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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 592

As the music started, the whole room burst into life. Trevon, Frank, and Hackett shrugged off their jackets and started moving to the beat, their hips swaying in sync with the music.

Rose even persuaded Edward to join the ballroom because she wanted to see Edward dance. Soon, everyone joined the dance, and the wedding party started.

The security guard at the staircase also swayed with the music. Natalie, well-versed in the art of dancing, seamlessly joined Trevon on the dance floor, intuitively picking up on Trevon's vibes and the rhythm of the music. Jim was the only one dancing award. Chris seemed that he was holding his passion. Except for Jim and Chris, the others were having a great time.

Ava could not help but take out her phone to memorize this painting. She thought, 'I can't believe Frank dances so well. That waist. Those hands. He is amazing. He hides himself well.'

After one song ended, everyone gradually stopped. When Frank sat down, Ava leaned closer to Frank and whispered, praising him for being a good dancer. Then, Frank smiled.

Trevon held Natalie's hand, bent down, and whispered, "Honey, I think we can have one more activity in our life."

Natalie thought, 'Does Trevon want to dance every day?'

The moment to unveil the answer arrived. Rose headed to her brother's closet, retrieving the concealed shoes nestled among the suits. Holding them aloft, she declared, "Here are the shoes you were searching for. Frank, there are Ava's pristine and untouched shoes. Just so you know, this was Ava's idea, not mine."

Locking eyes with her brother, Rose deflected everything onto Ava. In truth, it was Rose who had conceived of the idea.

Ava did not admit or deny it, which made everyone think this was Ava's idea.

Alex chose one of the programs on the list to be the second program. It was jumping on a shiatsu board. Alex thought this should be able to calm everyone down.

When Rose took out the two large shiatsu boards she had bought from the room, Chris and Jim had cold feet. They whispered, 'We are here to be best men, not to train ourselves to be soldiers." On the other hand, Edward seemed calm and unsurprised.

Chris looked at the shiatsu boards and was at a loss for words. Then, he pointed at them and asked, "Stella, is this your idea?"

Stella shook her head to deny it. Ava covered her mouth and laughed. Trevon quietly approached Natalie and hugged her waist, whispering, "These are all Rose's ideas, right?"

Natalie tiptoed and whispered, "Stella and Sherri also contribute to those. Hush." Natalie knew the girls did all those to light up the mood.

Seeing his sister shake her head, Chris aimed at Edward and said, "Damn it, Edward. I think Rose gets this to tame you."

Edward neither confirmed nor denied it. He simply offered a subtle smile. Rose did not want Edward to be misunderstood or go through the pain of dancing on the shiatsu boards. Thus, Rose said proudly, "How is that possible? I adore Edward so much, and you know about it. I prepared these for today's party."

Hearing this, Trevon began to gloat, thinking, 'Luckily, I won't be a participant this time because I'm already married.' So, he casually put one hand in his pocket while the other held onto Natalie. He appeared completely relaxed, showing no concern about his son.

Jasper and Ruby were in Rose's room. Trevon was afraid the kids would see something inappropriate at the party, so he asked them to play in the next room. He planned to bring them to the wedding after the games ended.

Natalie asked, "You didn't even ask going to ask where your son went?"

Trevon grinned and responded, "Where else would he go? He must be with Hackett's daughter." While Trevon initially intended to have his son stay at Frank's place, the boy insisted on accompanying his mother and expressed how much he missed Auntie Ava.

Glancing up at Trevon, Natalie pondered, 'Hmm, he really understands his son.' Just then, Chris was chosen to be the first to jump rope, with Alex appointed as the official counter. Before kicking off the game, Alex modestly admitted, "I'm not great at elementary school math, especially when it comes to addition and subtraction within 10."

Jim rolled his eyes and did not say a word.

Chris was stunned when he heard that, thinking, 'I'm doomed to suffer.' Then, some people covered their mouths and laughed. The bride and groom also laughed. Chris said, "Alright, you can count the way you want. I'm going all out today. Let's start now."

Chris appeared as if he was about to face his demise. Jim glanced at Alex but quickly looked away. Chris began jumping, and with each leap, he felt thousands of needles piercing his toes. The pain was so intense that Chris's face contorted in agony.

People laughed so hard that they had tears in their eyes. Rose and Sherri fell to the ground and laughed.

Alex deliberately counted wrongly a few times. After it ended, she apologized innocently, "Sorry. It's easy for me to make mistakes when I'm nervous."

Chris sat on the ground and rubbed his toes. He raised his head and said to Alex, panting, "Alex. I was the one jumping, not you. Why were you nervous?"

Alex shrugged her shoulders and explained, "I can't help it. I can easily feel what others feel." The group found amusement in Alex's statement, leaving Chris at a loss for words.

As Jim took the stage, he turned to Alex and implored, "Alex, be a little merciful, would you?"

Sherri saw it and said, "Mr. Hawk, trying to use your connection, huh?"


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