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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 582

Early the next morning.

Still nestled beneath the covers, Frank could hear the chirping of birds in the courtyard, almost like a subtle nudge to rise and begin the day. Blinking his bleary eyes, he glanced downwards at the girl nestled in his embrace.

She was deeply asleep, a smile lingering on her lips. Frank traced the delicate features of her face, from her beautiful brows to her eyes, nose, and finally her lips, ending with a gentle touch to her ear.

He wondered, would the baby resemble the girl more or himself? If it were like her, it'd be adorable, but if it took after him, it'd be handsome.

Those who were self-absorbed would never see it in themselves, just like a drunkard would never admit that they were drunk.

He couldn't tell how much time had passed while gazing at her, but she sought comfort and warmth in his arms, snuggling closer. Wrapping his arm around her within the blanket's embrace, he nestled his chin atop her head, gently inquiring, "Are you ready to get up? Should we head out in the morning or wait until the afternoon?"

Ava mumbled from within the embrace, "Mmm, yeah. I'm getting up. Just five more minutes, I'll be up soon, I want to go in the morning."

"We can go tomorrow if you can't get up now, you know?" Frank suggested, seeing her eyes still closed, a sign of being half-awake.

"No, today is the day. You promised to be my husband today. No backing out. Don't you want to go?" Ava instantly woke, lifting her head, her gaze challenging him, despite him towering over her.

Frank chuckled softly, an uncommon explanation, perhaps inspired by Grace's words. "No, last night I already told my parents and told Grace that we're getting the marriage license today, Ava. It's not that I didn't want it before; I just didn't want to constrain you with those papers."

Ava thought to herself, "Not that he didn't want it?

"Does that mean he wanted it?"

"Okay, let's get up." Ava's focus wasn't on her belly now but on the marriage license. She quickly threw off the covers and got out of bed.

Her swift movement prompted Frank to caution, lowering his voice, "Take it slow, no rush."

Upon hearing his reminder, Ava eased her pace, delicately stepping down from the bed. Frank swiftly leaped off the bed to the other side, agilely guiding Ava inside the bathroom, where a mat had been laid on the floor to avoid her slipping and falling.

"What do you plan to wear?"

"A white dress would be perfect for me. And I think it would complement well if you opt for a white shirt as well," Ava suggested to Frank.

"Sure, I'll go with that," he complied with the young girl's arrangements, acknowledging her choice.

Thirty minutes later, Ava and Frank were dressed in matching white attire. Ava was adorned in a white dress, while Frank sported a white short-sleeved shirt.

Having seen Trevon's divorce certificate and marriage license, both featuring a red background, Frank pondered that wearing white attire did seem fitting for the occasion.

Hand in hand, they descended the stairs together, creating an atmosphere reminiscent of a wedding scene.

In the living room, Daniel and Emma awaited them, almost resembling parents seeing off their daughter for her wedding. Daniel's eyes reflected a trace of reluctance as he gazed at his daughter walking down the stairs.

Noticing Daniel at home, Ava sweetly called out to him, "Dad, aren't you supposed to be at work now?"

"Your brother and sister-in-law went to the company, so I'm staying at home today. Are you and Frank going to get the license now?" Daniel glanced at Frank, inquiring about their plans.

"Yes, we're heading there now," Frank confirmed before turning to the girl beside him. "But let's grab some breakfast before we go," he suggested.

Ava missed the sandwich sold outside school. "I miss the breakfast from the breakfast shop near school. Can we go there?"

Frank glanced at his mother-in-law, who nodded in agreement, and responded, "Alright, let's go have it now."

Emma nodded gently at Frank, softly advising, "Drive carefully and take it slow on the road."

"Dad, Mom, we're heading to the city hall now. Goodbye, see you later."

"Alright, see you," the Tuners echoed in unison.

As Daniel watched his daughter and son-in-law leave, he let out a sigh. "You know, ever since Frank came into her life, Ava's anxiety seems to have vanished. No matter how hard we tried to comfort her before, there was always a hint of unease in her eyes."

Being unable to comfort his daughter was a bit disheartening for Daniel as a father. Nonetheless, he understood the situation.


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