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Unrivaled Dragon Lord novel Chapter 10

Greta walked in the front elegantly while Maxwell followed behind. Although he was wearing that expensive suit, those who didn't know about their relationship would probably think that he was a pursuer of Greta who was peeping at her!

Entering the villa, a middle-aged man in a suit walked out to greet them.

"Greta, it's been so rare of you to come home to have a meal. Your mother misses you so much." The middle-aged man welcomed her.

The middle-aged man was very tall. Time did not leave any traces on his face. Instead, it made him more mature and enhanced his strong aura. At the first glance, one could tell that he was a big shot.

Maxwell immediately guessed the identity of the middle-aged man. Greta's father, Derrick, the chairman of the Sandoval Group, was the founder of the business. Derrick had tens of billions of wealth and was a tycoon in the business world of the Ocean City.

When he saw Maxwell, a skinny and frail man who was following Greta with a flattering smile, Derrick was astounded for a moment. Then he remembered who he was. He smiled enthusiastically and greeted Maxwell, "Mr. Maxwell!"

"Chairman Derrick." Maxwell nodded and smiled faintly.

"Mr. Maxwell, long time no see. How have you been with my daughter recently? My daughter is so willful that you must have been worried a lot about her," Derrick said.

Hearing Derrick's words, Greta's face froze. Then, she stomped her feet indignantly and shouted, "Dad!"

Greta could not accept the fact that her father was so polite to Maxwell, and he even said that she was a willful person! It was him who was a coward and kept pestering her, creating a headache for her!

"Let's talk inside." Derrick enthusiastically led Greta and Maxwell into the mansion.

After entering the mansion, Greta did not want to see Maxwell for another second. She directly went upstairs angrily and locked herself in her bedroom.

After Derrick brought Maxwell into the living room, a graceful woman walked out and made tea for them.

The middle-aged woman was well maintained and had an elegant temperament. It seemed like she was born in a scholarly family. Her facial features were exquisite, and she was somewhat similar to Greta. Maxwell had seen this woman a few months ago. She should be Greta's mother, Danika Baron.

"Mr. Maxwell, do you have any opinions on the design of this mansion?" Derrick asked.

"The design is very good. I have no opinions." Maxwell smiled.

"Just now, I saw that you seemed to be very familiar with everything here after entering the mansion. Could it be that you've seen the designs elsewhere?" Derrick spoke slowly with probe in his eyes

Earlier, he had been observing Maxwell. He discovered that Maxwell didn't look as shocked as an ordinary person would be when they saw a luxurious mansion. He was surprisingly calm. Even when he saw various architectural styles in a single mansion, he was not surprised.

Derrick had investigated Maxwell. Maxwell was just an ordinary person without any special background. However, Maxwell's calmness exceeded his imagination.

In fact, Derrick had many candidates for Greta, but in the end, Greta's grandfather, who lived in Beijing, suddenly recommended Maxwell.

Derrick respected Greta's grandfather very much. First, he was his father. Second, Greta's grandfather wouldn't say anything without a reason.

Derrick originally thought that Maxwell had some special background, but after he sent someone to investigate, he found that Maxwell was ordinary. Like Greta, he didn't understand his father's intentions.

However, this did not affect Derrick's respect for Maxwell. If Maxwell was really an ordinary person, but had a good relationship with Greta's grandfather, then there must be something extraordinary about him.

Derrick smiled as he looked at Maxwell. He had been in the business world for decades, and he was good at reading people, but he couldn't see through Maxwell.

"Mr. Maxwell, do you smoke?" Derrick asked.

"Yes, but I quit now." Maxwell smiled faintly.

"Quit? Is it because Greta doesn't like the smell of cigarettes?" Derrick chuckled.

"Now that Greta has gone upstairs, she won't know if we smoke," Derrick said.

Maxwell nodded. Derrick took out a cigarette case from his pocket, picked a precious Cuban cigar that he had kept for a long time, and personally lit it for Maxwell.

Very quickly, a unique smell filled the room.

Maxwell slowly expelled a mouthful of smoke and clicked his mouth. "Chairman Derrick, this cigar of yours is quite expensive, isn't it? The Cuban Cohiba cigar tastes pretty mellow."

Derrick's eyes narrowed slightly and he was somewhat surprised. "You know about this cigar?"


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