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Undeniable Attraction novel Chapter 18


During the lunch break, we were still both busy, he had been getting multiple calls and deals so we barely talked.

"Don't you think we should get a break?" I suggested and he didn't even look at me from the papers he was signing.

"We have to finish this today, there's no break," he said and I whined but he didn't even pay attention to me.

Finally, finally, I finished going through and reviewing the files by eight and I was famished, he didn't even let someone order food for us and I'm sure he'd make me cook. We left the office by nine because Kel still had things to do and I nearly slept in the car on our way home.

"We're going for dinner, go get ready," Kel said as we climbed up the stairs.

"What? Out for dinner? I'm stressed as I am and I want to sleep even though I'm so hungry and now I'd have to get ready for dinner add that, the time we'd use in preparing it would be late, I can't wait that long. Let's just order pizza. " I said tiredly.

"Go get ready West," he said entering his room and I just sighed.

I got into my room, took off my shoes then attempted to take off my clothes but I was too tired and laid on the bed.

"For God's sake open the door West." I heard Kel say while banging the door

Oh God, I didn't even know when I slept. "Hi." I smiled weakly as I opened the door.

"Why on earth didn't you open the door since and why the hell are you not dressed? " he angrily asked staring at me in my office outfit from top to bottom and I shuddered under his gaze.

"Don't tell me you fell asleep West." he angrily said

"I told you I was too tired," I said in my defence.

"Ten minutes West." he angrily said leaving

I sighed before going to the bathroom, I took my bath and wore the first thing I saw which was a lacy short red gown then did minimal makeup using red lipstick. I had no time to do anything special to my hair so I just brushed it to the side. I put on red gladiator sandals and took a channel purse that was only enough to size my phone. I got downstairs to see Kel making a phone call and immediately he saw me he paid no attention to the caller.

His gaze was on me staring at me from top to bottom over and over, it wasn't the way he looked at me earlier with anger. This look was lustful, and his eyes were darker now. I checked him out too. He was dressed in a red and black plaid suit so I knew that we were going to an expensive restaurant. He was so handsome, if not for our past and his attitude I wouldn't mind dating someone as incredibly handsome as him. His messy brown hair was tempting me, I wanted to rake my hand through it. I should probably stop thinking about him.

"Like what you see Adrios?" I teased

"Nah. I've seen better," he said playfully smirking.

"Yeah right, but none of them can be compared to me." I continued

"True," he said smirking.

"What do you think about the proposal sir?" it was when he heard the voice that he remembered he was supposed to be on a call.

"I'd call you later," he said hanging up.

"So stunned to see me you forgot all about your call." I teased and he scoffed saying " who told you I did?"

His he saying he did it on purpose?

The ride to the restaurant wasn't that bad, he had turned on the radio and the songs helped in clearing the tension while I kept pondering on what had prompted me to talk like that. It must have been a lack of efficient sleep. The stop was at a fancy expensive restaurant and from the name it was French. I waited for Kel to open the door for me. When he did we stepped out and surprisingly there was paparazzi taking pictures. Don't they sleep, it was nearly eleven.

Bodyguards appeared coming to our rescue. The restaurant was empty, I wondered if he did it or people were just sleeping in their houses.

The setting was romantic, there were candles and roses on every table but I know it was just for show. We gave it out our orders and when the food was brought I realised how famished I was. I mean I haven't eaten all day and it was all because of him. I wasted no time in digging into the superb food. I love food, who doesn't?

I was almost done with my food when I noticed that Kel had barely eaten his.

"You're not eating?" it was supposed to be a question but it came out as a statement.

"It's none of your business West." he coldly said, what crawled up his pants?

Like I care " Well eat something, if people see you're losing weight they'd say I'm not taking care of you."

"And are you?" he asked angrily. What's his problem?


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