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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 715

Meanwhile, at the Wilson's residence, Trevon had just crawled into bed and was about to hug his wife to sleep when he received a message from the bodyguard who was secretly protecting his son, [Mr. Jasper has gone to Evergreen Gardens.]

After reading the message, Trevon felt a headache and frowned. His eyebrows were like two ropes that kept pulling closer. Trevon suddenly felt he shouldn't have taught Jasper how to pick locks.

Natalie saw Trevon frowning and thought that he was tired. She raised her hand to massage his temples gently. "Are you tired?"

Trevon did not want Natalie to know that Jasper was staying in Evergreen Gardens with Ruby tonight. If Natalie knew, she might feel embarrassed when she saw Jasper in the future. It would be a little embarrassing for their child to know their secret.

Trevon took Natalie's hand and lied, "Maybe I didn't sleep well last night."

Natalie glared at him. "I told you to take it easy. You better sleep well tonight."

"Got it, darling." A man would always be a young man at heart and wouldn't admit defeat to certain things.

At noon the next day, the couple in Evergreen Gardens slowly woke up. Ruby woke up first. Her voice was a little hoarse. She wanted to speak but realized that her throat was a little uncomfortable, making it difficult for her to speak. Thus, she closed her mouth again.

Ruby closed her eyes and opened them again. She was about to stare at the white ceiling to wake herself up when she was suddenly stunned by the flowers on the ceiling.

Ruby's first thought was that the flowers were very beautiful.

The colors of the fully bloomed flowers changed from light to dark, and the depths varied. There was a number flashing in the corner as well. '180?' Ruby thought.

Ruby was a little suspicious. 'What is this?' She thought.

Ruby was sure that when she came in yesterday, she had not noticed any special design on the ceiling. She tried her best to recall, but she wasn't sure if there had been anything, and she wondered if she had not noticed it.

Ruby had no idea that she had created these flowers and thought they were a feature that Trevon had designed to light up the room.

As Ruby was thinking about it, a low and hoarse voice sounded from her neck. He rubbed against her soft neck and said gloomily, "You're awake. Aren't you tired?"

Seeing that Jasper had woken up, she spoke softly, since her throat was still uncomfortable. Ruby asked, "This ceiling is so beautiful. Did Trevon design it too?"

Before Jasper could answer, Ruby continued in a low voice, "I've heard of people designing a galaxy or illustrations for children's rooms, but this is the first time I've seen someone design a sea of flowers."

'I don't think I've heard of such a design before. It's quite interesting,' Ruby thought to herself.

To preserve his father's image, Jasper couldn't let Ruby know that her future father-in-law was such a spendthrift. Jasper could only take the blame. "No, I asked someone to design it," Jasper told her.

Ruby could feel his smile against her neck. Jasper had already looked at the ceiling countless times last night. It was indeed very beautiful. At this moment, Jasper realized that the flowers were not of the same colors. They displayed different colors according to the decibel level.

'Dad has broadened my worldview again. Once again, he's shown me nothing is impossible.' Jasper thought.

Jasper really admired his father's brain.

Ruby turned to face Jasper. Her waist was a little sore as she continued to ask, "What is this for? Is it to brighten up the room?"

Jasper didn't answer, instead using his actions to show her what the flowers were. Under the blanket, he suddenly tickled her armpit. Ruby was caught off guard and shouted.

After the exclamation, Jasper smiled and moved his head away from her neck. He reached out his hand which was wrapped around her waist and pinched her chin gently, turning her head so that her gaze was fixed on the ceiling.

Ruby saw a flower slowly spreading out from the ceiling and finally appearing at the top. She had witnessed the entire process of blooming. She widened her eyes in disbelief and almost couldn't react.

The number on the counter also became 181.

A moment later, she seemed to understand. Ruby was speechless.

Ruby came back to her senses and scolded Jasper for the first time. Her voice had an unpleasant tone and sounded hoarse. "Jasper Wilson, you're crazy."

'So these flowers bloomed because of me? This was recommended by that perverted designer? He's crazy.' Ruby thought.

Jasper had no choice but to take the blame. Ruby's anger was harmless, and Jasper smiled. The smile on his lips gradually widened to prevent her from getting angry. He restrained himself and coaxed her, "I just wanted to make it memorable. If you don't like it, we won't come next time."

Finally, Ruby attacked Jasper with soft punches and kicks under the blanket. Jasper indulged her and did not stop her. Instead, he laughed out loud. Ruby was so angry that she bit his chest again.

Without waiting for Ruby to ask about the origin of this design, Jasper took the initiative to explain, saying that he had added it much later, helping Trevon to clear his name.

After trying out the functions his father had installed, every time he went on a business trip, Jasper would return early and bring Ruby to Evergreen Gardens, keeping the old memories alive and creating new ones in the process. The house was practically given to Jasper.

On the other hand, it seemed as if Jasper had caught his father in a deadlock. Since Trevon would be embarrassed if Ruby ever found out the flowers were his idea, Trevon could not forcefully take the house back from his son.

The next day, Ruby returned to the Blackwell family. She wanted to spend more time with her family before she got married.


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