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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 381

Chapter 381 

The bright moonlight spilled down, suffusing the car with a gentle brightness. Amidst the air, an aura of romance lingered. 

A soft breeze swept by, causing the roadside grass to sway. The blades of grass playfully nudged one another as they moved. 

Inside the enclosed compartment, only the echoes of kisses resonated. The girl closed her eyes, relishing the affection from the man. With his eyes open, a faint crimson hue tinged his gaze. He tenderly traced every contour of her features, meticulous and attentive. 

Tracing the memory of their encounter, he eased back slightly, granting the girl a brief respite to catch her breath before leaning down again to graze the tender, desire-laden corners of her lips. The pangs of longing spread freely between their lips and teeth, reluctant to part. 

No number of kisses felt satiating. His hand instinctively ascended her back, moving leisurely until his palm rested on her neck. Their breaths grew labored, foreheads touching, synchronizing their heavy exhalations. 

Ava’s face took on a flushed hue akin to a delicate blush. Her lips held a gentle swelling. Reluctant to let go of him, she clung to his neck fervently. 

A husky resonance rumbled against her neck as the man asked, “Don’t want me to go?” 

Ava nodded, her reluctance evident, as she nestled against his shoulder. 

Eventually, with Ava nestled at his shoulder, he sent a message to Joseph, instructing him to come and collect her. 

Shortly after that, Joseph’s car emerged from the estate. Spotting Joseph through the car window, the man patted Ava’s back, saying, “Your brother’s here to fetch you.” 

At his announcement, Ava finally relinquished her hold. Frank affectionately tousled her hair and said, “Ill come to pick you up tomorrow morning. You decide the time. 

“Alright,” Ava replied obediently, her tone laced with reluctance and a hint of helplessness. 

Then, Frank swung open the car door and disembarked. Joseph, who was donned in pajamas a typical attire at 10:30 pm – briefly met his gaze before opening the passenger door, inviting Ava to exit. 

Joseph’s keen eyes naturally detected his sister’s atypical rosy checks. He comprehended the situation but maintained politeness as Frank ensured Ava’s safe return. As such, Joseph said, “Thank you for bringing Ava back. Young girls shouldn’t stay up late at night. Perhaps, you can send her home earlier next time.” 

Frank grasped the meaning behind Joseph’s words, recognizing that the latter had found it too late. He responded, “Ill do my best.” 

He refrained from issuing a definitive commitment. 

Matters of the heart were elusive to predict accurately. If he agreed and failed to deliver, he risked appearing unreliable. 

Once Ava was seated in Joseph’s car, Frank addressed Joseph, saying. “Open the trunk for a moment.” 

Joseph unlocked the passenger side, allowing his sister to settle in. Then, he popped the trunk open, observing as Frank retrieved bags from his car and transferred them into Joseph’s vehicle. A faint smirk danced on his lips, a nearly teasing gesture, as he commented, “It seems like you’ve made quite the investment. 

Frank responded, “It’s my pleasure.” 

With everything stowed, Joseph promptly took the driver’s seat. He nodded to Frank, who was leaning against the car door. before turning the car back into the estate. 

Once the car had pulled into the estate, Frank lingered a moment longer, reluctant to depart. After not smoking the entire day, he extracted a pack of cigarettes from the car. Tapping one out, he ignited it, and the crimson ember flickered brightly in the subdued ambiance. After taking a draw and exhaling, he turned toward the bodyguard, who had already started to walk away, and asked, “Care for one?” 

The bodyguards shook their heads in unison, politely declining. Yet, out of courtesy, Frank extracted another cigarette from the trunk and handed it to the guard stationed at the main entrance, saying, “Working late into the night is hard work. Take this to stay alert. 

The guard accepted the cigarette. But, as he was about the decline Frank’s offer, Frank had already started the engine and pulled away. 

In the wake of his departure, all that lingered was the murmur of the wind and a haze of uncertainty. The bodyguard thought. “To smoke or not to smoke? Is this considered a form of bribery?” 


From the moment she woke up, Rose began berating Frank in her heart for his actions. Why did he book such an early flight? People do not even wake up this early for work! 

Carrying a white suitcase, she descended the stairs. When William noticed Rose coming down the stairs, he rushed forward to help her move the luggage. He expressed concern and said, ‘I’ve prepared some breakfast for you. Take it with you, and you can eat it on your way to the airport 

He handed Rose the breakfast and helped load her suitcase into the trunk of the car. 

Grace approached the pair and instructed, “Stay safe. Four people are accompanying you, but they will not interfere with your trip or report on your actions and whereabouts. They are merely responsible for your safety.” 

Taking a bite of the sandwich her father made, Rose nodded before opening her arms to embrace her mother. She said. “Thank you, Mom. Love you.” 

Grace’s eyes briefly moistened at Rose’s words, and she patted her daughter’s shoulder, reminding her, “You’re running late. Isn’t the flight at 6:30 am?” 

“Oh, I’m leaving. Goodbye. I’ll bring you something back when I return.” Rose said before departing. Even though she was using William’s money, she still wanted to show her gratitude. 

“Alright, Grace responded softly. She felt touched and warmed in her heart. 

At the Athana Airport, a woman wore a short white polo shirt and torn black jeans, a dark blue baseball cap on her head, and a mini limited edition bucket bag hanging from her shoulder. She also wore sunglasses with pale purple lenses. 

Behind her were four men dressed in plain clothes. They were following closely behind her. 

Rose pushed her suitcase herself to avoid arousing suspicion, striding purposefully toward the airport. People who always stay ahead of fashion trends tend to have an inherent knack for attracting attention. 

People glanced at her occasionally when checking tickets from a distance. Rose boarded the plane and found her seat according to her ticket. Frank had a conscience and booked her a first-class seat 

“Frank is still rather considerate,” Rose thought to herself. 

She sat in the window seat. A beam of sunlight snuck in, and she was relatively content. The four bodyguards who followed her could not sit beside her since their tickets were purchased later. Frank’s tickets were booked in advance, causing two bodyguards to sit behind Rose and two in the economy class. 

Rose felt drowsy as soon as she sat down. Having woken up early in the morning, she suspected Frank had done this intentionally. She did not remove her sunglasses, pulled her hat low, and covered herself with a thin blanket, preparing to sleep. 

Sleepiness overcame her swiftly. The plane had not taken off yet, and she was already in dreamland. As such, she did not notice the person sitting next to her. 

A man stood by the seat, his lowered eyelids glancing at her attire as he hesitated momentarily. He did not say a word as he gently sat down beside her. 

A flight attendant approached to inquire about his needs, but before she could speak, the man extended his long hand. gesturing for her to be quiet. He then waved his hand, indicating he did not need anything. 

The flight attendant assumed they were a couple and regarded them with envious and congratulatory eyes. 

The man did not want to explain further. 

Just then, the sound of a vibrating phone came from his pocket. After sending a reply, he turned off his phone and quietly laid back on his seal, pretending to sleep. 

The plane took off, and Rose had already in deep slumber. Her usual sleep position was not great, and sleeping while sitting was uncomfortable. In her dreams, she had forgotten she was on a plane, and she tilted her head to the side. 

A sudden force jolted the man beside her. He turned to look at Rose but saw she had not reacted. She was sleeping soundly. Was this insomnia? Catching up on lost sleep after waking up early? 

How long had they boarded the plane since she had already fallen into a deep slumber? 

Edward extended his hand, gently nudging Rose’s head toward the center of the seat. Yet, after two attempts, she still ended up slumped against his shoulder. After repeating this process three times, he ultimately surrendered, thinking. “Well, I suppose it is going to be like this. 

Eventually, he closed his eyes, surrendering to slumber as well. Having stayed awake all night to complete work for the upcoming two days to attend his friend’s store opening in Artroyland, sleep had been an elusive companion. 

Rose’s eyes remained shut, yet her hands were raised as if to rouse herself. She momentarily forgot she was on a plane. “Ah… so comfortable, she mumbled. 

Seated beside her, Edward observed her without expression and noted that her composure exceeded even that of Sherri. 

Now fully awake, Rose yawned and surveyed her surroundings. Absentmindedly addressing herself and the person beside her, she muttered, “Forgot I was on the plane. I slept like a log” 

As her gaze shifted, she noticed the man seated beside her. Donning glasses, he sported khaki trousers and a casual shirt. He exuded a handsome elegance. 

Puzzled, she wondered, “Wait, why is Edward Landor sitting next to me? What’s happening?” 

Observing the astonishment on the face of the Roberts family’s daughter, Edward could not help but chuckle, a faint smile gracing his lips. “What a coincidence, he remarked. 


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