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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 490

Chapter 490

The laughter in the kitchen was so loud that everyone in the living room looked up at the kitchen. Edward happened to come in with Ruby in his arms.

She saw the women in the kitchen smiling brightly like flowers. Then, he subconsciously smiled and instructed her niece, “Ruby, go play with Jasper.”

Ruby got down from Edward’s arms and walked to Jasper’s side. She called out softly, “Jasper.”

Jasper replied faintly, “Yeah.” Then, he handed the toys he had brought to Ruby. Ruby happily took them.

The four men retracted their gazes from the kitchen. Edward and Frank were looking at Rose. Trevon crossed his legs and acted as if he was sitting at home. He kicked Hackett with his toes, indicating for him to look at the two children.

Hackett defended himself. “My daughter ha’s a good personality. She can get along with anyone. Don’t let your imagination run wild.”

Suddenly, Frank interrupted and said jokingly, “It’s not easy to accept it if I don’t let my imagination run wild.”

Hackett glared at Frank. “Get lost.”

The kitchen door opened, and Sherri came out with a plate of fruits. Edward stood up to take it. “Is there more?”

“Yes, I’ll go get it. Take this over first. Edward, give Ruby some watermelon. The melon today is quite sweet. Did you buy it, or did Hackett buy it?”

Edward answered seriously, “I bought it. Hackett carried it home.”

Sherr was speechless. Fine, at least it was free.

Looking at the table full of food, Trevon raised his chin at Edward, sitting beside Frank. “Quite well-prepared, huh?”

Edward was not to be outdone. “I don’t want to be the subject of gossip. It’s better to be more considerate.”

These words made Frank, who was sitting calmly, laugh. This meant that Trevon was difficult to deal with. It was just that he did not make it clear.

Two hours later.

Sherri began to serve the dishes. She went back and forth again and again. When all the dishes were carefully arranged, Sherri stood in front of the dining table with her hands on her hips in satisfaction and shouted, “Dinner is ready… Guys.”

Her voice was so loud that it could probably be heard outside the villa.

In the kitchen, Natalie despised her best friend’s loud voice. “It’s a waste of the decibels of her sound not to go to the mountains to see wild boars.”

“Aha, Natalie, I realized that you’ve become more and more humorous after giving birth. Aha, if Sherri finds out, she’ll probably die of anger.”

“Don’t worry. Even if we die of anger, she won’t. This fellow has a good mentality.”

As she spoke, Natalie was about to wipe the kitchen. However, she was stopped by Rose. “Stop doing that. I had asked you to be a guest, but you’ve been helping me. You don’t have to help wipe the kitchen anymore. I’ll do it with Edward later.”

“That’s fine too. I have to give you two a chance to create warmth. Rose, you must be happy for the rest of your life.”

Rose smiled blissfully. “I will. We will all be very, very happy. We must eat and drink well tonight. You are not allowed to hold back in my house.”

“Don’t worry.”

At the dining table, they sat in a circle. Jasper and Ruby sat together because Ruby had not seen Jasper for a long time. She wanted to sit together with Jasper to play. Therefore, no matter how unwilling Hackett was, he did not want his daughter to be unhappy.

Jasper was very sensible. He handed the food that Trevon had given him to Ruby. Ruby thanked him politely. “Thank you.”

Jasper replied calmly, “You’re welcome.”

Natalie said, “Damn genes. They really come with them the moment they go out.”

Rose sat beside Natalie and smiled. “After Jasper grows up, his personality must be like his father’s.”

After that, Rose generously pulled Edward to his feet and raised her drink. The two people present were mothers who needed to breastfeed and could not drink. Rose and the others only prepared soft drinks. The men needed to drive, so they also refused to drink.

Rose was the first to speak. “First of all, let me say some polite words. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend my housewarming banquet. Secondly, everyone, please help yourselves. Thank you.”

Frank pinched his eyebrows. He thought his sister would say something touching when she suddenly stood up. In the end, that was all she said. “I thought you wanted to thank God.”

“Why should I thank God? God won’t join us for the dinner. I only need to thank you guys. Frank, thank you.”

Frank was the loneliest at night. Ava was at Sapphire City. People around the dining table were also in pairs. Rose had invited. Chris and Stella, but Chris could not leave because of the surgery. Stella was said to be working overtime with her sister.

Meanwhile, Edward had also invited Kyle, Similarly, Kyle refused. He only wanted Edward to be happy.

At the dining table, everyone chatted warmly. Rose and Sherri were the loudest. Natalie would interrupt from time to time. It was okay when she didn’t speak, but once she did, she shocked everyone.

Everyone laughed out loud. Trevon liked the current Natalie. He could feel that she was very at ease.

Trevon had a good appetite that night. It had been a long time since he had eaten the dishes Natalie made. He leaned close to Natalie’s car and praised her. “Honey, the dishes are delicious.”

Natalie smiled and cooperatively picked up some food for him and her son. “Got it.”


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