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Twins in Her Womb (Bianca and Luke Crawford novel) novel Chapter 3371

Shanks furrowed his brows. He knew Abel would snap, but he did not expect him to go this far.

He grabbed Luca and pulled her behind him. “Abel, what the hell is wrong with you?”

Luca touched her quickly swelling face. A flash of hatred crossed her mind, but she was also worried about Luke. If Luke found out that Abel hurt her, he would definitely lose it. She had to keep everything under control for the sake of her child.

With that thought, Luca took a step back, exposing half of her swollen face to look at Abel.

Abel was furious at the sight. “She’s useless, and that’s why the experiment is going so slowly. What’s wrong with me giving her a slap?”

Shanks’ face turned livid at his crazy words. “This experiment is mine. If you have an issue with it, take it up with me. There’s no reason to take it out on her. I’ll do what you want and increase the dosage. But if this volunteer dies, you’ll have a hell of a time finding another one for the clinical trials. Abel, is this really how you want to handle it? Is this going to help Kassy?”

His words hit Abel like a bucket of gasoline being poured over him. It only fueled his anger. He wanted to smash something, but he could not touch anything on the table because it all had to do with Kassy’s life!

“Shanks, you’re really something!” Abel pointed a finger at Shanks and scolded him. “I’ve given you so much money and so many resources. Now, when I ask you to speed up the clinical trials, you have a problem with it. Fine, are you really going to protect this woman to the end?”

Shanks’ eyes flashed with impatience. This had nothing to do with Luca.

The experiment was going smoothly, but clinical trials required small adjustments to the doses to get the best results. Abel, however, lacked the patience for that. Shanks was starting to regret agreeing to help him save Kassy.

Someone like Abel should never be allowed near the ones he loved. His unpredictable nature was too dangerous.

If Shanks were not so invested in the research, he would never have thought about helping Kassy in the first place.

“This is about the clinical trial. Are you sure you want me to increase the dosage, not caring about the volunteer’s life, just to get accurate data?” Shanks asked in a grim tone. “And let me remind you, if we do that, there’s a high chance we won’t get the right data. If this volunteer dies, it'll be nearly impossible to find another one.

"If that happens, I’ll have no choice but to experiment on Kassy. This will be my first time doing an eye transplant, and there’s no successful case of this treatment anywhere in the world. If you can handle those risks, I’ll increase the dosage by several times in tonight’s injection.”

Abel’s eyes widened with fury. He could not handle that kind of outcome. Shanks' words hit him hard, almost choking him with the reality of things.

At the thought of Kassy, Abel felt defeated for a moment before storming out and slamming the door behind him.

Luca did not know why, but she felt a sense of relief.

Shanks turned to look at her.

One side of her face was badly swollen, and the sight was painfully obvious.

“He slapped you. Why didn’t you move?” asked Shanks.

Luca replied helplessly, “I didn’t expect him to make a move.”

Luca really had not thought he would go that far. She assumed that if Abel was angry, he would throw something instead.

“He needed to vent his anger. The things in this room are all tied to Kassy’s life. He’s too afraid to break anything, and he can’t touch me, so, of course, he’d end up hitting you,” said Shanks.

Luca pursed her lips.

She had always been at the bottom rank on the Island of Despair even though she knew medicine and pharmaceuticals. It was not as glamorous as Gerald might have thought.

She was Luke’s wife. Abel only saw her as a pawn, something to be discarded eventually. Hence, her time on the Island of Despair was not easy.

Moreover, the organization already had Shanks, someone Abel could not touch. He would never allow anyone else to be untouchable.

Luca rubbed her face, feeling a sharp pain.

“Is your ear okay?” Shanks opened the fridge and pulled out an ice pack.

Luca shook her head. “My brain went blank at first, but my ear is fine. I don’t hear any ringing now. My teeth are fine too. It's just that my face is swollen.”


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