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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 489

Chapter 489

The next night.

There was an endless stream of cars parked at the entrance of Edward’s new house.

Gifts in their hands, the people who got out of the car were all smiling. The first to arrive was Frank. He drove the tall and handsome off-road car. He was chewing gum and had his hands in his pockets. He walked straight into the living room. It was as if he was entering his own house.

Frank stood at the door and glanced at the decoration of the entire villa. After a moment, he nodded and sat down leisurely on the sofa.

When Rose came downstairs, she saw Frank sitting on the sofa leisurely and playing with his phone. She ran over happily and sat down beside him. “As expected of my brother. I knew you missed me. You’re the first to arrive.”

Frank put the phone back into his pocket. He opened his broad palm and picked up the balloon at his feet to play with it. He twirled it in his hand. “Did you decorate the house together?”

“No, no, no. How could Edward bear to let me do so much work? He decorated it with Hackett. It made Hackett extremely depressed. He kept saying that now that it wasn’t his wedding house, why would he be involved?” Rose raised her index finger and waved it, indicating it wasn’t.

However, yesterday, Edward acted as if he did not hear Hackett’s complaints and asked him to continue working.

Frank was satisfied with his sister’s words. Edward could be considered sensible. While they were talking, Edward, Hackett, and Sherri walked in from outside.

“Oh, you’re so early. You’re here to investigate your sister’s future living environment.”

It was Sherri’s first time coming to the villa. Yesterday, her brother only said he would borrow Hackett for a day and did not say anything. After Hackett returned, Sherri learned that her brother had bought a villa next door. She wanted to come over to take a look no matter what, but Edward refused.

Sherri scolded Edward for a long time for being heartless. She scolded him several times and used all the words that she could think of in her mind.

She almost got beaten up by Edward, but she still failed to achieve her goal.

At this moment, Sherri looked like a curious baby. After clicking her tongue for a while, she was even more jealous than ever. She pretended to be sarcastic and said, “My brother is so considerate.”

Although her words were sarcastic, she was really happy deep down.

She did not know that Rose and Edward had already set the background of the decorations. Sherri thought it was designed by Hackett together and thought she had discovered another shining point of Hackett.

The truth was Hackett knew how to design blueprints. After all, he was a house seller. How could he not understand the blueprints and the layout? It was just that Hackett had never mentioned the company business to Sherri. It was mainly because Sherri was not interested in those things.

“Let’s go and prepare the things we need later. Your brother said that we don’t need the help of a nanny. We’re all family. We’ll prepare ourselves to feel more at home and the atmosphere of a housewarming. I like this real feeling.”

Rose also liked to do it herself. Besides, it wasn’t like she was holding a few tables of banquets. It was just a simple table of dishes. She could handle it. She didn’t need a maid. Juana said that she would help cook, but Edward and Rose refused. They said she just needed to come over for dinner.

In the end, Juana and her husband tactfully refused. They also wanted to give the young people some space. Rose had already entered the family. This new family was Edward and Rose’s small family. They invited good friends to visit and have a meal. Juana and her husband decided to stay home and help look after the young ones. They did not want to disturb them.

With the elders around, they wouldn’t be able to have fun. They would even control the tone of their conversation. Juana was already very satisfied. There were still many days to eat with Rose.

When Edward saw Rose walking toward the kitchen, he turned around and wanted to follow her. However, he was stopped by Rose. She pushed his chest and said, “Talk to my brother and the others for a while. I’ll show you something today.”

Meeting Edward’s worried gaze, Rose did not move at all. She nudged Edward again and continued, “Go, go. Don’t worry. It’s not a big deal. It’s just a table of dishes. I can give you a table full of delicacies.”

Edward, who still wanted to enter, was pushed out by Rose. The kitchen door was closed. Edward was worried and looked at

Frank at a loss.

Seeing this, Frank crossed his legs and shook the orange in his hand. He threw it into the air and caught it again. He glanced at the closed kitchen door, his busy sister inside, and her wooden assistant, Sherri. He said, “Let her be. If we can’t eat, you can order takeout.”

Edward followed his gaze and looked at the kitchen again. He nodded helplessly.

Hackett was puzzled. Sherri couldn’t cook. Could she help? Could Rose cook? Could they have something to eat today? His mind was filled with questions.

“Don’t worry, my sister can cook. Even if you starve to death, she won’t.” This was said to Hackett, who was still looking for an answer. Seeing his distrust, Frank said proudly.

Rose was not useless. She had no problem supporting herself.

“I know

your sister…” Before he could finish speaking, three people came in from the door. They were holding hands. The man was carrying a little guy in his arms. The boy wore a black cardigan and a white shirt like his father.

“You’re late. Do you think you’re walking the red carpet?” Frank teased.

Trevon and Natalie were dressed very casually today. It was as if they were here to attend a friend’s housewarming banquet.

He wore a white shirt, a black windbreaker, and casual pants. As for Natalie, she was wearing a sports suit. What Jasper wore was the best.

Hackett was still as flashy as ever. He wore an orange sweater, white pants, and painted sneakers. What Frank wore was much more minimalist. He wore a black sweater and blue jeans.

Edward was wearing a similar outfit as Trevon. He was wearing a cream-colored shirt and casual pants. However, he had a pair of golden glasses on his nose bridge and looked more refined.

“Edward, congratulations on your newlywed move.” As she spoke, Natalie handed over the gift in her hand. It was an expensive red wine prepared by Trevon and a bouquet.

Edward and Rose were not planning to hold their wedding in Athana. For Trevon, generous and happy, he was more than willing to give this wedding gift.

Edward politely accepted the gift and said, “Thank you very much. The bouquet matches our house very well.”

Trevon put his son down from his arms and put his arm around Natalie’s shoulder. He said generously, “It’s just a small gift. I don’t intend to give you all my belongings as a wedding gift. Congratulations on getting rid of your single status.”

Natalie smiled and said, “Edward, I’m glad you like it. It took Trevon and me a long while to pick it.”

“Alright, thank you. Rose is in the kitchen. Sit down for a while.”

When she heard that Rose was in the kitchen, Natalie looked in the direction of the kitchen. She immediately saw Sherri serambling to get something. She frowned and had a bad feeling. “I’ll go take a look: Trevon, look after our son.”

“Go on. I’ll keep an eye on him.”

Jasper had been looking for Ruby after he got out of Trevon’s arms. However, he did not say anything. He was playing with balloons and toys on the table.

When Trevon saw that his son was not excited, he sat down beside Hackett and nudged Hackett’s leg with his knee. “Where’s your daughter? Bring her over to play with us for a while. You don’t have to be so wary of my son. Look, Frank was also defenseless against thieves.”


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