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Unrivaled Dragon Lord novel Chapter 37

This was because some people had already recognized the cyclist. He was none other than Greta's husband, an idle good-for-nothing.

When those people saw Maxwell, they wished to beat him up together. They would be OK with it if their favorite woman was with an elegant gentleman. But they couldn't allow a man like Maxwell to touch her.

What surprised them more, Maxwell had hooked up with another extremely beautiful woman. In terms of temperament, she was not inferior to Greta at all. It could even be said that she was more elegant than Greta.

Contempt and hatred filled their hearts. They couldn't understand how this fellow managed to win women's favor. He was just a useless man living off his wife, yet so many beauties appeared beside him ... This was so unfair!

Some people were even burning with rage when seeing Maxwell with Harriet. He already owned the prettiest woman in Ocean City, yet he still dared to hook up with someone else!

Fortunately, Maxwell didn't have to face other people's mockeries for so long. He quickly drove Harriet far away from the Sandoval Tower.

Maxwell's bicycle looked tattered, but its speed wasn't low at all. In just half an hour, they came to a hotpot restaurant.

He rode his bike at the same speed as Leila drove a Rolls Royce.

"We're here," Maxwell said.

After Maxwell parked the bicycle, he walked into a hotpot restaurant with Harriet. They found a secluded corner and sat down.

"Can you eat spicy food?" Maxwell asked.

"Of course I can. My ability to eat spicy food is beyond your imagination." Harriet wore an attractive smile, which made Maxwell's heart skip a beat.

"OK. Then I will order a spicy hotpot." With a smile, Maxwell picked up the menu and handed it to Harriet.

After Harriet ordered some side dishes, Maxwell casually ordered a few more.

Maxwell sat opposite her and said, "Ms. Harriet, you seem to be very interested in me."

"The reason is very simple. I've never seen someone as interesting as you." Harriet's smile was as gentle as the spring breeze. Compared with Greta's cold and aloof attitude, her expression made people feel much more comfortable.

"What's so interesting about me?" Maxwell was a bit confused.

Harriet looked up and fixed her eyes on him. "I've always been an observant girl. You are hiding something from Greta on purpose, aren't you?"

Maxwell could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Harriet's words caused him to be nervous!

However, he still wore a smile, and he looked quite calm.

"Ms. Harriet, I don't understand what you're saying." Maxwell smiled faintly. He didn't seem to be pretending to stay calm.

"Haven't I made myself clear enough? Then I will be more direct with you." After the side dishes were served, Harriet put some beef into the hotpot. "How could an idle man like you be proficient in France and skilled in slicing fruits? You even detected loopholes in Leila's professional layout..."

"What's your purpose of being with Greta? Do you covet her money or something else?" Harriet's smile didn't disappear. She stared at Maxwell, wanting to get a clue from his expression.

However, she failed. Maxwell looked extremely calm without changing his expression. He didn't seem to know Harriet was probing him. To be more specific, he was unaware that Harriet was referring to him....

Harriet had no idea that Maxwell had received spy training before. He was able to conceal his inner feelings at any time ... No matter how flustered he was, he was composed on the surface.

"Ms. Harriet, I don't know what you're talking about. When my friend and I worked in France, we learned French in the back of a restaurant. As for the loophole, it was purely out of my luck..." Maxwell was still as calm as ever, and he even put some mutton in Harriet's bowl.

"My marriage to Ms. Greta is up to her father, Derrick. I think you'd better ask him for further information," Maxwell continued with a smile.

"It's fine. I'm just joking." Harriet stopped probing him. She couldn't get any useful information from him. Although she was still puzzled, she couldn't prove her guess.

Right at this moment, on a table not far from them, there were a few drunkards drinking beer. Their voices were loud, and they didn't care about others' feelings at all. The cheerful atmosphere of the entire restaurant was damaged by them....

Suddenly, a burly man saw Harriet. Then he stared straight at her with a meaningful smile.

"Sir, this girl is so pretty!" He suddenly pointed at Harriet and said loudly.

The rest of the men followed the direction and saw Harriet. They suddenly felt a surge of desire for her!

Since their sexual desire was aroused, these people became more unscrupulous. They had never seen such a gorgeous girl like Harriet, and they were almost drooling!

"Fuck! I haven't seen such a beauty for so long! She is so hot!"

"Sir, we haven't slept with women for a long time!"

The drunkards laughed and made a loud noise without restraint, causing many diners to panic. They moved far away and dared not approach them!


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