson family and the Roberts family had never dabbled in this trade. Therefore, Edward had a head start in the business 

Edward glanced at the report Kyle handed to him. He casually pushed his glasses up with his index finger and flipped through it. “We must watch the goods closely for the next few days. It’s only the beginning, and we can’t make any mistakes at this juncture. Otherwise, both our sales and reputation will immediately be affected. It will be difficult to rebuild our reputation again. 

Kyle thought Edward wanted him to go to the pier every day. He immediately replied. “Tll keep an eye on the goods and take a look later. A batch of goods is arriving at noon and another in the afternoon today.” 

Edward nodded and placed the documents on the table. “You can stay in the office. I’ll go take a look.” 

Kyle was puzzled, but he soon understood what Edward meant. “All right, boss.” 

It was almost six in the afternoon at the pier. 

A lot more people joined the dance exercise today. Almost 25 people turned up, nearly doubling the number yesterday. Rose Roberts led the dance exercise as usual. 

She swayed her slender waist while waving her hands in the air like water snakes and dancing to the beat of the music. The crowd was excited, they shouted the dance sequence while swaying to the rhythm. The atmosphere was energetic and lively. 

Rose moved vigorously as the leader in the dance exercise. 

Edward’s car glided to the side of the open space. He could see the activities outside, including every detail, when he rolled down the window. He parked his car in an empty lot soon after, 

Edward exited the car, took a cigarette, and held it between his hips. It was already past six in the afternoon, and the goods had arrived. Unlike his usual efficient self. Edward stood by the side of the car and smoked calmly. 

He looked emotionless under his glasses, and a thin mist of smoke lingered around his well-defined face. 

At this moment, Frank Roberts came out of his office to watch the dance exercise and saw how Edward fixed his gaze on his sister. His glare was like a sharp knife darting at Edward. When he saw Rose dancing away without a care, Frank had the sudden urge to drag his sister back into his office. 

That was indeed what Frank did the next moment. However, before he could say anything. Edward nodded politely at him and walked to the loading area. 

Frank held his tongue and did not say anything. He suddenly thought of Ava Turner, who did not reply to his message for a day. It had been 24 hours. Frank initially thought she was busy at work. However, the longer the time gap, the more he felt something was amiss. 

“Rose, come here, Frank shouted at his sister. 

The lackeys stopped when they heard Frank calling out, thinking their boss disapproved of their activity. Then, they heard Frank’s voice again. “The rest of you continue.” 

The lackeys were puzzled and took it as permission from Frank. They wondered if he felt they needed training to do their jobs better, 

Rose panted and asked, “What? Are you going to compliment me?” 

Frank did not beat around the bush. “Did you contact Baby Ava today?” 

Frank, who had never felt uneasy in life or unnerving in fights, looked flustered at this moment. He did not believe he could feel this way 

“No, I didn’t.” Then Rose said the first thought that popped up into her mind. “Did you two fight? Did Ava ignore you for 

some reason? 

Frank rolled his eyes at her. “Is that what you think?” 

“Hmm, that’s very strange indeed if you didn’t fight. Given Ava’s affection for you, she would never think of not replying to your messages. Do you want me to call her?” 

Rose felt it unusual for Ava to be radio silent for so long, knowing how much the latter liked her brother. Ava might not reply to messages from her friends, but never Frank. 


All Fransk wanted to know was whether Rose had contacted Ava toilay Now that he had an answer. Frank did not pay much attention to the rest of Roses remarks which were non 

lie was concerned 

Betour Rose could say another word, Frank haid already returned to his office and closed the door. Meanwhile, Hose was caught off guard and locked outside her brother’s office Frank was the one who asked Rose a question in the first place and ended up shutting her out when he got the answer “What a heartless and unscrupulous scumbag Rose thought and continued cursing her brother silently with all the prodajuty that came to mind. 

Frank’s untimely interruption affected Rose’s e 

Back in his office, Frank called Trevon Wilson. “Hello,” he greeted 

Trevon seemed to be busy on the other end. He said impatiently. “Tm giving my son a bath. What’s the matter? 

It was evident. Trevon did not want to chat with Frank. There was a hint of unigness in his tone 

Trevon became a changed man when Natalie Foster got pregnant. He left early for work and returned early to help her. He actively participated in family activities and shared house chores. Trevon was also in charge of bathing his son 

Natalie was pleased. Rachel Wilson helped her previously. But now, it was Trevon’s turn. Natalie felt she was a mother only 

in time 

Frank dad not waste time talking about Trevon’s wife or son. He went str make a calp” 

the point. “Can you ask your wife to help 

Trevon’s cell phone was on speaker mode. Natale heard their conversation clearly while she stood by the bathroom door. watching Trevon bathe their son. 

“I find it odd that you can’t get hold of Ava. Aren’t you two still in a love bubble? Ava has no reason not to reply to your messages. Either that or she has found a new toy boy and can’t be bothered with an old hack like you! 

Trevon teased while busy bathing his son. He was good at multitasking to save time 

He had mastered the art of killing two birds with one stone. 

Frank let out a breath and resisted the urge to curse. He said coldly. “Be a man and help your fellow man. If you want me to respect you as my brother-in-law in the future, you’ll have to play along” 

Trevon had an excellent memory, and he was also vengeful. He instantly recalled asking Frank to help investigate Natalie’s whereabouts, but the latter was reluctant. He wanted to take the opportunity to take revenge on Frank. “Is this your attitude of asking someone for a favor, huh? Are you begging me or the other way around Don’t be a drag, bro 

Frank was at a loss for words. What went around came around. He understood its meaning 

Frank said the same to Trevon previously. Now, he was on the receiving end. 

Trevon continued to make a big deal while he had the upper hand. He was in a good mood. “I don’t care if you call me brother-in-law. There is a long line of prople waiting to call ine that It doesn’t matter if you are one of them,” he said indifferently. 

The earth seemed to have stopped turning 

Natalie could sense the anxiety and forbearance in Frank’s voice as she listened on. She walked over and patted Trevon’s. shoulder to stop him. Then she said into lus cell phone. “Tll call Ava now” 

Frank thanked her politely. 

Natalie chuded Trevon after hanging up the call. “Frank sounds anaitis, yet you joke around with him. How can you do that to hirn? Don’t you want to keep him as a friend? Carry on with what you’re doing. I’ll go make a call” 

Trevon did not feel that he was in the wrong. He smiled and reminded Natalie. “Honey, take your time. Watch where you’re going, there’s no hurry” 

Natalie called Ava on the balcony. No one picked up the call after a long while. She called agam and the same thing happened Just as Natalie was about to give up, someone answered the call. It was Joseph Turner. 

“Hey, Natalie. Are you looking for Ava?” said Joseph, his voice as gentle as silk. 

Natalie frowned. “Have you been busy lately, Joseph Did Ava leave her cell phone at home?* 

“Ava has a fever and is asleep after taking some medicine. It’s a viral infection Many are down with the same ailment while the infection makes its round. Recovering from it will take some time You don’t have to worry, Natalie The doctor has already come by: Ava will be fine soon,” Joseph said on the other end of the line 

Natalie was worried-no wonder the lively elf was missing in action. Unusual silence always meant something was not right. “Let me know when Ava has recovered, Joseph” 

Natalie regretted not paying attention to Ava since her pregnancy. She felt guilty not knowing that Ava had fallen ill. 

Joseph could sense the concern in Natalie’s tone. He comforted her, ‘I’ll get Ava to call you when she wakes up. Don’t worry about her now that you’re pregnant. People fall sick all the time. Take good care of yourself instead. You’re the center of 

Sorry, we can’t care for you because of the long distance” 

Josephs words touched Natalie, she felt warm all over. Got it, Joseph. Take care of yourself too, and don’t work too hard.” 

ng up after chitchatting for a while. She threw her phone onto the bed. Just when she was about to go to the 

check on Trevon, he walked in with Jasper in his arms while smacking his little buni lovingly. The toddler 

appeared especially happy and giggled with every smack on his butt. 

Natale went straight to the point Joseph said that Ava has a fever and is asleep now. I think she fell sick yesterday. That silly girl probably stopped chatting in the group, fearing that I would be worried. She pretends to be missing in action instead. 

Frank so he can stop being so anxious” 


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