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Unrivaled Dragon Lord novel Chapter 1

"The awe-inspiring Dragon Lord of the Western Dark World has retired!"

"As an overseas legend, it's surprising that he would give up all his power and choose to retire!"

The news was like a bomb detonated in the Western Dark World! Everyone was shocked and suspicious, and talking about it...


The Cubic District was the best and the most expensive residential area in Ocean City.

In an upscale housing estate, a 500-square-meter mansion was the most eye-catching building in the neighborhood.

In the mansion, Maxwell was standing in front of an extremely beautiful woman with a rag in his hand.

The pretty, young woman sat on the sofa with her long legs overlapping, between which the narrow slit was evocative.

She was Greta Sandoval, the famous beauty president of the Sandoval Group!

Now, Greta looked coldly at Maxwell. Her exquisite face was icy as if she were interrogating Maxwell.

"Under what conditions can you agree?" Greta moved her red lips and asked. Her cold, magnetic voice was thrilling.

"Hone— President Greta, it is not something I can decide. It depends on your father." Maxwell forced an awkward smile. He got a hostile glare from her when blurting out the word ‘honey’, so he changed the address to President Greta.

As Greta's husband, he should have been envied by others. Not only was he the son-in-law of a wealthy family, but he was also the husband of the perfect woman whom men were dying to marry.

Each of these two identities was beyond the reach of countless men, but Maxwell got both of them.

That, however, was not the case. Since he had married into the Sandoval family, for months, he had neither enjoyed a wealthy life nor slept with Greta. On the contrary, he had been working as a servant in the family.

No one could be able to tolerate the past few months. Greta looked down on him and had tried all the ways she could to get rid of him.

Now she was negotiating with him again. As long as Maxwell could leave, Greta would meet any conditions he asked.

Greta glared grimly at Maxwell with a frown as she said, "Your living expenses are now 20,000 a month. I'll give you 20 million, a house in the downtown of Ocean City, and a Porsche. Everything is negotiable so long as you can leave."

Greta didn't like Maxwell at all. If he weren't her lawful husband, Greta would have kicked him out of the house long ago!

In her opinion, how could an idler like Maxwell be good enough for her?

She was even more confused about why her father and grandfather have suddenly decided to marry her to such a slob, who tried to live a better life by marrying a rich woman instead of working hard himself.

Greta had protested with her father for countless times, but every time her lenient father had an unusually firm stance on this issue. He insisted that Maxwell was the person chosen by her grandfather and could not be changed.

Thus, Greta could only try her best to get Maxwell to leave on his own initiative. She dismissed all the domestic workers and left all the housework to Maxwell. She never took Maxwell to any dinner parties, but to her surprise, the man never complained.

Greta could not imagine how Maxwell had endured the past three months for that twenty thousand's living expenses.

In desperation, she could only have a showdown with him. In front of such a tempting offer, any reasonable person would say yes without thinking.

But unexpectedly, Maxwell smiled ingratiatingly, "President Greta, did I do something wrong? Please tell me and I won't do it again... We are married, and we have registered our marriage, so there's no need for us to talk about money."

Greta glared at Maxwell, almost beside herself!

There was nothing she could do about Maxwell. Obviously, this man was determined to stay. To split her family property in the future, he would not agree to any conditions!

Unable to bear it any longer, Greta gnashed her teeth and walked out of the mansion in her high heels.

"Get all the housework done before I come back in the evening. If I find out a speck of dust, you know the consequences." Greta didn't look back. Her icy order echoed in the mansion.


Maxwell watched as the beautiful figure walking away. She pounded her heels hard on the floor as if to vent her endless anger.

A significant, fond smile touched Maxwell's eyes. He bent down and wiped the floor carefully with a rag.

Suddenly, a luxury car sped up from afar.

With a brilliant, perfect drift, the Rolls-Royce stopped precisely in front of the mansion.

This was the only Rolls-Royce with a white license plate in Ocean City. No one else could own such a car, not even the Sandoval family.

The Rolls-Royce was not only the symbol of wealth but also of status. The owner of this car enjoyed an excellent reputation throughout the whole country.

After the car door was opened, a leg popped out, and a leather shoe pounded on the ground.

A handsome young man dressed in a limited edition Armani suit walked towards the mansion.

As he approached the building, through the huge floor-to-ceiling window, he saw Maxwell on his knees, carefully scrubbing the floor.

The young man's lips twitched, "Boss, are you sure you're not going back to the west with me?"

"Without you there, the entire underground world is in chaos."

Instead of looking back, Maxwell continued to wipe the floor and said to himself, "I've made it clear that since the moment I retired, I would not interfere in the matters of the underground world. I have my own life now. You can leave."


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