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Undeniable Attraction novel Chapter 11


Kel and I had no interaction during the week, we didn't even see each other. He left early and came back late. I was always bored having nothing to do. I've taken up a hobby of watching TV or going through gossips about us on the internet. I was even going to ask him about getting a job but I doubt if he'd answer me.

"We're having breakfast with my mom tomorrow," Kel said announcing his return.

I turn shocked to see him as he was home early by seven. "Okay," I replied nonchalantly.

"We're also taking pre-wedding photos you don't have to worry about clothes it's over there," he said then walked away from the sitting room.

I sighed after he left, I was regretting my decision already and we weren't even married. I wanted to work so I could get back the money I used on my father's surgery and give it to Kel so I could end the deal but I knew he wouldn't allow it. He came back a few minutes later showered wearing a white tee shirt and grey sweatpants. "Is my dinner ready?"

"No" I replied nonchalantly

"Why the hell is it not? " he shouted looking at me with fiery eyes.

"Don't shout at me, how am I supposed to know you were going to be home early?" I asked angrily

"Just go make dinner for me," he said calmly like he was stressed but I know he was shooing me away.

Since he brought me to his house he fired his whole staff. I felt like he did that so I could "perform my duties" or so no one will know that he shouts at me all the time and the fact that our relationship was fake.

I walked to the kitchen pitying myself, look at what my condition has gotten me into.

"And be fast while you're at it, I want pasta," he ordered.

"Why didn't you get it on your way, I'm sure you passed by a lot of expensive restaurants so why make me do it?" I asked angrily.

"Because that's what I pay you for, in case you have not noticed you're my maid."

I knew it but I said nothing. I was his maid instead of his fake wife. I made the pasta and served it for him and he didn't even mutter thanks. I shook my head and went to my room. I don't want to live like this for a year, I can't, seeing him every day and the way he treats me was very annoying and I hate him so much. I don't even have anything I want to use the money to do just for the surgery at that time and now I'm in a big mess. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and when I opened the door it was Kel.

"Go clear up the table and wash the dishes," he ordered and I laughed.

"What would it have taken you to clear the table, the kitchen was downstairs yet in your foolishness you thought it would be better to come upstairs to disturb me."

"I'm paying you aren't I?" that was his only response as he left.

Knowing I had no other option I went downstairs to do as I was told and decided to make dinner while I was at it. Kel wasn't satisfied that he ruined my life before, he was still ruining it now and the most annoying thing is that I let him do as he, please. I can't believe I loved him and thought he did. It was obvious he hated me since then and he just played me like he played the rest. He made me believe I was special and different. I felt so disappointed in myself, after all my dreams here I am being treated like Kel's maid. After eating I did the dishes and went to my room. I was up for an hour thinking about my predicament, I wanted more than anything to end the contract or for one year to pass in a day. I was so sad and frustrated.

I got a call and immediately I heard the voice my spirit was lifted and I smiled.

"Hi baby, how are you doing? " I asked smiling

"I'm fine. When are you coming to meet me?"

"I don't know but as soon as I can I will. I miss you a lot." I confessed.

"I miss you too, promise we'd see later?"

"I promise. Goodnight baby ."


As soon as the speaker hung up I had a contented smile and I decided not to think of anything that will ruin it, I was looking forward to our next meeting, with that in mind I had a good night sleep.

The next morning, a loud knock woke me up. I went to open the door knowing whose face I'd be seeing.

"Why aren't you dressed?" that was what I got instead of a good morning and him staring at me with annoyance.

"You're not even ready for breakfast, I specifically told you..."I shut the door shutting whatever he had to say too.

I sighed and went to the bathroom doing all the necessary things and dressed up wearing a white shirt with jeans and white sneakers. I took my time brushing my hair before going downstairs to meet a fuming Kel.

"How dare you slam the door on me?" he angrily asked.

"Are we going or what?" I asked in a way that suggested that I don't give a damn what he has to say.

I've had enough of him talking and treating me how he wants. He needs me as much as I need him.

He decided not to say anything and just strode away angrily and I followed. The whole ride was silent although I was expecting him to continue ranting and although I hated silence, I liked this one.

He came out of the car angrily and I wondered how he was going to keep up the act with the way he was acting. We walked into the large house that stood in front of us and I tried not to show my amazement at how beautiful it was.

"Shayan." Tess excitedly called out coming to hug me. She was so bubbly.

"Hi, Tess." I greeted smiling

"Where's mom?" Kel asked and Tess answered saying she was in the garden.

Kel took my hand leading us to the garden as Tess followed behind.

"Hi Kel." his mom said hugging him tightly then turned to me giving me a disgusted look and I scoffed.

Like I wanted to be anywhere near her.

"Hi, guys what took you so long?" Jess asked. "Anyway, now that you're here we can call grandma to be on her way."

Kel's mom called him and he had to leave. Jess had already gone to meet Tess and I just stood alone. I was so uncomfortable and the way Kel's mom glared at me didn't help. It was official, she hates me. She didn't even follow me back on Instagram not that I cared though but I just wondered why she doesn't like me. I don't remember doing anything to make her hate me.

Kel walked up to me with a beautiful blonde by his side and at that moment I wished he was going to marry her and just let me be but it seemed like he was assigned to make me miserable.

"This is Melissa and she's going to be your assistant. Melissa my fiancee Shayan." Kel introduced and we both said hi.

"I should start getting you ready, the glam squad are here," she said taking me to a room.

The room was big, it was more of a dressing room though. There were a big mirror and a vanity table with different hair and makeup products. The clothes were a lot too and I was hoping I wasn't going to wear them all.

"You're here, I'm Katie." a girl I didn't even notice was in the room spoke up. "I'm going to be your hairstylist for as long as you want me."

I had nothing to say and just smiled, another girl came in introducing herself as Trisha and she was the make up artist while Melissa was the one picking out my outfit.

"I'm so glad for the opportunity I have to work for you," Katie said smiling.

"You're making me seem like one celebrity, there's no need for the fuss I'm just like you," I said and Trisha laughed.


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