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Unrivaled Dragon Lord novel Chapter 33

"Consequences?" Claudia was shocked for a moment, and then waved the bag of white powder in her hand. "Do you know the consequences of possessing this thing?"

"Immediate execution of the death penalty." Claudia's sound was sonorous as she looked at Maxwell and Greta. Her gaze was even filled with sympathy.

Maxwell was dumbfounded. "So the consequences are that serious?"

"Ignorance is a crime. Now, even those countrymen know that drugs cannot be kept. It seems that you're not as good as those bumpkins." Claudia smiled arrogantly.

She finally seized the opportunity to put this shameless bastard to death.

The police officers behind Captain Claudia looked at Maxwell, who was dressed in tattered clothes, with a cold and mocking expression.

The famous Greta was actually a drug addict, and Greta's husband didn't even have common sense about drugs.

The police officers looked at Maxwell with contempt, as if they were looking at an ant.

In their eyes, Maxwell, as a fool, didn't deserve Greta.

How could Greta fall for such a man?

"Cuff him and take him away!" Claudia said sternly.

"Captain Claudia, I think this is a misunderstanding." Suddenly, Derrick walked in. Seeing the bag of white powder in Claudia's hand, he immediately understood and began to plead for Greta.

"Misunderstanding? Now that the evidence has been obtained, Chairman Derrick, you should be glad that I didn't catch you." Claudia sneered arrogantly. The bag of white powder in her hand was the strongest evidence!

Even, the Sandoval Group's share price would plummet, and the Sandoval family's reputation in the Ocean City would nose-dive!

"Chairman Derrick, I advise you to get lost, otherwise your daughter and your son-in-law will suffer even more," Claudia said.

Derrick had a long face as he slowly moved aside.

"Cuff his hands and feet!" Claudia looked at Maxwell, who was wearing a calm expression and said sternly.

Greta's eyes narrowed slightly. She was annoyed but helpless.

It was a power abuse for personal grudges!

Maxwell took out a cigarette and slowly exhaled a mouthful of smoke. He looked at Claudia and sighed, "Captain Claudia, I thought you were smart. However, you are so stupid."

Claudia's face froze as she looked at Maxwell with a cold and sharp expression!

"You want to capture my wife and me because of this packet in your hand?" Maxwell sneered disdainfully, "Power abuse... childish!"

"You!" Claudia gritted her teeth. Maxwell's words instantly aroused her anger.

"The evidence is conclusive. How can you defend yourself?" Claudia said.

"Evidence? Take a closer look at what you're holding." Maxwell's smile became even more contemptuous, and his eyes were incomparably sharp.

Claudia lowered her head, opened the plastic bag and felt the powder ... Suddenly, she trembled and froze.

"This ... this is impossible!" Claudia's eyes widened as she looked at this bag of white powder. Her expression immediately became gloomy!

Claudia slowly raised her head with a complicated expression. She asked, "You already knew?"

Only then did Claudia realize that she was wrong, very wrong. This was not heroin ... this was just a bag of flour!

Flour and heroin were so similar that this bag of flour had fooled everyone!

Greta was shocked. She looked at Maxwell with a puzzled expression.

She didn't understand why Maxwell acted as if he knew about this package even she herself didn't know about it.

What exactly was going on?

Wasn't it Hal's trap? Why was it related to him again?

"Captain Claudia, are you going to catch someone for a bag of flour?" Maxwell asked indifferently.

"You!" Claudia glared fiercely at Maxwell with her teeth clenched tightly. Her face was filled with shame and indignation!

"It's the first time I've heard of a policewoman threatening to arrest someone for a bag of flour. Captain Claudia, who is going to hit the headlines tomorrow?" Maxwell's calm expression was like a hand that slapped Claudia's face fiercely.

Claudia's face was burning, and she felt ashamed!

"How can you have the courage to abuse your power?" Maxwell's expression was still calm, and many employees of Sandoval Group looked at Claudia indifferently.

"Claudia is a celebrity in the Ocean City Police Station. She has solved several major cases but she can't even distinguish flour from heroin."

"She has a good figure and a pretty face. I didn't expect her to be so narrow-minded. She's not as good as Ms. Greta. I don't believe that Greta would be that kind of person."

People in the crowd whispered to each other. Claudia instantly became the focus. She bit her lips tightly and stared at Maxwell with watery eyes.

She had never been humiliated like this since she was young. She had always been praised by others. Today, a bastard dragged her down and stepped on her.

"What exactly is going on with this bag of flour?" Derrick, who had always been nervous, heaved a sigh of relief. When he heard that it was heroin, he was worried for Greta and Maxwell.

"I don't know, but I saw Hal's men enter Ms. Greta's office before Captain Claudia came. I wanted to catch him, but he ran too fast and I failed." Maxwell replied.

Maxwell looked at Claudia and said meaningfully, "Captain Claudia, if you really want to find the culprit ... Perhaps Hal will give you a surprise."

Claudia's eyes narrowed as she clenched her teeth and shouted, "Retreat!"

"If what you said is not true, I will not let you off!" Claudia threatened fiercely. She turned around and left the Sandoval Tower in a hurry.

Maxwell stared at the sexy silhouette, smiling...



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