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Unbridled Love You novel Chapter 19

When Arvin came over, he saw Belinda and Mark chatting in an intimate way. How he wished he could rush over at once.

He yelled out as he walked over at a fast pace. He pulled Belinda away from Mark and looked at her angrily.

"Brother, long time no see!" Without any surprise, Mark greeted Arvin gently.

Arvin snorted, "Huh, Why did you come back in such a hurry? " His voice sounded as cold as ice.

"It seems that you don't welcome me back? However I won't leave this time! " Mark said indifferently. He didn't care how much hostility Arvin had towards him.

This time, he was determined to change the setup of Xue Family and get back everything that belonged to him.

He looked right into Arvin's eyes with no fear at all. A war was about to break out between the two aggressive men. Although Belinda could easily sense the tension in the air, but

She didn't want to know what was going on between these two men. She was irritated by Arvin's arbitrary demeanor. It was him that invited her to attend this party, but now he was getting angry at her!

"Arvin, what do you mean?" Belinda glared at him and interrupted their talk.

Belinda stood in the middle of them and forced their eye contact to break up. Arvin looked down at her, "It's none of your business. You can go now!" He commanded and didn't want to waste any more words on the current situation.

"Don't you think you are a bit too much by doing so?" His words were so straightforward and unabashed that they made Belinda's anger rise again.

"Belinda, let's go!" Mark took Belinda's hand and turned around to leave. But Arvin stopped her, "Don't you think It's inappropriate to hold her hand in public?" Wearing a cold face, Arvin tried hard to press away Mark's hand. His eyes were full of hostility.

"Or are you having an affair with Belinda?" A series of aggressive questions hurt him inside. But he knew Mark wanted to get close to Belinda, and he couldn't allow him to do so.

"Arvin! What are you talking about? " Hearing what Arvin said, Belinda felt embarrassed and even angrier.

He just left her alone at the party. Now that he finally came, was he here to insult her and embarrass her?

"Arvin, you misunderstood me!" Upon hearing this, Mark's face twitched. He was unpleased with Arvin's accuse, but soon his displeasure was gone. "I just think your attitude towards her is a bit too much," he said

Mark smiled lightly, and with a few words, he turned the topics and everyone's attention to Arvin.

Wearing a sullen face, Arvin gave a sharp glance at the calm expression on Mark's face, then he grabbed Belinda's hand and said, "It's none of your business!"

With that, she grabbed Belinda's hand and took her away.

Pulled by his great strength, Belinda could not break free from his grip. She had to wave her hand to say goodbye to Mark awkwardly.

With an almost invisible smile on the corner of his mouth, he nodded at her. Seeing the couple disappear from the garden, the smile on his face instantly disappeared.


As there was no one in the back hall, Arvin shook off his hand.


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