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Undeniable Attraction novel Chapter 34

Kel has been very caring lately, he's attentive, takes his time with me. Wakes me up with breakfast in bed and roses. I know he's trying but some things need to be amended. So today we're shopping. We got to one of the most popular clothing store Chanel and Hermes. We were the only ones in the store. Kel insisted I got anything I want and I had to show him how it looked, it was kind of awkward at first but later it was cool. I got a lot of accessories and perfumes. We also went shopping for Evie too. On our way home we visited a local shop down the street and I bought some toys for Evie. She had gift items, souvenirs and I bought some for my parents. I was standing in front of the mirror checking something when I spotted Kel behind me. He placed a gold necklace with a heart-shaped pendant on my neck. It was beautiful, simple but beautiful.

"Thank you," I said turning to face him.

"No, thank you for giving me a chance. I know I've been the worst person to you and I promise to be the best for you, treat you like the queen you are. I know nothing is going to make up for my actions or words in the past but I hope you find it to forgive me someday and regardless of what you think I can never hate you Shayan. I promise to stand by you." I don't know why but this felt like a proposal. His words touched me deeply, it awakened the deepest of the emotions I had once buried.

We just stood staring, looking into each other's eyes. There was something left unspoken in his. He leaned in holding my waist, I placed my hands on his chest. He tilted his head pulling me closer to him before putting his lips on mine. There was this jolt of electricity when our lips connected. It was a really slow kiss, taking our time with it, saying the things we still couldn't tell each other. We put a lot of passion into the kiss and it was just wow, it's like every time we kiss it keeps on getting better. We pulled out and he pulled me into a hug.

The next day we were swimming, playing in the pool and no I wasn't in a bikini. Evie had a floater around her waist and she was splashing water around.

"Why didn't you wear a bikini?" Kel asked his breath fanning my neck.

"I didn't just want t," I replied.

"You have an amazing body Shayan, don't keep it to yourself, at least share it with m," he smirked and I chuckled hitting him on the head.

"Sometime soon." I smiled saying and he did too pulling me to him.

"I'm looking forward to it and another thing," he smirked saying.

"Other things like?" I asked raising my eyebrows while drawing circles on his chest.

"Like this." his hand cupped my butt and we were about to kiss when Evie cleared her throat. Oh, I forgot she was here.

"I don't want to see anything I shouldn't be seeing and I'm tired of swimming already." well that was embarrassing.

Kel laughed and carried her out of the water. "There's something on your leg, what's that? " Kel asked bending to inspect it. My heart was beating drastically, what if he knew?

"Mommy said it's a birthmark," she answered smiling

"It's pretty. I have something like that at the same place."

"So we're twins then," Evie said and Kel laughed carrying her upstairs.

I didn't know what to make of the situation but still sighed in relief anyways.

"Spend the night with me." Kel pleaded the next night.

"Nope." I charmingly answered

"Please, I wouldn't do anything you don't want me to."

"Fine. Nothing at all okay? " I warned and he smiled saying. "Thank you."

By the time it was time to sleep I went to his room after freshening up. He laid shirtless on the bed doing something on his laptop.

"Hey." he smiled saying kissing me on the cheek.

"What are you doing?" I asked laying beside him.

"Just going through some things, it's nothing to bother yourself about," he said shutting the laptop down.

I knew he has been busy for a while. Checking the construction of his new hotel, visiting the one he had. Checking accounts and all.

"I missed having you around," he said hugging me.

I didn't know what to say to this and just stroked his hair instead. "Your hair is soft."

"I feel complete with you. I want to be a better man for you."

"You're good in your way Kel. You're okay the way you are."

Do you like me this way?" he asked and I nodded trailing down his body.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked laughing

"You said you like me? " he replied saying.

"Technically I said nothing," I smirked saying and he chuckled.

"I know you do." he smiled capturing my lips in a kiss.

When his lips met mine, it sent electricity throughout my body. I was overwhelmed with a flood of longings and a storm of desires. We kissed so passionately and slowly for a while and the next minute he's carrying me to lay on him and I can feel the hard length of him pressed against me. The deliberate strokes of his hands as they moved up my back to my hair. His hands explored other places before resting on my butt. He gave it a light squeeze and I moaned pulling him closer. I met each thrust of his tongue with mine. Our tongues explored deeper and I felt like my feelings were swimming to the surface. I felt it too much I knew he did too and it was at that moment I realised what we were doing and about to do and pulled out.

"I like kissing you," he said brushing my hair away from my face.

"I do too," I admitted and he smiled

"Sleep like this, on top of me."


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