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Unrivaled Dragon Lord novel Chapter 35

Claudia was shocked. The director's straight face made her uneasy.

The director kept a cold face as he rushed into the interrogation room and questioned Claudia, "Did you catch Mr. Hal?"

Claudia whispered, "It's me ... I found one kilogram of heroin from Mr. Hal's safe..."

"How dare you!" The director gritted his teeth and was furious. Claudia had never seen the director being so angry!

"Who gives you the authorization? He is Mr. Hal. You even dare to arrest him! You are so arrogant!" The director gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, startling Claudia. Her pretty face turned pale, and she was at a loss...

The director immediately rushed to Hal, took out the key and uncuffed him. He smiled and said, "Mr. Hal, this is a misunderstanding ... a misunderstanding... my subordinates are blind and they have caught the wrong person. Please... forgive them..."

The director was very respectful, even Claudia had never seen the director being like this!

Claudia bit her lips and stood there angrily, feeling aggrieved, and she asked the director to apologize to Hal.

Claudia didn't know that although Beijing put pressure on Ocean City, Hal was too close to the Ocean City government, and the government couldn't wait to work more with Hal ... However, Claudia caught Hal at such a critical moment, which angered the government!

Hal stood up and walked to Claudia. He slowly said, "Do you see that? Some people are born above the law..."

"You!" Claudia clenched her teeth. How could Hal be so dishonorable?!

This was a humiliation to Claudia. As a police officer, Claudia had no way to deal with Hal!

"Claudia, hurry up and apologize to Mr. Hal!" The director ordered sternly.

"I won't!" Claudia raised her head and her eyes were getting wet. When had she ever suffered such a grievance? She clearly did not do anything wrong ... but she had to apologize to an asshole!

"Mr. Hal ... I'm really sorry ... I didn't manage my subordinates well ... it's my fault!" The director turned around and said respectfully.

"No need." Hal waved his hand and looked at Claudia's exquisite and charming face. The smile on his face was very meaningful.

"Claudia ... Interesting... I'll come back..." Hal's expression was subtle, making it impossible for anyone to guess what he was thinking.

Claudia trembled. The look in Hal's eyes just now brought Claudia fear.

"Mr. Hal, Claudia is still young ... Don't care about her..." The director followed Hal and cautiously said.

If it was an ordinary police officer, the director wouldn't care at all, but Claudia ... her identity was special. Even the government would be afraid of her extraordinary father... so he also had a headache towards Claudia...

"I don't mean to do anything to her..." Hal suddenly said, trying to the director down. But the director was even more puzzled. Hal didn't want to make things difficult for Claudia ... What was he doing...?

"I just think ... she's very interesting..." Hal put his hands behind his back and smiled.

Claudia was not only the first woman to hit Hal, but also the first person to arrest him ... This was the first time Hal had suffered such a humiliation, how could he let her off...?

"I've never seen such a naive woman before. This kind of person is the most suitable to be a plaything..." Hal slowly said, "I need to buy my dog a toy, I think she's pretty good..."

The director was shocked. He carefully asked, "Mr. Hal, do you fall for her?"

Hal smiled and walked out of the police station with his hands behind his back.

In the interrogation room, Claudia felt so wronged that she wanted to cry. This was the first time she had met someone like Hal, and it even caused her heart to shake ... Could it be that there really was such a terrifying person in this world? !

After the director sent Hal out of the police station, a Rolls-Royce suddenly stopped at the police station entrance. A handsome young man was leaning against the car, holding a cigarette in his mouth and fiddling with a golden lighter in his hand.

When Hal saw the young man, his eyes narrowed slightly. He slowed down and looked at the young man. His tone was calm. "Who are you?"

The youth raised his head and glanced at Hal. Suddenly, the cigarette was shot out of his mouth like lightning!

The cigarette left a mark in the air and flew past Hal's neck. In an instant, a bloody scald appeared on Hal's neck!

"Who are you?"

The director's expression changed slightly as he pointed a gun at the young man!

"This is his punishment for you. Remember, three strikes and you're out." The young man flipped his right hand and a dark shadow flew towards Hal, hitting his hand.

Hal picked up the black token and his eyes narrowed. His face froze and his body stiffened!

The young man glanced at the director and sneered with disdain. He opened the car door and sat in the Rolls-Royce. In the blink of an eye, the car "flew" into the distance!

"Mr. Hal ... this person is too arrogant. I should have called someone to take him down just now!" The director said.


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