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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 591

When Frank readily agreed to the conditions to enter, a burst of cheers emanated from inside, with Stella and Sherri's voices being the loudest.

Even through the door, their joyful voices were audible, carrying an infectious sense of excitement and happiness

Stella, with her knack for being persuaded by money, swiftly unlocked the three latches the moment she heard Frank's agreement. Each click of the locks echoed outside, audible to everyone present.

With each lock opening, Frank silently counted in his mind, feeling the suspense building with each successive click.

Rose, covering her mouth in an attempt to stifle any noise, cowered in a distant corner, afraid that her brother might overhear. As Frank stepped into the room, he immediately spotted his sister, who stood quietly in the corner, wearing a sweet, innocent smile, and looking remarkably well-behaved.

It was as though the mischievous planning for the prank, just moments ago, had nothing to do with her.

Frank, with his keen understanding of his sister, knew well enough that this obedient facade must have been a post-door-opening act. Before the door opened, she couldn't have been in such a state of apparent innocence.

Edward wasted no time and positioned himself next to Rose upon entering, holding her hand as they both quietly observed Frank's reaction.

Ava was dressed in a white wedding gown adorned with a diamond-encrusted crown. The gown's intricate diamond patterns sparkled like stars in the night sky. Complementing Ava's radiant smile, Frank was captivated as soon as he stepped in.

His gaze fixated on Ava, and as their eyes met, a silent exchange took place. Both were studying each other, but as moments passed, their smiles widened. It was as if love particles floated in the air, creating an almost tangible sense of affection and warmth.

Frank, mesmerized and momentarily lost for words, lacked the eloquence to express the overwhelming beauty before him. With a limited vocabulary, all that echoed in his mind was a single word, "beautiful."

Observing Frank's speechless state, Trevon couldn't help but display his usual teasing demeanor. With a mix of amusement and mock disappointment, he raised an eyebrow and jested, "Are you planning to wait until the end of time or considering tying the knot anytime soon, Frank?"

Trevon's teasing comment elicited laughter from everyone present, but Natalie, seated beside the irreverent jokester, responded by nudging him with her elbow, shooting a playful glare his way, a silent plea for Trevon to control himself a bit.

Receiving Natalie's pointed gaze, Trevon's lips curved into a mischievous smirk, clearly unfazed by her warning. In a playful act of mischief, he subtly pinched her hand that he was holding behind his back.

Frank, seemingly oblivious to Trevon's teasing, knelt down with palpable emotion, his voice filled with a trembling intensity, "Ava, I've come to pick you up."

It was a scene poised for romance, with all eyes on Frank and Ava, until Sherri, ever the mood breaker, interjected, 'Wow, the progress bar is going a bit too fast. Frank, how about doing 80 push-ups before proposing?"

All the men in the room, along with the onlookers outside the door, remained speechless, wondering why this program arrangement wasn't revealed at the very beginning.

Jim thought, 'Who the hell came up with this idea?' It was going to make him scared of getting married in the future.

Trevon glanced around and noticed Rose, head bowed but smiling knowingly. He then threw a teasing glance at Natalie, sending shivers down her spine, as if she'd been zapped by an electric shock from across the room.

Once again, Natalie silently signaled him to tone it down.

Upon hearing this, Frank was taken aback. Doing 80 push-ups was trivial, but he couldn't fathom who came up with the idea to demand such a strenuous activity at such a crucial moment.

However, he did not delve too deeply into this. He quickly handed the flowers to Ava and said, "Give me a few minutes."

Excitedly receiving the bouquet, Ava nodded obediently and even made a cheering gesture, smiling at Frank as she held the flowers close to her heart.

Without further ado, Frank removed his jacket and placed it on the bed. He adjusted his pants and placed one hand behind his back, the other firmly on the ground. "Let's get started," he said.

As soon as the words left his lips, Frank swiftly began executing perfect one-handed push-ups.

In a corner, Sherri leaned in close to Hackett's ear and couldn't resist complimenting, "With this kind of stamina, no wonder Ava can handle twins."

In the corner, Sherrileaned close to Hackett Blackwell's ear and could not help but praise, "With such stamina, no wonder Ava can have twins."

Feeling a bit cornered by Sherri's comment, Hackett narrowed his eyes playfully and teased, "Honey, are you trying to tell me something?"

"Oh, not really, just a comment, absolutely nothing else implied, I promise," Sherri hastily clarified, waving her hands in explanation.

Standing behind them, Rose overheard everything and couldn't help but blurt out, "Do you guys have to make dirty jokes all the time?"

Hackett Blackwell turned around and was about to retort when he was stopped by Hackett, about to retort, was stopped in his tracks by Edward's imposing glare from above. Helpless, Hackett rolled his eyes at Edward before turning back to observe the commotion.

Regaining his composure, Hackett immediately looked around for his daughter. "Where's Ruby?"

Sherri couldn't help but think that it took him a little bit too long to react. It was only now that Hackett remembered his daughter. "She's playing games with my future son-in-law, don't worry," she assured, giving Hackett's shoulder a reassuring pat.

Hackett was speechless. He thought, "I'm even more worried when she's with Trevon's son."


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