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Unrivaled Dragon Lord novel Chapter 14

"First boyfriend?" Maxwell's heart skipped a beat. Jealousy surged though him.

"Didn't you want to know who he was? Let me tell you. He pursued me in high school." After giving a brief answer, Greta hang up.

In fact, Greta hadn't been in a relationship in high school. She meant to anger Maxwell, so she made it up.

Maxwell pondered for a moment. Then he muttered to himself with a mysterious smile, "He is her first boyfriend. It's interesting...."


At the South International Airport in Ocean City, a man in a Versace grey suit walked out of the airport with a suitcase. Having taken off his sunglasses, he looked around calmly and shook his head. "China is still undeveloped."

When the man arrived at the gate of the airport, not far away, a black Maybach slowly approached him. Having got off the car, the driver examined the man and then respectfully asked, "Are you Hal Danny?"

"It's me." The man glanced at the driver, asking, "Did Miss Greta ask you to pick me up?"

"Miss Greta has been waiting for you at the company for a long time." The driver took the suitcase and put it in the trunk. He then opened the door and invited Hal to get on.

The engine rumbled as the Maybach sped towards the distant Sandoval Tower....

"It has been a long time since I left the country. I have never expected that I'll be reunited with Greta," Hal sighed. Sitting in the back seat, he was looking out of the window at the rapidly retreating scenery.

"Mr. Hal, are you familiar with President Greta?" Greta's driver was very talkative. Hal's words made him curious.

"Of course, Greta and I have known each other back in high school. At that time, Greta was the beauty queen of the school.... I really miss those days," Hal said.

"Mr. Hal, I believe that with your talent and temperament, you will definitely impress President Greta. But it's a pity...." The driver suddenly stopped with hesitation, looking a bit embarrassed.

"What do you want to say?" Hal looked at the driver in bewilderment.

"It's a pity that President Greta has married." On hearing the driver's words, Hal stiffened, and his eyes instantly turned cold.

"I haven't expected that someone will be worthy of Greta." Hal slowly spoke, his voice sounding gloomy.

"President Greta has been married for months, but we've never seen her husband." The driver paused. There was disdain in his voice. "In the past few months, President Greta has never brought him to public places. Many meddlesome reporters fail to get any information of this mysterious man. It is said that he is a useless man, who always stays at home and lives off President Greta."

"All the staffs of the company doesn't understand why President Greta, who is understanding, married such a useless man." Narrowing his eyes, Hal muttered, "It's interesting. I'll meet him later."

Greta, dressed in formal clothes rather than long dresses she usually wore, was standing at the entrance of the Sandoval Tower. Today's talks were very important, for it was related to the profits of the entire group in the next few years. She must take it seriously.

Wearing her smooth shoulder-length hair loose, Greta was looking into the distance, and thinking about how to convince Hal to attend the banquet held in his honor in the hotel.

Greta intended to receive Hal in the hotel. However, on the way to the company, Hal asked to dine at Greta's house, saying that he was very repulsive to business banquets and wanted to feel the warm atmosphere at her home.

Greta's father, Derrick, had already warned her that this cooperation was very important and that she must win this project!

The Maybach gradually appeared in everyone's line of sight, and then it stopped. Hardly was the car door opened then Hal saw his charming goddess standing at the entrance of the Sandoval Tower.

"Greta, long time no see." Having got off, Hal warmly shook with Greta.

A cold feeling touched Hal a little bit. Greta's slender hands were cold and soft, as if flawless jade. Looking down at them infatuatedly, he couldn't help but hold onto Greta's hand tightly, reluctant to release his grip.

Greta frowned and gently pulled her hand out of Hal's. Then she smiled politely, "Hal, I haven't seen you for years. You're too enthusiastic."

Hal smiled awkwardly. "Greta, you are very beautiful. You are more beautiful than any women I have seen overseas."

"Hal, you must be tired of traveling. I've already hosted a welcoming banquet for you at the hotel," Greta said with a smile.

Hal was slightly shocked, and then laughed. "Greta, did you hear me wrong on the phone? I'm not interested in these business banquets at the hotel."

"Alright." With an unnatural expression, Greta had to take Hal to her mansion.


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