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Unrivaled Dragon Lord novel Chapter 5

Maxwell dialed the phone and said, "I don't care what method you use, but I want the Kramer Group to disappear in a minute."

"No problem, boss." It was the young man who had been at the mansion this afternoon.

Fabian almost could not bear it anymore when Maxwell hung up the phone. He didn't expect Maxwell was that good at acting!

Fabian took out his phone. Just as he was about to call the security guard of the hotel to teach the ignorant man a lesson, his phone rang!

Surprised, he glanced at the screen of his phone, and his face changed!

It was from Mr. Nahum, the most important partner of the Kramer Group. They had cooperated for five years. Without Mr. Nahum, the profits of the Kramer Group would shrink greatly every year!

Just as Fabian picked up the phone, he heard Mr. Nahum's furious accuse, "Kramer! What do you mean by that! You offended someone important and didn't tell me! I don't want to offend him. Our cooperation will be terminated immediately!"

Fabian was caught off guard. He was confused for quite a long time. He did not understand why Mr. Nahum suddenly decided to end the cooperation with him. He even said that he had offended someone, but when did he offend anyone?

Before Fabian could figure it out, another text message came, "Mr. Fabian, the company's server has just been hacked by a mysterious hacker. The server has crashed and our business secrets have been leaked. If our competitors get the information, all the cooperation projects of the company in recent years will be voided!"

Fabian's mind went blank as he was overwhelmed by countless phone calls and messages!

Fabian put through his phone again with a stern look and heard his anxious secretary reporting, "Mr. Fabian, the company's shares were attacked by the mysterious traders. The shares were sold at a low price. In less than half a minute, the company had already lost more than a billion!"

"Mr. Fabian, someone must be messing with us! We must have offended some big shot!"

"Big shot?" Fabian mumbled blankly as he looked at Maxwell, who had a cold and sarcastic look on his face.

Staring at his teasing expression, Fabian suddenly understood.

A minute ago, none of this happened. But now, the company was in a crisis!

Fabian pointed at Maxwell, trembling. "Did you do it?"

The other man's mocking smile dragged Fabian into desperation!

Fabian's phone was about to explode because of the numerous phone calls and text messages.

Covered in a cold sweat, Fabian got to chill! He looked at Maxwell with astonishment and horror!

Maxwell was simply a devil from hell to him. He had destroyed the Kramer Group by just a single phone call!

Fabian was chilled to the bond now. All of this was extremely frightening. Who on earth was this young man in front of him? Very few people in this Chinaad such an ability... The Sandoval Group should get him to help them!

Maxwell turned to look at Greta, who was asleep on the bed, and shot a cold look at Fabian. "From now on, if I knew that you were in Ocean City, I would make sure you live in hell!"

Fabian was shivering when he met Maxwell's ferocious gaze! Fabian seemed to have seen the mountain of corpses and sea of blood in his eyes!

Fabian finally believed what Maxwell had said before and was sure the man would live up to his words. Fabian wondered how many people this man had killed to have such a terrible look in his eyes!

"I was wrong. I was so stupid... Sir... Please forgive me. I beg you!" Fabian knelt and pleaded.

"Were you the one who ordered to use the bug?" Maxwell asked slowly.

"Yes, but I was just following orders. An unknown courier sent me the bug and asked me to put the bug on Greta. They said it could help me." Shaking, Fabian told Maxwell everything.

"An unknown courier?" Maxwell repeated. It seemed that Fabian wasn't the only player. There were even more forces involved...

"Your compensation to President Greta should be generous enough. If she is still angry tomorrow, you will know the consequences." Maxwell indicated evenly but dauntingly.

Maxwell took out his phone again and put it down. Not long after, Fabian received a phone call, telling him the crashed server was repaired, the hackers left, and the traders stopped attacking them... But by then, the company had suffered billions in losses!

Maxwell walked to the side of the bed and looked at Greta, who was lying on the bed like an exquisite, perfect sleeping beauty. Smiling, he bent down, gently picked her up, and left the room...

Only after Maxwell left did Fabian let out a sigh of relief and collapsed onto the bed. He gasped for air with lingering fear. He would never forget what had just happened!

Fabian had never heard of the man's mysterious and powerful strength!


A black Maybach stopped at the entrance of the mansion. It was almost ten o'clock in the evening. The door opened and Maxwell carried Greta out before walking into the building and heading to her bedroom upstairs.

He had a ruthless look on his face when he walked out of the bedroom. He took out the phone and instructed his subordinate, "Go and find out other opponents of the Sandoval Group. The company has been targeted."

"Yes, boss."

When Greta woke up the second morning, it was already ten o'clock. A dazzling golden ray of sunlight shot into the room through the window and shone on Greta's long, sexy eyelashes.

Eyelids trembling, she slowly opened her sleepy eyes and stretched herself.

She froze when her gaze fell on the clock.


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