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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 380

Chapter 380 

With Ava in tow, Frank did not go shooting or jet skiing after their rock climbing session. 

Instead, Ava had expressed her wish to buy him clothes and have him accompany her shopping. 

As such, there was no choice but to indulge her. 

The two walked hand in hand through the Sapphire City shopping mall. Instead of sitting on a couch, Frank stood by the fitting room door, awaiting Ava as she tried on clothes. 

Before long. Ava walked out. She was wearing casual trousers and a loose beige shirt. The front edges were tucked into the pants. 

Innocence and maturity melded seamlessly, their distinct qualities harmoniously blending together. 

After stepping out. Ava turned around in front of Frank, asking with a smile, ‘Do I look good?” 

Frank straightened up, adjusting Ava’s hair and tenderly pinching her neck. “You look great. There’s no need to change it. Keep that on.” 

“Alright then, I also think it’s quite nice, clean, and neat, Ava replied. 

Afterward, Frank strode purposefully to the counter to pay, instructing the cashier, Pack up all the clothes she tried 


He then retrieved a card from his wallet, placing it on the table for the cashier to swipe. 

The cashier was thrilled as her work performance was about closing sales. She even complimented Ava saying, “Your boyfriend is so thoughtful. He’ll buy anything you’ve tried on. That is so attentive of him. 

Ava smiled faintly, her face flushing. The compliment was too straightforward, making her slightly embarrassed. She quietly muttered, “He’s very good to me.” 

Under the envious gazes of onlookers, the two departed hand in hand, Frank laden with shopping bags 

“What else do you want to buy?” Frank asked. 

This was his first time shopping, and he was unsure how to accompany her. He intended to foot the bill for whatever she 


Ava cast a sidelong glance at the shopping bags in Frank’s hands. He had bought quite a bit of clothes for her. Carrying more would be tiresome, and she did not need clothes. However, the significance of the clothes Frank bought was different. After briefly contemplating, Ava said, “I will buy you clothes too” 

Frank declined. Dressing up was straightforward for him, and he would rather spend time on her. As such, he suggested saying. “Let’s buy your stuff. 

“I am not buying anything else. What you bought for me will last a long time. I’m delighted. She smiled genuinely, her happiness palpable, and he responded with a subtle curl of his lips. 

However, Ava planned to secretly prepare a gift for him next time, using money she earned. 

At the end of the workday. Tom handed Rose her plane ticket. She snapped a picture and sent it to Sherri 

Sherri looked at the photo on her phone satisfactorily and forwarded it to Edward 

A single plane ticket passed through the hands of three individuals and arrived at its destination. 

Upon returning home. Rose bounced into the living room, humming a tune, and found her parents on the couch. She grinned and pouted, “Grace, William, are you both coming on the trip with me tomorrow?” 

Upon hearing this, both parents turned to their exuberant daughter. William spoke apologetically. “Rose, I might not have time to go. Are you going on a trip? To Sapphire City?” 

William felt reassured that Rose was going to Sapphire City as Frank would be there to look after her. 

Grace chimed in and said. “Your brother’s off to court his girlfriend, so I need to oversee the pier and business.” 

“Alright, everyone’s busy, and no one can make it. I am the only one with leisure time. My brother is busy courting, and I am the only one who truly intends to enjoy myself,” Rose thought 

With a touch of disappointment, Rose replied, ‘Okay then, I will go alone. I will not be heading to Sapphire City. I will be going to Artroyland. Think about anything you need me to bring back tonight 

Grace said, “Get some heatstroke medication, cold remedies, and other daily necessities. Should I arrange for a few other people to accompany you?” 


This utterance was more of a query than a definitive plan. However, Rose saw the underlying expectations in her mother’s eyes. Unable to decline, she comprehended what they were evading. With a smile, she promptly consented, saying. “Certainly 

Rose’s prompt reply surprised both her parents, including William. Grace’s heart stirred while she tried to maintain her calm composure. 

After a while, a rare smile appeared on Grace’s composed face. William gently held onto his wife for solace out of Rose’s sight. 

Grace took a deep breath to calm herself down before instructing again. “Go and make the necessary preparations. If you find yourself short on funds, your father will provide.” 

Despite his curiosity about why he was chosen. William readily agreed, his voice carrying a mixture of assurance and warmth. He responded, ‘I will provide the financial support needed, covering whatever expenses that arise. As long as our Rose enjoys herself, it’s a rare opportunity to have some fun.” 

“Alright,” Rose replied. 

With the support of her parents, Rose ascended the stairs to tidy up her belongings. Only her parents remained downstairs, and William sensed his wife’s demeanor shift. He leaned in, embracing Grace’s shoulder comfortingly, saying. ‘Is this not a reason to rejoice? Look, even Rose has agreed to have the bodyguard accompany her openly. Our family’s prospects will only improve with time. And you know, Frank is now acuvely pursuing his wife. It’s a bit like how I pursued. you in the pasL·” 

The initial melancholic subject took a new direction thanks to William’s choice of words, transforming the ambiance into one where someone was asserting their presence. Grace stood there, momentarily lost for words, her gaze fixed on her husband as she questioned, “You’d still make the same impact even with a bit less attention-seeking. Get some rest 

William did not take offense; he grinned playfully. As long as Grace was content, that was all that truly mattered. 

Meanwhile, at Phoenix Manor, Natalie had just finished her shower and was perched at the edge of the bed. Trevon maintained his tradition of providing her with a nightly foot massage before retiring for the night, diligently upholding this routine without fail 

Jasper fetched a stool and settled beside his father, his intent to observe clear. Deprived of the opportunity to play with the water, he was left only with the role of an onlooker. Clutching a milk bottle with a straw, he took sips intermittently. His petite gaze remained fixated on the bucket, the thirst for water resonating deeply within his eyes. 

The scene of the three of them was exceptionally heartwarming, with two men protecting a woman. 

Trevon looked at Natalie, who had been engrossed in scrolling through her phone, and assumed a mockingly discontented tone, asking, “What has captivated your attention? Are the two of us insufficient to hold your attention?” 

“Is the charm of a handsome man and a charming young boy not captivating enough?” he mused inwardly. 

After reading Sherri’s message, she lifted her gaze to the duo before her-a towering man and a linle boy, both exuding undeniable charm. A sensation of contentment and fulfillment washed over her as though their allure had touched the heavens. Natalie responded, “Sherri messaged me, revealing she artfully duped her brother into embarking on a trip. 

Trevon was disinterested in discussing matters related to Edward. The smile on his face faded, replaced by a touch of solemnity in his eyes, suspecting Natalie was conversing with Edward through her phone. 

“What are you thinking? Sherri is orchestrating a blind date for Edward. Would you like to know who is part of this blind date?” Natalie asked. 

Natalie recognized his jealousy, the pungent aroma of envy wafting so strongly that it almost became discernible even. without taking a breath. With a playful demeanor, she inquired, feigning an air of mystery. 

Trevon’s interest was not particularly piqued, his demeanor verging on indifference. Nonetheless, he extended her a measure of courtesy, asking. “Perhaps a nurse from your hospital?” 

Meanwhile, his hands continued their gentle massage of her feet, employing techniques he had acquired from online sources, revealing a level of adeptness. 

“Rose, Natalie stated with a smile as her gaze lingered on him. 

At the utterance of that name, Trevon’s foot-massaging motion faltered briefly. Surprise flickered across his eyes. After a momentary pause, he curved his lips into a smile, saying. It’s not entirely improbable. That might indeed be quite appealing” 

On the engagement party day. Trevon also talked about this with Frank. However, The response he received was a withering glare of disapproval from the formidable Frank. 

A thought whispered through Trevon’s mind as he pondered, “If this scenario came true, the tempestuous Frank might lose his composure, 

“The mere contemplation of this outcome is extremely satisfying. After all, Edward could love whomever his heart desired as long as he did not think about my wife! 

A subtle, knowing glint danced in Trevon’s eyes as Natalie raised a curious eyebrow. Pondering briefly if it was a trick of her imagination, she asked with a wry smile, “Why do I sense a mischievous undertone in your demeanor, perhaps a hint of schadenfreude? 

With a thorough inspection, it became clear that the man was barely containing his amusement Meeting her inquiring gaze, Trevon surrendered to his laughter without restraint. After patting his hands dry, he playfully ruffled his son’s hair at the side. 

In the next moment, Jasper displayed his discontent, and his voice tinged with disdain as he voiced his dissatisfaction, “Daddy, it’s filthy.” 

His visage conveyed a mixture of scorn and accusation, almost as if implying, “Keep your hands off my head, and if you don’t, it’s your fault.” 

Suppressing the urge to reprimand Jasper, Trevon quelled the impulse. After all, his son was still relatively young. Instead, Trevon questioned, “While you sat by the side, you considered playing with the water. Did it not cross your mind that your mother’s foot-washing water might not be the cleanest?” 

Resolute in his stance, Jasper refused to yield, his response colored with petulance, “Hmph.” 

Deprived of his water play and receiving an unwelcome head pat from his father afterward, Jasper harbored considerable discontent. Clutching his bottle, he headed toward his tiny bed, his expression a blend of dissatisfaction and resolve. 

A knock erhoed through the door, and Mary’s mellifluous voice filtered in from outside, “Mr. Wilson, Mrs, Wilson, I have prepared some swift grain. Shall I bring it in for you?” 

Within the larger family circle, only a select few knew Natalie’s impending twin motherhood. Theo knew first, followed by Rachel and Caleb. Cage and Mary were next to join this confidential circle. The rest remained unaware of Natalie’s pregnancy, let alone the revelation of twins. 

Upon hearing this, Trevon rose to answer the door, a gesture laden with respect for Mary, an elder who had dutifully served the family for an extended period. “I will retrieve it shortly, he responded graciously 

Observing Trevon’s appetite for the swift grain, Mary promptly offered, “No need for you to fetch it. I will deliver it to you. It’s a mere matter of minutes. Your focus should be on tending to Mrs. Wilson, and I am more than willing to assist.” 

Every word Mary spoke bore the weight of sincerity. Her only wish was for the safety and well-being of Natalie’s unborn child. With three children gracing the Wilson household, life was vibrant and animated. 

Brimming with delight, she carried the swift grain upstairs. Her footsteps were gentle, and she placed the dish on a nearby table. Then, Mary carefully asked, “Mr. Wilson, the swift grain is here. It’s still warm Would you like me to put Jasper to 


Jasper wanted to sleep with his parents. Over the past few days, he had commandeered the master bedroom, relishing the ambiance and the chance to bounce about on the expansive bed. Even the occasional swat from Trevon failed to sting. In light of this, Jasper protested, “No, I want Mommy and Daddy,” 

Mary hesitated to disrupt this heartwarming tableau yet remained attentive to Trevon’s decision. Should he opt for Jasper’s removal, she stood ready to oblige. 

Trevon cast a resigned glance at his determined son. He found himself powerless to turn Jasper away. After all, whether sleep came or not, their proximity yielded comfort. Enfolding Jasper in a warm embrace, he gently kissed his forehead before responding. “Let him rest here. Mary, prepare some baked oats for him tomorrow.” 

At that moment, Natalie chimed in, her voice tender. ‘Mary, you should retire for the night. Natalie felt a pang of sympathy for Mary. Advancing years had taken a toll, making it challenging for her to keep pace with their nocturnal activities. The prospect of baked oats in the morning garnered her approval Jasper would undoubtedly enjoy them as well. 

In line with Trevon’s thoughts, Jasper’s growth was of paramount importance. Despite Jasper’s stature, Trevon held a seed of concern, hoping to ensure his son’s optimal development. 

“Very well, I understand I will prepare them early tomorrow. As one grows older, mornings tend to beckon earlier. Now, off to sleep with you all 

After conveying her assurance, Mary departed and gently shut the door. The sound of the door’s closure held a gentleness as if she feared startling the child within Natalie’s womb. 

“Rest, or else you will have to sleep outdoors,” Trevon instructed, his words directed at the spirited Jasper. 


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